Chapter 204, Sword Forging

"Ding bell clang clang~" There was a burst of activity.

Xu Fei picked up the magical sword that he had built for the first time and failed as expected.

He couldn't hide the embarrassment in his expression.

Because this thing doesn't look like a sword at all.

As his weapon refining skills continue to improve, Xu Fei's mastery of weapon refining is naturally getting better and better.

But it does not eliminate the process of ‘practice’.

In other words, Xu Fei did not know how to forge weapons before. No matter how much he improved his weapon refining skills, he could not master the forging skills out of thin air.

The 'fire stick' in his hand at this moment is a good proof.

But Xu Fei was not discouraged.

Although his gradually improving weapon refining skills did not allow him to directly forge swords that could be used to detect people, it also greatly accelerated his speed of 'learning' and 'mastering' related skills.

At least now Xu Fei has a lot of understanding in his mind about the problems in the process of making the sword just now.

He took four more iron ingots. This time Xu Fei planned to improve his "sword-making" skills first.

Lest you want to fight with a sword but end up with a 'twist'.

And with the jingling of the bell and another fierce knock, the second 'sword' at least had some appearance.

After some polishing, although it was still useless, it could be said to be a sword.

But after finishing these two tasks, it was already getting late.

Xu Fei said hello to Luo Dagen and left.

After looking at Xu Fei's leaving figure, Luo Dagen looked away.

Although Xu Fei's sword was unsightly, compared to the first sword which was nothing, the second sword was a great improvement.

This made Luo Dagen have to admit that the other party was probably a genius in refining magic weapons.

Although Xu Fei's cultivation level cannot be called profound, he is not the weakling he used to be.

And he also has the identity of a disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

He showed his talents a little bit and showed his talent in weapon refining, but he was no longer as cautious as before.

After returning home, Xu Fei found a few books on weapon making and read them carefully.

But surprisingly, the skills related to forging weapons did not appear.

This surprised Xu Fei.

Is it because he already has the weapon refining skill, so the forging related skills are covered?

Otherwise, why would there be no forging skills?

And if this is the case, after he learns a higher-level skill than the current skill in the future, will the current skill be overwritten?

Or two skills?

Xu Fei scratched his chin, thoughtfully.

The next day, Xu Fei collected Yunyan, and after completing his training, he handed Yunyan to Lv Weapon Master, and received a reward of one spiritual stone for collecting a bottle of Yunyan.

Then go to the smelting room and continue to make swords.

With yesterday's experience and learning, when Xu Fei made the sword again, it already looked similar.

The second sword you made is already qualified.

So Xu Fei can basically start to actually forge the magic sword tomorrow.

Moreover, in the past two days, more than ten disciples who followed Master Lu, including Luo Dagen, only made five usable magic swords in total.

The efficiency is average.

Therefore, Xu Fei was left with enough room to perform.

When I got home, Cai Juan came again.

"Hey." When Xu Fei came to Ye Yuanmei's place, he happened to meet Cai Juan sighing worriedly.

Xu Fei was stunned, looked at Ye Yuanmei on the side, and asked what happened with his eyes.

Ye Yuanmei just smiled and shook her head, without further explanation.

After staying at Xu's house for a while, Cai Juan left.

"Didn't Sister Juan and her husband bring back a female rabbit demon from the Purple Realm? It is said that it has not been sold during this period." Ye Yuanmei said.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

Is Cai Juan’s female rabbit demon ugly?

Otherwise, why would it be difficult to sell?

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei didn't ask any more questions.

After seeing Ye Yuanmei, Xu Fei went to Meiniang's place to have a look.

The eldest son Xu Zhongliang can already walk. When he saw Xu Fei coming, he staggered over and wanted to hug him.

Xu Fei laughed and picked up the little guy.

Xu Fei felt very guilty for his children, especially the one named Zhang.

After all, he is called father, but he actually doesn't give his children much companionship.

Meiniang, who was changing the diaper of her second daughter Xu Xinfang, couldn't help but smile when she saw Xu Fei playing with her son.

Although Xu Fei felt that he was unqualified, Meiniang did not feel this way, and even felt that Xu Fei was already a rare good man.

They all respect their sisters and treat them equally.

She is also very patient with her children. Although she occasionally jumps out, it makes Meiniang feel even closer to her.

In this way, you can be called a good man.

Holding his eldest son in his arms, Xu Fei came to his second daughter's crib.

The little guy who had just changed his diaper seemed to be sleeping.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy watching it.

Although this girl was only half a month old, Xu Fei gradually realized that there was something special about his second daughter, who had brought him a full 7,000 proficiency points.

The most intuitive thing is that they are healthier than other children.

He had almost nothing to worry about.

Unlike other children who occasionally need to adjust their breast milk with medicinal stones, Xu Fei regulates them to a certain extent.

After chatting with Meiniang for a while, Xu Fei went to Yue Jiao's place again.

The eldest daughter Xu Ruowu is also one year old.

When she saw her father, she immediately played with her short legs and ran over with a thump thump thump.

Xu Fei quickly knelt down and hugged his daughter.

"Daddy~" Xu Ruowu couldn't speak clearly.

But it made Xu Fei feel unusually happy.

Although the second daughter Xu Xinfang is likely to have Taoist roots, he will not alienate and indifferent to the other children because of this.

After all, they are all his flesh and blood, and he will not lack the affection, affection and love they deserve.

"Master." Yue Jiao came over slowly, her belly bulging and she was already five months pregnant.

"What's the trouble?" Xu Fei said.

It is not easy for people from the spiritual land to have children when they combine with people from the spiritual realm.

It was because of this that Yun Niang had not been pregnant for several years.

It was later that her body gradually adapted to the environment of the Lingjue Land, and she was finally pregnant.

As for Xu Fei, who became a monk, he was already considered to be half a person in the spiritual realm. In addition, he later started practicing cultivation, so after coming to the spiritual realm, these aspects did not have much impact.

Yue Jiao shook her head gently, her eyes gentle.

"It's not hard." Yue Jiao said softly.

Children, a master who loves her, and a leisurely life make Yuejiao very satisfied.

"Don't make things like rouge anymore recently." Xu Fei said.

The little thing looks inconspicuous, but it actually takes a lot of effort.

"Yes, I haven't touched her since I became pregnant," Yue Jiao said.

Chat with Yue Jiao for a few words.

"What do you want to eat, sister?" Xu Fei turned to look at his daughter.

"Routou~" Xu Ruowu said quickly.

Although the words were vague, Xu Fei could understand him and couldn't help but scratch his eldest daughter's nose with his hand.

"Okay, then let's eat meat." Xu Fei laughed.

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