Chapter 210, Castles in the Air

The next day, Xu Fei completed his training and resmelted some scrapped magic swords into metal ingots in the Qi Hall.

Then came to the performance venue again.

Although I was very tired yesterday and went back to sleep, the harvest was not small.

The three-line spells of gold, water, and wood that have been used have all increased their upper limit by one level.

If we follow this speed, it will probably take less than a few days to break through the Five Elements spell to the third level, and then to the fourth level.

That's when it's wonderful.

"Brother, I want to rent the performance field for another hour." Xu Fei said to the senior brother who was fielding yesterday.

"The larger performance venues are all used by people." The field elders were a little more friendly than yesterday.

A strong person deserves to be respected no matter where he is.

The noise that Xu Fei made yesterday was similar to his 'strength'.

So it is natural to have a friendly attitude.

"There is also a four-acre performance field, can it be used?" Senior Brother Fielding asked again.

"Thank you, senior brother. I wonder how long it will take for the larger performance venue to be vacant?" Xu Fei said after thinking about it.

Although he didn't have much magic power, only about two hundred pots, he still couldn't use it in the four-acre performance field.

Four acres of land is more than 2,600 square meters, which is only fifty meters wide and long.

In fact, even a performance field of more than eight acres is not enough for Xu Fei to practice as much as he wants.

But the conditions are like this, we can only make do.

Brother Fielding looked at the sky.

"It's almost half an hour away." Senior Brother Fielding said.

At this time, another disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect came to rent the performance venue. Xu Fei went aside and asked the fielder to receive the others first.

I waited for a while, just over five minutes.

A disciple came out.

Brother Fielding invited Xu Fei to go to the performance field together.

It was obvious that the disciple who had just left rented the performance hall, and like Xu Fei, did not use the rental time in full.

Brother Fielding first entered the performance field to tidy up a bit, then collected one or two broken spirits from Xu Fei and left.

Xu Fei entered the performance venue.

Calm your mind and then condense the fire technique.

Metal, water, wood, fire and earth.

Five Elements Magic is the most basic Taoist method of Dharma practice.

But the foundation does not mean that it is not strong.

Among the sixty-one peaks of the Linglong Immortal Sect, there are many peak masters who have mastered the Five Elements spells and are famous.

As streams of mana condensed in Xu Fei's left hand, reaching the level of two hundred pots that was almost uncontrollable for him, Xu Fei threw the mana ball casually.

Then the whole person jumped up.

The magic group flew to the center of the performance field, and then suddenly burst into a huge amount of flames when Xu Fei had a thought.

Sweeping the entire performance venue.

But even though the performance field here is not small, with an area of ​​more than eight acres, it can't accommodate so many flames, so it has no choice but to erupt upwards.

Xu Fei jumped more than twenty meters in one leap, but judging from the situation, it seemed difficult to escape being burned by the flames.

This surprised Xu Fei, and he quickly divided the remaining dozens of pots of magic power into some forced water magic, and surrounded it for protection.

Senior Brother Fielding noticed what was going on here and turned around to look.

I saw Xu Fei jump into the air, and below him was the raging flames that were trapped in the magic field and could not escape.

This made Brother Fielding couldn't help but laugh.

This kid obviously rarely uses magic, so he doesn't know how powerful he is.

But the fielding senior brother didn't do anything.

After all, the fire technique used by Xu Fei was just an ordinary flame and could not burn the opponent.

Of course, clothing, eyebrows, hair, etc. may not escape bad luck.

But then Xu Fei used the fire method and forced the water method, which made the fielding brother raise his eyebrows and look quite surprised.

After using a spell of a certain attribute, your own mana, meridians, acupoints, etc. will be affected by the magic power of that attribute.

You need to calm down for a while before you can change your ways.

Unexpectedly, Xu Fei could ignore this impact.

The flames go as quickly as they come.

Disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The performance hall was left filled with scorching heat.

After Xu Fei jumped to the highest point, he fell down with all his strength.

The magic water condensed around his body then hit the ground.

It collapses into little splashes of water, and then disperses into inspiration.

Xu Fei immediately took out two pills and threw them into his mouth, tilted his head back and swallowed.

He had expected that when he activated two hundred pots of mana and used the fire method, he would be more irritable, but he did not expect that he would be so irritable.

He didn't even have a place to stand. He couldn't escape even if he jumped into the air, so he could only use water to protect himself.

After more than twenty minutes, Xu Fei recovered his magic power with the help of pills.

Now, except for the earth element spells, all five element spells have been practiced.

It not only gave Xu Fei a certain idea of ​​his current strength, but also made him more familiar with the use of spells. It also improved the skill level of the corresponding Five Elements spells.

Kill several birds with one stone.

Even if I am exhausted, I am still enjoying myself.

After calming down his magic power, Xu Fei closed his eyes and rested for a moment before getting up.

Prepare to perform native magic.

The Five Elements spells are different.

The metal element is mostly used for armor, the water element is mostly used to restrain the fire element, and the wood element is mostly practiced by formation masters. The explosion of the fire element has its own power, and the thick earth element also has miraculous effects.

That is to say, Xu Fei was able to master the Five Elements spells by seeking perfection.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Xu Fei gathered the magic power of earth in his hands.

Finally, after using a full two hundred pots of mana, he pressed hard to the ground.

After Tu Xing's mana entered the ground, Xu Fei suddenly felt the ground shake, and then began to rise!

The earth's magic power turns into magic soil, lifting the ground and the whole sky rises.

In the blink of an eye, a small-scale earth mountain appeared in the performance venue.

Because it was driven out by almost all the magic power in his body, Xu Fei's control over the magic was greatly weakened.

What the final outcome of the spell will be can only be determined by the development of the power itself.

Just like when Xu Fei Ning created the water method and fire method before, he, the 'Dharma Master', had to find a place to take shelter first.

As for the power of earth magic...

Just average.

If the opponent is in an underground environment such as a cave, then the earth-moving spell will be more powerful if it is smashed directly over the head.

But if it is on the ground, in water, in the air, etc., then the power needs to be discussed.

After dispersing the magic soil, Xu Fei took the elixir to restore consumption.

The Five Elements spell was used almost at full strength.

The levels of all his corresponding skills were raised by one level.

Obviously the biggest reason why Xu Fei's skills are stuck at level 2 45 is that Xu Fei has not been able to actually use the Five Elements spell.

After getting acquainted with it, the breakthrough to the third level will be just around the corner.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but grin.

I checked that there is still some time until I can rent the performance venue.

Xu Fei did not continue to use spells with all his strength, but began to practice various methods of fortune-boosting spells that were usually inconvenient to cast at home.

This also made Xu Fei more sophisticated and familiar with the use of Five Elements spells.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei felt that in addition to his daily study and learning of various skills, he had to take some time to perform in the magic field and practice various spells.

Otherwise, if you have no cultivation, you don’t know the magic and don’t know how to use it, you will have nothing but a ‘castle in the air’.

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