Chapter 203, Remains

In the end, Du Shaocheng walked out of Xu's house with a puzzled look on his face.

He didn't understand why Xu Fei refused to follow Master Xinwei again and again.

Don’t you know what kind of existence the Du family in their blue domain is?

But this is impossible.

So is this kid crazy?

Thinking of this, Du Shaocheng shook his head.

Xu Fei today may not understand what he missed. When he thinks back to this moment in the future, he will beat his chest and feel extremely regretful, but it will not help.

After all, Master Xinwei is a proud man, so coming to invite him in person today is already a great honor.

But he was rejected.

After thinking about it, Du Shaocheng came to the Du family manor and reported to Du Xinwei that Xu Fei also rejected him.

Du Xinwei stood by the waterside pavilion and casually dropped a large amount of fish food.

But these fish foods are not ordinary grains, but a mixture of various elixirs.

It's enough to make most casual cultivators wish they could replace the red tail in the water with their bodies.

But after Du Xinwei learned that Xu Fei also rejected Du Shaocheng, his expression remained unchanged.

"I know, let's go down." Du Xinwei said calmly.

Du Shaocheng bowed and slowly stepped back.

Although they both have the surname Du, his Du is different from Master Xinwei's Du.


Xu Fei came to the study and thought over his rejection of Du Xinwei's recruitment.

If the other party intends to pursue it, it will still be a bit troublesome.

But even so, he didn't intend to become the other party's guest.

Only when the strength is strong enough, then the term "Ke Qing" will be true. When the strength is insufficient, the "Ke Qing" is just a domestic servant who sounds nice.

Regarding this point, Xu Fei is quite clear-eyed.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei shook his head and smiled helplessly.

The tree wants to be still and the wind doesn't stop.

Xu Fei got up early the next day to collect cloud smoke.

With two experiences, Xu Fei is much more proficient today.

After all, judging from the fact that he has learned how to collect clouds and smoke, and his weapon refining skills have increased by one level, collecting clouds and smoke also falls within the category of 'weapon refining'.

Almost an hour later, Xu Fei collected half a bottle of Yunyan.

Rest for a moment and adjust your breath, then take a pill to start today’s practice.

Because of extra attention, no one noticed that Xu Fei had taken the pill.

And this also made Xu Fei a lot cleaner.

Xu Fei was disturbed by the occasional invitations to 'small gatherings' before.

After finishing the practice, it felt like the time was almost half past nine in the morning.

Xu Fei went to Qi Hall.

But it was discovered that Luo Dagen was leading the chore disciples who seemed to be making swords.

Magic swords made of different materials are also different.

The Dingsilver Dharma Sword is most suitable for sword cultivation, the fine copper Dharma Sword is best for Dharma cultivation, and the pure iron Dharma Sword is best for physical cultivation.

As for the Golden Magic Sword, it is usually for decoration.

Or mix it with some rare spiritual materials and refine it into a top-grade magic sword.

But which type of monk it will be suitable for depends on the rare spiritual materials mixed in.

"Junior Brother Xu, Master Lu has received an order for thirty magic swords. Are you interested?" Luo Dagen, who was making the magic weapon, noticed Xu Fei coming over and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Even if a monk has a strong body, he will still feel tired when making magic weapons.

After all, when the hammer falls, not only strength is required, but also mana must be carefully gathered to forge the sword blank with the rise and fall of the hammer.

This is also the reason why ordinary people cannot learn the art of refining weapons.

Xu Fei was not surprised when he heard this.

These craftsmen in Qi Tang are actually almost equivalent to ‘subcontracting companies’.

There is a magic weapon shop, or you can find a magic weapon master in Tianwu Pavilion to customize some magic weapons.

If it is not a complex or unusual type, then the master will usually give these 'orders' to his apprentices to complete.

Those who are more responsible will also check the quality.

And if you are not responsible...

Anyway, this is how things are in the world. Just because there are monks in this life, some situations in the previous life will not occur.

Not surprising.

"Thank you, senior brother. I wonder how these shares are distributed?" Xu Fei bowed his hands and said.

If the other party gives him face, he will not be arrogant.

"The opponent needs ten pure iron magic swords, ten fine copper magic swords, and ten fixed silver magic swords. What I discussed with other junior brothers is that whoever can make a qualified magic sword will subtract the corresponding type of magic sword. A sword hilt."

"In addition, if you make a qualified magical sword, Master Lu will give you five spiritual stones as a reward." Luo Dagen explained.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

If someone has extraordinary skills, he can take most of this order.

Get a lot of income.

In fact, this is one of the benefits of many people coming to Qitang to do errands.

"I don't know what the standards are?" Xu Fei said.

Upon hearing this, Luo Dagen took out the three magic swords that he had prepared as samples.

Xu Fei picked up one and couldn't help but nod after trying it for a while.

"Good sword." Xu Fei praised it.

"This is a sample made by Master Lu. As long as we can make magic swords of the same type and similar quality to these three, it will be considered qualified." Luo Dagen explained.

With samples as reference, it is relatively intuitive.

Xu Fei checked the quality of the three magic swords.

I probably have some confidence in my heart.

Among the weapon refining methods purchased from Tianwu Pavilion, there is a method for refining magical swords, so Xu Fei does not have stage fright.

Moreover, he had simulated the process of making a magic sword many times in his mind.

Just practice.

However, when he got started, Xu Fei did not make a fine copper or silver magic sword, but chose a pure iron magic sword.

The value of pure iron is not high, and you won’t feel bad if it fails to be made.

In fact, this is how Xu Fei's previous Minglong Sword came about...

It can only be said that I did not have enough knowledge at the beginning and thought that the Minglong Sword was some kind of magic weapon.

Although in the land of spiritual end, the Minglong Sword is indeed extraordinary.

Take four pure iron ingots and heat them red.

It is then forged to fuse it.

Then continue to forge the sword shape.

Then comes the last step, which is also the process of actually refining the magic weapon.

Condensing the magic power in his hand, he struck it with the hammer in his hand, acting on the sword blank that already had its prototype.

Inspire the aura of the sword blank.

Make it truly reborn and be able to better carry mana, inspiration and charm.

And this step is also the most difficult.

Because if the stimulation is insufficient, the magic sword can only become a defective product.

But if it is stimulated too much and the sword is damaged, it will also lose its sharpness.

In addition, when forging, you need to pay special attention to the fact that your magic power can only act on the sword blank and cannot stay on the sword blank.

This is to avoid any impact on subsequent monks who purchase magic swords when they warm up their magic swords.

Because after the magic sword is forged, no one knows when it will be sold.

If it's three or five days, or within a few months, there's nothing. There is magic power left on the magic sword, and monks who buy the magic sword can also remove this part of the influence through warming and nourishing.

But if it exceeds half a year, or even longer, the mana of the person who created the magical weapon will dissipate on its own.

But the dissipation will not be very clean, and will leave a trace of 'remnants'.

But it is this ‘remnant’ that is the most difficult to deal with.

Let the people who buy the magic sword warm and maintain the magic weapon, which will get twice the result with half the effort.

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