Chapter 213, Lingling Village

Xu Fei bought the female rabbit demon Shaxiu and placed her in a vacant courtyard at home.

But after Cai Juan received the spiritual stone Xu Fei bought from the female rabbit demon, she did not leave.

He and Ye Yuanmei returned to her place.

"You idiot, how could you agree to him buying that banshee!" After selling the female rabbit demon Shaxiu to Xu Fei, Cai Juan 'only' remembered that the buyer was the husband-in-law of her good sister.

Ye Yuanmei rolled her eyes at this guy who was jealous of money and sat down slowly.

She is now pregnant with twins and will give birth in a month, so she is naturally cautious.

Cai Juan smiled coquettishly.

Then he took out two hundred spiritual stones from the storage bag.

"Don't say that my sister didn't remind you that this person is not good." Cai Juan said again.

Ye Yuanmei couldn't help but be surprised when she saw these spiritual stones.

"What are you doing?" Ye Yuanmei asked.

"Hey, sister, he bought the banshee in front of you. He is obviously unreliable. With these spiritual stones by your side, you will be confident even if something happens." Cai Juan said straightforwardly.

Although Cai Juan is obsessed with money, she is not shameless in the end.

He was also willing to give some of the income from selling Sha Xiu to Ye Yuanmei.

Ye Yuanmei chuckled when he heard this and pushed the spirit stone back, not intending to accept it.

Her life was saved by Xu Fei before, and she has been practicing for the past two years and has no shortage of elixirs.

Calculating, the other party spent at least nearly ten thousand spirit stones on her.

With such a generous move, even though she was a little dissatisfied, she agreed to Xu Fei's purchase of the female rabbit demon.

Seeing Ye Yuanmei acting silly, Cai Juan couldn't help but shake her head.

She knew that Xu Fei saved her sister's life, but even if he gave his body in return, why did he also give away his heart?

And yet so determined?

"You have to accept this spiritual stone if you don't want to," Cai Juan said firmly.

Ye Yuanmei heard this and looked at the spirit stone in front of her.

It stands to reason that she would have been very excited when she saw this amount of spirit stones before.

But now Xu Fei's rich family no longer despises these things.

Looking at Cai Juan again, Ye Yuanmei could only accept it after thinking about it.

Cai Juan sighed in her heart and left the Xu family.

After settling Sha Xiu, Xu Fei came to Ye Yuanmei.

Another room of concubines was taken in, and again in this simple and crude way.

Especially since Ye Yuanmei was still pregnant with his child, Xu Fei had to pay more attention to him.

"These spiritual stones were returned by Cai Juan just now because she thought the price was inappropriate." Ye Yuanmei changed her explanation.

When Xu Fei heard this, he looked at the spirit stones on the table, nodded and ignored them.

After all, there were only two hundred spirit stones, which was less than one-tenth of his monthly income.

"Yuanmei..." Xu Fei gently took Ye Yuanmei's little hand and didn't know how to speak for a while.

Instead, Ye Yuanmei chuckled and generously expressed her understanding.

Men always like new things.

Having so many worries only adds to the worries.

This made Xu Fei relax.

Ye Yuanmei is different from other women, Mei Niang Yuejiao Jingru depends on Xu Fei for her life.

Even if Xu Fei treats them like guests when getting along with them, it does not change the nature of each other's status.

Ye Yuanmei, on the other hand, was grateful for Xu Fei's life-saving grace, so she followed Xu Fei.

Especially after practicing for more than two years, his magic power has reached nearly a thousand pots!

He is a rare master in the outside world.

This involves one of the most fundamental issues in the relationship between men and women.

Strong or weak.

‘Strong’ means having more autonomy. Being ‘weak’ must make certain compromises and concessions.

Xu Fei never believed in love.

If he hadn't saved Ye Yuanmei.

Seeing that he was interested, Ye Yuanmei chose 'repay the favor'.

Then there is a high probability that the two people will not have any intersection.

But this does not mean that Ye Yuanmei will always follow Xu Fei.

After all, if she was unhappy living with Xu Fei, it wouldn't be impossible for her to survive after she chose to leave.

Of course, Ye Yuanmei and Xu Fei still attach great importance to her.

Regardless of whether it was the first time this woman met him, or whether it was a full 14 points of proficiency points when they started dating, not to mention that she was pregnant now.

So in order to prevent Ye Yuanmei from leaving, Xu Fei came over again to comfort her.

Fortunately, Ye Yuanmei could tolerate this situation.

But Ye Yuanmei, who watched Xu Fei leave, chuckled.

This man never talks about love, but when we get along with him, it is all about love.

I just love a little too much...

Thinking of this, Ye Yuanmei finally sighed.

At night, Xu Fei came to the female rabbit demon Shaxiu.

Seeing Xu Fei coming over, Sha Xiu's nervous rabbit ears pressed together again.

His expression was timid and pitiful.

"Can I touch your ears?" Xu Fei said softly.

Shaxiu was stunned when she heard this, then nodded slightly after thinking about it.

Xu Fei slowly approached, then reached out and touched Shaxiu's rabbit ears.

They feel similar to real rabbit ears, but are wider, thicker and warm to the touch.

Shaxiu's pretty face turned rosy after Xu Fei touched her ear.

As a descendant of the humanoid demon race, he is neither accepted by the original demon race nor tolerated by the human race, so his situation is quite worrying.

After touching Shaxiu's rabbit ears, Xu Fei sat down next to her.

This delicate and timid little rabbit demon is very beautiful.

The one who can compare with him is the Xiaoyu that Xu Fei saw in the Lingjue Land before. Perhaps Yu Yaobing, who has grown up in the past two years, is also comparable to him.

However, Xu Fei has never seen Yu Yaobing again since their meeting at the Lecture School. It is not certain what Yu Yaobing looks like now.

Being so close to Xu Fei, Sha Xiu was even more shy and wanted to avoid it.

But then she thought that she had been bought by the other party, and the other party was her master.

So I can only endure the shame.

But her tense and stiff body revealed her innermost feelings.

"Where is your home?" Xu Fei did not directly approach her, but planned to chat first to let Shaxiu relax.

"My home is in Lingling Village." When she mentioned her hometown, Shaxiu relaxed a little and had a happy look on her face.

Clearly had a happy childhood.

"Oh? What kind of place is it?" Xu Fei asked again.

At this moment, Xu Fei looked like a weird uncle who deceived an inexperienced little girl.

But the other party has been bought by him. As long as Xu Fei doesn't do anything that involves chaos, abandonment, destruction and abuse, then everything will be fun.

Shaxiu became even happier when she heard Xu Fei ask about her hometown.

"There are mountains and water there, and there is also a jujube tree. It is said that the jujube tree is hundreds of years old. When Lingling Village was uninhabited, the jujube tree grew there. Every autumn, people in our village You can eat lots of fragrant and sweet dates..." Sha Xiu couldn't stop talking.

While Sha Xiu was telling about her hometown, Xu Fei got closer and closer.

"Master..." Shaxiu's words were soon blocked by Xu Fei, and she could no longer speak.

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