Chapter 211, Frost Jade

Seeing that the time for renting the performance venue was almost over, Xu Fei left the performance venue without waiting for the fielder to come over to urge him.

"Junior brother is superb in magic." Senior brother Fielding said with cupped hands.

"Senior brother, thank you." Xu Fei said modestly.

"I'm Chen Xiao. I'm going to pay my respects to you in the third year." Senior Brother Fielding introduced himself.

After hearing the other party introducing himself, Xu Fei returned the favor.

"I'm Xu Fei, I'll pay my respects to you soon." Xu Fei said.

The third year is actually the period from 300 to 399 in the chronology.

And now it's 550 years.

Therefore, Senior Brother Chen has been a disciple of the sect for at least one hundred and fifty years, and at most for more than two hundred years.

In other words, this is the main reason why Xu Feigou rarely goes out in Immortal City.

Under the protection of the Immortal Sect, safety can still be guaranteed.

But that's not necessarily the case when going out. If you encounter trouble, who knows if your opponent is an old monster who has been practicing for many years? !

Xu Fei had a cheat, and he relied on the cheat to improve his cultivation at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary monks, but compared with the old monsters who had been practicing for hundreds or even thousands of years, he was like an ant and not worth mentioning.

So you should be cautious and not reckless.

"I see that my junior brother is good at magic, but he is interested in the Dharma lineage?" Chen Xiao said again.

"Senior brother, you have a wise eye." Although Xu Fei is a fellow practitioner of the Three Meridians, he did not deny Chen Xiao.

After all, many monks get involved in other types of practice, but mostly to make up for their own shortcomings.

Just like the body cultivator will practice gold magic and use it as armor.

Array masters will choose wood magic to use it to set up formations, etc.

But there are very few true practitioners of the Three Meridians, even those who have reached Xu Fei's level.

"Some friends and I occasionally discuss Taoism together. I wonder if my junior brother would be willing to participate?" Chen Xiao invited.

Talking about Tao, it sounds like we are just chatting together.

But in fact, as long as there are monks who are willing to share their own practice experiences during the Tao discussion, then those who participate in the Tao discussion will always gain something.

After all, stones from other mountains can attack jade.

From time to time, there will be rumors that a certain monk will participate in Tao discussions, break through his own bottlenecks after listening to other people's opinions, or there will be rumors that his strength will be improved to a higher level after his enlightenment.

If this were not the case, there would not be so many monks in Immortal City or Linglong Immortal Sect keen on discussing Taoism.

"Thank you, senior brother, for the invitation." Regardless of whether Xu Fei goes or not, he must give him enough respect first.

Although he visually estimated that the mana of Senior Brother Chen in front of him was about three hundred pots, he had a vague feeling that the other party was not simple.

Especially since the other party has joined Linglong Immortal Sect for more than a hundred years, or even more than two hundred years.

After such a long time, who can clearly know the strength of the other party.

After chatting for a while, Chen Xiao went to receive other monks who rented the performance venue.

Xu Fei said goodbye and left.

After leaving the performance field, Xu Fei looked back.

This Chen Xiao has a somewhat mysterious meaning.

Although it might be helpful and beneficial to interact with him, Xu Fei still felt that he should stay away from him after thinking about it.

In fact, it's no wonder that Xu Fei is so cautious. After all, when he is sure that he has a future far beyond that of ordinary monks, Xu Fei naturally cherishes his own life.

And just like this, he collects clouds and smoke, practices, studies the art of refining weapons, rents a performance field for an hour to practice various spells, and then has fun with his children.

Ordinary and regular days turn into a month in the blink of an eye.

With the explanation from the weapon master Lu, Xu Fei's weapon refining skills improved rapidly. Before I knew it, I reached level 23 of the second level.

The five elements spells have also made great progress, with all second-level spells reaching level 49.

The reason for this is that Xu Fei has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. After raising the level of the Jinxing spell, he felt a little uncomfortable looking at other five-element spells with slightly lower levels, so he would give priority to training them to the same level.

If it weren't for this, then there must have been third-level skills among the Five Elements Spells.

In addition to this, there is Shou Mingfa, which is level 2 and level 31 before I know it.

Obviously Xu Fei's experience in practicing the Five Aggregates Method has had a great effect.

This is quite friendly to Xu Fei.

But when you reach the second level of level 49, you can still perform skill fusion as before, which is undoubtedly more friendly.

Thoughtfully, Xu Fei regained his power, stood up and came to the Qi Hall.

"Sir." Xu Fei came to Master Lu's exclusive smelting room.

Master Lu chuckled lightly when he saw Xu Fei coming.

He has now determined that this boy has considerable talent in weapon refining.

Much better than him.

"Take some time to hone this piece of frost jade." Master Lu pointed at a fist-sized piece of milky white jade next to him.

Frost jade is a kind of jade with cold nature.

It can be used to refine many types of magic weapons.

Xu Fei picked up the frost original jade.

"I wonder what kind of equipment you need, sir?" Xu Fei said.

Although frost jade is a cold spiritual material, there are several different ways to temper it. One is to stimulate its cold nature. If it is tempered well enough, it can be used directly by monks who practice ice-based Taoism. 'Dharma weapon'.

The other method is to temper the cold nature of frost original jade and choose its texture.

"Just stimulate the cold nature." Master Lu said, stroking his short beard.

"Yes." Xu Fei responded, then picked up the frost jade and sat aside.

Putting the frost jade on the table, Xu Fei pressed his left hand on the jade and slowly activated his magic power.

Start honing spiritual materials.

As the most basic weapon refining method, but also the most important, training of spiritual materials is the key to becoming a weapon master.

After all, not all spiritual materials can be used and tempered repeatedly like pure iron.

Or pure iron, etc., there are only a few spiritual materials that can be used repeatedly after being re-smelted.

And this also causes the trial and error cost of refining a magic weapon that requires other spiritual materials to be extremely high if the skill is not proficient enough.

This is why Master Lu values ​​talent so much.

If you have talent, the cost of trial and error will be reduced to a certain extent, and you can stick to it.

Get more exquisite skills.

Without talent, the cost of trial and error increases significantly, and refining a magic weapon will cost you all your pants.

Once you can persist, twice you can work hard, three times? Four times?

Just imagine who else could be so stubborn.

Xu Fei carefully honed the frost jade.

This thing is not like pure iron and other spiritual materials, which can be completed quickly.

It takes a lot of energy.

According to Xu Fei's own estimation, it may take him almost ten hours to complete.

Even so, frost jade is not difficult to refine among all spiritual materials.

It is said that there is a spiritual material called Five Colored Crystal Essence, and it takes hundreds of years to refine it!

Very exaggerated.

But it is a pity that Xu Fei only heard the name of this spiritual material from Jingru's occasional gossip, and had no idea of ​​its usefulness.

Xu Fei quickly put aside his distracting thoughts and activated his magic power to draw his spiritual machine to hone his spiritual materials.

Master Lu glanced at Xu Fei's honing of spiritual materials and nodded slightly.

This child is very talented. When I have nothing to teach, I will try to recommend him to the master.

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