Chapter 214, Ten Miles of Clouds

All kinds of animals and plants can enter into practice after a long time or when they have the opportunity to open their spiritual wisdom.

This is the demon clan.

The demon clan is divided into two categories: original form and human form.

The original form is all kinds of flowers, plants, trees, birds, animals, fish and insects. They continue to maintain their original race and cultivate their physical bodies to inspire supernatural powers.

For example, the poisonous ghost spider that once forced Ye Yuanmei into a desperate situation was a poisonous spider that opened up its spiritual wisdom and stepped into spiritual practice, maintaining its true form and developing supernatural powers.

However, there are differences between monster clan and monster beasts.

Because monsters are animals that are born with ‘Tao roots’ but have not yet become wise.

Because they can be nourished by spiritual energy, their flesh and blood are extremely nourishing.

But when they develop intelligence, they also become demons.

The other is the humanoid demon race.

Different from the demon race in their original form, they chose to give up their fangs, claws, fur and carapace and transform into humans.

At first, the organs, limbs, etc. were easily transformed, but as the demonic characteristics of the body gradually decreased, the remaining demonic characteristics became more difficult to refine.

This is also the reason why the closer the humanoid monsters get to 'humans', the more difficult it is to deal with them.

However, the offspring of the humanoid demon tribe also need to have Tao roots like the human race before they can practice.

Moreover, the humanoid demon race is very unique and has no reproductive isolation from any other race.

You can have children with the human race, and you can have offspring with other demon races.

The female rabbit demon Shaxiu is the offspring of a humanoid female rabbit demon and the human race.

Therefore, although she only has a pair of extra rabbit ears than ordinary people, and the rest is undoubtedly the same as the human race, she actually has no Tao roots, so she naturally has no cultivation.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +90’

While Sha Xiu was shy and flustered, Xu Fei got down to business.

But after completing it, Xu Fei looked at the 90 proficiency points he had just obtained with an incomprehensible expression.

It turns out that it’s just an ordinary humanoid banshee. Doesn’t it have any bonus to proficiency?

It looks like she is a succubus practicing spiritual practice?

Shaxiu huddled in Xu Fei's arms, closing her eyes tightly, with tears still in the corners of her eyes.

He, he was obviously very kind, why did he suddenly become like this?

Xu Fei put aside his distracting thoughts and looked at Sha Xiu in his arms.

Kiss the tears away from her eyes.

"Can I call you Xiuxiu from now on?" Xu Fei said softly.

After hearing this, Sha Xiu opened her eyes and looked at Xu Fei.

He nodded after hesitating.

Xu Fei gently hugged Shaxiu into his arms.

"Go to sleep." Xu Fei was even gentler.

After all, although Shaxiu's body has grown and she looks like an adult, her actual age is still underage.

And he is already over thirty.

No matter how you look at it, it’s an old cow eating young grass.

Although a monk has a long lifespan, Shaxiu may not be able to outlive him in the future.

Shaxiu looked at Xu Fei, decided to give him some more trust, and timidly closed her eyes to rest.

She was tortured a lot just now.

The next day, Xu Fei woke up refreshed.

Although due to Ye Yuanmei's face, he has not accepted any more women in the past two years, but since the women are either in confinement or pregnant, it is difficult to obtain proficiency points.

Naturally, he will not delay his own affairs.

Therefore, if Ye Yuanmei can tolerate his behavior, then Xu Fei will naturally feel even more pity for him in the future.

If you can't accept it...

Then don't accept it.

After all, although Xu Fei has always maintained the persona of doting on women, he is still quite self-interested in the final analysis.

As Xu Fei woke up, Shaxiu's rabbit ears could not help but tremble as she was held in his arms.

Apparently he woke up too.

Xu Fei couldn't help but chuckle, lowered his head and kissed Shaxiu's cheek.

White and tender, with a little baby fat, this female rabbit demon looks even more cute.

Seeing that she couldn't hide it anymore, Sha Xiu opened her eyes.

Looking shy.

"S-Sir," Sha Xiu said.

"Haha, from now on, call me brother when we are together." Although we are both old enough to be considered uncles, Xu Fei knew it shamelessly.

Shaxiu was even more shy when she heard this, but she responded as loudly as a mosquito.

"I'll have my servants bring the food over in a while. If you like whoever you like, I'll keep him by my side as a maid." Xu Fei instructed.

Hearing that Xu Fei wanted to arrange a maid for himself, Sha Xiu nodded in confusion.

After stroking Shaxiu's long black hair, Xu Fei lowered his gaze.

Who would have thought that this little rabbit demon would have such a breathtaking figure.

Shaxiu noticed Xu Fei's gaze and quickly wanted to block it, but she couldn't stop it no matter what.

Fortunately, Xu Fei stood up after admiring it for a moment, without making the little rabbit demon more embarrassed.

After leaving home refreshed, Xu Fei went to the mountain gate to practice.

First, he went to collect cloud smoke, and then after completing today's homework, Xu Fei came to the Qi Hall.

Go directly to Master Lu.

Since the level of weapon refining has gradually improved, Xu Fei has no longer been busy in the smelting room.

When Master Lu saw Xu Fei coming over, he gave another spiritual material to Xu Fei and asked him to hone it.

Xu Fei was not afraid of stage fright and finished honing the spiritual materials in almost three hours.

And just when Xu Fei was about to leave, he stopped after thinking for a while.

"Sir, I dare to ask," Xu Fei said.

"Oh? What do you want to ask?" Master Lu put down his hand and asked hurriedly.

"Are you collecting cloud smoke to refine some magic weapon?" Xu Fei said.

Hearing Xu Fei's question, Master Lu laughed.

"I thought you could endure it for how long." Master Lu said.

...Xu Fei was quite speechless, this little old man.

"Can you know the clouds and smoke thousands of miles away?" Master Lu asked without teasing Xu Fei.

"Disciple naturally knows." Hearing the name Wanli Yunyan, Xu Fei's hair almost stood up.

This thing is similar to the feeling of seeing a big scene of a nuclear bomb exploding in a previous life.

Thousands of miles of clouds and smoke, something that only exists in legends.

It is not an exaggeration to describe that once you are motivated, you will be swaggering for thousands of miles.

Even the peak masters of the sixty-one peaks of Linglong Immortal Sect may not have such powerful magical weapons.

If you have it in hand... seems to be useless.

Xu Fei scratched his head a little.

After all, his cultivation level is too low. Even if he really possesses a powerful weapon like Wanli Yunyan, which only exists in legends, it will be difficult for him to exert its power.

"Haha, old man, I am not that capable, but I have figured out a method of refining Ten Miles of Yunyan based on various rumors about Wanli Yunyan." Master Lu said with a smile.

Although Master Lu's words may sound like a novice, according to rumors, Wanli Yunyan has endless magical functions such as attacking, protecting, trapping enemies, hiding, etc.

Hold it in your hand far better than your peers.

It is a first-class magic weapon.

If it can realize its emergency power, it will be more useful than ordinary magic swords and magic shields.

Moreover, this 'Ten Miles of Clouds' is more suitable for Xu Fei's current use.

Seeing Xu Fei's eyes shining, Master Lu did not covet him and generously showed him the refining method of 'Ten Miles of Clouds' that he had designed so far.

A thick four-volume manuscript.

"Just take a look." Master Lu said.

With Master Lu's agreement, Xu Fei picked up a volume and read it carefully.

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