Chapter 215, Master

Xu Fei's eyes were opened after reading the manuscript about "Ten Miles of Clouds".

So the weapon refining method can still be like this? !

Mainly "Star Mist Stone", seventy-nine kinds of spiritual materials are used to refine it into a lamp, and the cloud smoke is sealed in the Star Mist Stone. When used, the magic power is mobilized to transport the cloud smoke in the Star Mist Stone.

It can perform functions such as attacking, protecting, trapping enemies, and tracking enemies.

It can be called a life-protecting treasure.

Seeing Xu Fei's eyes shining brightly, Master Lu smiled proudly.

Although the refining method of the ‘Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke’ was not his original creation, many of it were his ingenuity.

However, after Xu Fei was surprised, his brows wrinkled slightly.

Because this refining method is too complicated, the possibility of successful refining is very low.

At least with his current refining level, there is a high probability that he will not be able to refining such a complex magic weapon.

"Sir, I'm afraid it's very difficult to refine this Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke." Xu Fei said thoughtfully.

Master Lu's face stiffened when he heard this, and he couldn't help but sneered.

Isn't it difficult?

He failed five times!

The cost of refining it once would be almost seven thousand spirit stones, otherwise he would not have thought about letting Xu Fei collect cloud smoke just to save some spirit stones.

But if you can refine Shili Yunyan, then everything will be worth it.

Xu Fei naturally understood this truth, but he vaguely felt that there was some disharmony in this refining method.

That is to say, he can roughly know that there is something wrong with the refining method of Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke, but he cannot find out the problem.

"What, what's the problem?" Seeing a lot of doubts in Xu Fei's expression, Master Lu's eyes moved slightly.

"I feel something is inappropriate, but I can't tell what is wrong." Xu Fei said awkwardly.

Master Lu considered it for a moment after hearing this, then took the refining method and read it at a glance.

But for the time being, I didn't see any problem.

Xu Fei checked that it was already late, said goodbye to Master Lu and left.

After returning home, it is inevitable that I still have some thoughts about Shili Yunyan.

As a result, he was a little absent-minded when eating.

The girls looked at each other a few times, not knowing what was going on.

Xu Fei didn't notice it at first, but later he realized that he had become a disturbing factor in the family, and he quickly laughed.

"Eat, eat, today Master Lu showed me a method of making utensils, which is quite complicated." Xu Fei said with a smile.

The girls felt more at ease now.

After dinner, Xu Fei went to the study and copied out Master Lu's recipe for refining Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke.

In the process of copying, Xu Fei gradually realized some problems.

There are several methods of training spiritual materials that are not suitable.

But these are superficial reasons.

If his weapon refining skills continue to increase in level, these can be solved.

He couldn't see the deeper crux at the moment.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei calmed down and came to Meiniang.

The second daughter, Xu Xinfang, is already one month old, so Mei Niang can continue to flourish.

Therefore, from this point of view, Xu Fei's approach of accepting the female rabbit demon Shaxiu is completely motivated by lust...

Meiniang was a little surprised when she saw Xu Fei coming over.

"Why, you don't welcome me?" Xu Fei said with a smile.

When Mei Niang heard this, she was both angry and happy.

She was only worried that Xu Fei had lost his love for her, so how could she dislike Xu Fei for coming to her room.

Although Meiniang's appearance was only given a score of over 70 by Xu Fei's strict judging mechanism, she is indeed considered beautiful.

In her previous life, she was a goddess that even Xu Fei could not lick.

"Why don't you welcome me?" Meiniang said softly, stepping forward to help Xu Fei change his clothes.

The next day, Xu Fei collected clouds and smoke, and after completing his practice, he went to the Qi Hall and told Qi Master Lu about the problems he discovered yesterday.

Master Lu heard the opinions provided by Xu Fei, thought about it, and made certain adjustments.

And with this topic called "Ten Miles of Clouds and Smoke", Xu Fei's level of weapon refining skills has improved sharply.

The second level is level 25, the second level is level 27, and the second level is level 29.

In just a few days, the level increased several levels.

It also gave Xu Fei a better understanding of the refining method of Shili Yunyan.

Also find out more questions.

After some adjustments by Xu Fei and Lu Weapon Master, the newly developed weapon refining method of Shili Yunyan has changed a lot of spiritual materials, and even the methods of training some spiritual materials have also changed a lot.

In the end, it became a simplified version that mainly used 'Star Mist Stone' and combined it with fifty-nine other spiritual materials to reduce the difficulty of refining to a certain extent, but at the same time, it also sacrificed some of its power.

It doesn’t work without sacrifice.

Because I wanted this and that before, it made the refining method of Shili Yunyan very complicated.

Even if Lv Weapon Master's level is not low, it is difficult to successfully refine it.

Now after some simplification, about 20% of the power has been sacrificed, but the refining method of Shili Yunyan has also been simplified by about 40%.

Even Xu Fei had some confidence in refining it after several failures.

Looking at the refining method that had been reduced and modified after half a month, Master Lu looked at Xu Fei with complicated eyes.

Envy mixed with a little jealousy.

After all, such talent is amazing.

How long have you been learning to refine weapons? They were able to help him perfect the refining method together.

Xu Fei lowered his eyebrows, knowing that his performance was indeed a bit exaggerated.

But he was determined to obtain the method of making Shili Yunyan.

After all, the power of this kind of magical weapon is quite impressive.

After a while, Master Lu regained his composure.

After all, despite his age, he still adjusts his emotions very quickly, and jealousy only lasts a moment.

Afterwards, Master Lu even felt a little ashamed.

After thinking for a while, he took out more than thirty manuscripts from a bookcase.

"These are my years of experience in refining weapons. Please take a copy and return it to me." Master Lu said.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised when he heard Master Lu's words.

The little old man taught a lot before, but most of them were about honing spiritual materials.

Of course, this does not mean that it is not important to hone spiritual materials, but the specific method of refining weapons is rarely mentioned.

Now he is giving all his money to help?

After thinking for a while, Xu Feizhen took the manuscript seriously.

"Thank you sir." Xu Fei thanked him solemnly.

Master Lu laughed.

"After we have made ten miles of cloud smoke together, I will take you to meet your master." Master Lu said.

Hearing what Master Lu said, Xu Fei raised his eyebrows.

After this period of time together, Master Lu would occasionally mention his past.

He once became a disciple of an elder from Tianqi Peak!

It was only because his weapon refining skills were not progressing well and he felt ashamed that he left the Heavenly Weapon Peak.

This made Xu Fei sigh, why did his painting style suddenly change?

It seems that he has become a genius?

"Sir, my disciple wants to study with you for a few more years." Xu Fei said humbly.

"These don't affect you. If Master Qi is willing to teach you, it will be your opportunity. Don't be lazy." Master Lu said.

Such a paternalistic approach made Xu Fei scratch his head.

This, this, this...

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