Chapter 212, Sha Xiu

When the moon passed in the sky, Xu Fei finally finished honing the Frost Yuan Jade.

"Sir." Xu Fei handed the frost jade to Master Lu.

Master Lu took the frost jade and nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad." After putting away the frost jade, Master Lu looked at Xu Fei again.

"The disciple resigned." Xu Fei said.

This made Master Lu, who originally wanted to talk about some more knowledge about weapon refining, helplessly smile.

This apprentice of mine has good talents and a good temperament, but he just doesn't have much perseverance in weapon refining.

"Well, go ahead." Master Lu did not blame him.

Everyone has his own ambitions.

Xu Fei bowed his hands and left the Qi Hall.

He could naturally see that Master Lu wanted to teach him more.

But he still has to practice and gain proficiency points.

The weapon refining method is only used to support his future cultivation, and it does not mean that he wants to master the weapon refining method and become a weapon master or something.

Therefore, although he somewhat failed to live up to Master Lu's respect, Xu Fei could not change his plan for him.

Return home.

It was already almost 9pm.

It was getting late, so Xu Fei didn't bother the children and went directly to Jingru's side.

"Master." Jingru had just put her second son, Xu Zhongde, to bed.

"Well, there's something going on with Master Lu." Xu Fei took off his coat and explained.

Jingru nodded when she heard this. Although she knew that Xu Fei had gone to Xianmen and nothing would happen, his delay in returning still made her family worried.

While eating dinner, Xu Fei asked Jingru about Shuang Yuan Yu's message.

"This jade is produced in Huangxu Mountain near Huangxu Posthouse in Huangyu. In addition, it was also obtained by chance from Luqi Mountain in Luqi Posthouse in Greenfield."

“The value depends on the quality, and the difference is huge.”

"Those with high quality have cold tentacles, and one tael is worth thousands of spiritual stones."

"The ice magic weapon refined with it is particularly amazing. It can even double the power of ice magic."

"Sir, the quality of the piece you have honed should be average, but one kilogram is worth dozens of spirit stones."

Listening to Jingru telling these messages, Xu Fei nodded slightly.

It was undoubtedly quite correct to exchange one hundred and sixty spiritual stones for Jingru's freedom.

Not only did I gain a beauty, but I also got a ‘little secretary’.

After eating and drinking, and chatting about some trivial matters at home, it is naturally a happy thing.

However, when the second time ended, Xu Fei did not gain any proficiency points.

This made Xu Fei raise his eyebrows, knowing that Jingru was pregnant again.

Xu Fei couldn't help but chuckle and took Jingru into his arms.

The next day, Xu Fei completed his training, went to Master Lu's place to study some more, and came back at almost 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

After returning home, Xu Fei went to find Ye Yuanmei.

"Yuanmei, I want to buy back the female rabbit demon that Cai Juan and his wife brought back from the Purple Domain." Xu Fei said.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Ye Yuanmei frowned slightly.

But after thinking about it, he could only nod in agreement.

Soon, Cai Juan came over after being notified.

He looked at Xu Fei, then turned to look at Ye Yuanmei.

She didn't expect that her sister would be willing to let Xu Fei take over the house again.

And she's a succubus.

After all, I felt pity for that banshee after seeing her. If it wasn't for the high price, the damn husband in her family would have been unable to hold it back for a long time.

It's a pity that I couldn't cultivate the 'Qi Method', so I couldn't find a buyer.

However, if this female rabbit demon is pressed in the hand, it will do no good.

So after thinking about it, Cai Juan said: "I won't trick you. This female rabbit demon can't practice the Zhiqi method and can't help you practice."

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this. After all this time, he naturally knew why the female rabbit demon brought back by Cai Juan and his wife could not be sold.

The Zhiqi method is practiced by demons who have transformed into human form.

It has no benefit to the demon clan itself, but it allows human monks to "dual practice" with them, absorbing each other's cultivation and increasing their own merits.

And if the monsters cooperate, there will be no harm to the monks.

It is more effective than taking pills.

This is also the main reason why humanoid monsters are so popular.

"I wonder how much it costs?" Xu Fei asked.

Cai Juan looked at Ye Yuanmei again, and after thinking about it, she said, "Five hundred spirit stones!"

Xu Fei heard the price, thought about it and expressed his approval.

After all, even if the opponent's female rabbit demon can't practice Qi Zhi, she is still a female demon.

Soon, Cai Juan left and returned.

At the same time, a soft sedan chair was carried into Xu's house.

Cai Juan opened the sedan curtain.

A timid girl with a pair of rabbit ears on her head looked around in panic.

"Her name is Shaxiu. She was a member of a rabbit demon tribe that I happened to pass by when my family and I were wandering around the Purple Realm. At that time, the rabbit demon tribe was infected with the epidemic. In order to treat their village, Shaxiu She sold herself to us."

"Because it was born from a humanoid female rabbit demon and a human race."

"So except for the two ears on its head, there are basically no demon features."

"But it has no Tao roots and cannot practice." Cai Juan introduced her products.

Although she said on the surface that she and her husband had only found this female rabbit demon in the Purple Domain, in fact, when the couple came back, their four storage bags were full.

After careful handling during this period, more than 1,700 spiritual stones have been harvested.

If we sell Sha Xiu now, we will no longer be short of cultivation resources for a long time in the future.

In addition, even if they are monsters, not all of them can practice cultivation.

The demons in their true form need to be enlightened and gain spiritual wisdom before they can practice. If they don’t have spiritual wisdom, they are just ordinary beasts, birds, fish, turtles, trees, flowers and grass.

If the descendants of the humanoid demon race want to practice cultivation, they need Tao roots just like the human race.

Hearing that the female rabbit demon was just an ordinary demon and could not practice cultivation, Xu Fei pursed his lips, but he was not very disappointed.

After all, when the other party cannot practice Zhiqi, it has been proved that she has no Dao roots.

"Shaxiu, come down. This Master Xu bought you. You must serve Master Xu well from now on." Cai Juan said.

Looking at her interactions with the female bunny demon, there doesn't seem to be much coercion.

The female rabbit demon in the sedan heard this, pursed her lips, and then mustered up the courage to step out of the sedan.

After the other party got off the sedan, Xu Fei's eyes moved.

This female rabbit demon is very tall.

Maybe it looks like 1.7 meters. If it is paired with a pair of long and straight rabbit ears, it will reach 1.9 meters.

And because of her uneasiness, Shaxiu's pair of rabbit ears stuck together involuntarily.

The other thing is appearance.

I have to say, it's amazing.

She has a small face, dark eyebrows, red lips and a turned-up nose. She is dressed in a yellow dress and has a rough stone ornament hanging around her neck.

Judging from the shape, it seems that the carving is a little rabbit.

Even with Xu Fei's strict scoring mechanism for appearance, he had to admit that the other party could score 92 or 93 points.

Enough to rank in the top three among the women Xu Fei has seen so far.

No wonder Cai Juan dared to ask for 500 spirit stones even though she knew she had no Dao roots.

"My name is Xu Fei." Xu Fei introduced himself.

"Master." Shaxiu greeted hesitantly.

Since he saw that this female rabbit demon was indeed good, Xu Fei did not default on the money he owed Cai Juan and paid the spirit stone readily.

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