Chapter 216, Refining Weapons

But Xu Fei could understand Master Lu's importance, so he could only agree with this arrangement.

Return home.

Xu Fei came to Sha Xiu.

After half a month of getting along, Shaxiu has accepted Xu Fei.

After all, life in the Xu family is leisurely and...pleasant.

Thinking of this, Sha Xiu blushed.

Xu Fei changed his clothes and took Sha Xiu into his arms.

This little bunny is soft, fragrant and very cute.

"Have you gotten used to life lately?" Xu Fei asked.

Shaxiu nodded quickly.

There is delicious food every day, which is really good for her.

Moreover, several sisters in the family also take good care of her.

"If you want to eat or play, tell Meiniang and let her help you arrange it." Xu Fei said.

Shaxiu nodded again after hearing this.

But immediately he hesitated a little.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei said.

"I, I want to eat bulletworms." Shaxiu said a little embarrassed.

"What the hell?" Xu Fei looked stunned.

Bulletbug? !

If Saxiu was talking about the same thing he knew, it was an annelid that resembled an earthworm.

Shaxiu quickly shrank her neck.

Bulletbugs were a delicacy that she had wanted to eat but rarely had.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel disgusted and distressed.

During this period, he kissed Shaxiu's little mouth many times, but this little rabbit demon even ate bulletworms very deliciously. It's hard to imagine what she had eaten...

Hey~~ I can’t think about it too much.

"I'll cook in a while and make some dishes for you to try. We won't eat those anymore." Xu Fei said helplessly.

Although Shaxiu felt a little regretful, she still nodded.

The living environment of the humanoid monsters in the Purple Territory is not very good.

Otherwise, Shaxiu would not have sold herself to Cai Juan in order to help her grandparents, mother, sister, and everyone in the village treat the epidemic.

After studying various Taoist techniques, Xu Fei went to the kitchen to show off his skills.

Possessing the second level 37 cooking skills, Xu Fei can't make the inedible edible.

But it can make the unpalatable food delicious, and the delicious food can be made even more delicious.

Especially the exquisite combination of various seasonings makes the meals cooked by Xu Fei more delicious than those cooked by famous chefs.

Ye Yuanmei couldn't help but look at Xu Fei while eating such delicious food, and had the urge to tie him up at home and make him cook every day.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Master Lu.

Start honing various spiritual materials.

Because the refining of Shili Yunyan is quite difficult, you have to be more focused and careful when honing the required spiritual materials.

So as not to affect subsequent refining.

Fortunately, with the guidance of an experienced veteran like Master Lu, there would be no problems.

After a little half a month of busy work.

Ye Yuanmei is in labor.

Ye Yuanmei is not young, but because of her cultivation, her appearance and physical condition are no different from those of a woman in her twenties.

However, this was the other party's first production, so Xu Fei still paid great attention to it.

But it's only about twenty minutes.

Ye Yuanmei stood up and opened the door herself, letting Xu Fei in.

He looked at Ye Yuanmei's flat belly.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised.

Although I could guess that female cultivators would have a much easier time giving birth than ordinary women, I didn't expect it to be so easy.

It's just a little bit regretful that when the child was born, Xu Fei got a reminder, 'Successfully having a child, the proficiency value will be +1400. ’

It is exactly one hundred times the proficiency gained from splitting branches with Ye Yuanmei, which means that this child has a high probability of not having Daogen.

But Xu Fei was not disappointed either.

"How about calling your son Zhongchang?" Xu Fei looked at his infant third son and said softly to Ye Yuanmei.

Ye Yuanmei sat on the bed and looked at the child in front of her who was connected to her by blood.

I heard that Xu Fei named his son Zhongchang.

"Xu Zhongchang?" Ye Yuanmei asked.

"What, do you want my son's surname to be Ye?" Xu Fei couldn't help but glared.

Seeing Xu Fei's angry look, Ye Yuanmei chuckled, but said nothing more.


After chatting for a while, Xu Fei discovered that Sha Xiu's little rabbit demon was poking his head outside.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei asked.

"Do I need to pray for the child?" Shaxiu blinked and asked.

When a child is born in Lingling Village, blessings are held.

However, the process of praying is also simple, which is to apply a paint made from various animal bloods all over the newborn's body.

Hearing this kind of blessing, Xu Fei couldn't help but stretched out his finger and tapped Shaxiu's head.

"How can a child do such dangerous things when he is just born?" Xu Fei said angrily and funny.

Being scolded by Xu Fei, Shaxiu's two rabbit ears drooped down, looking dejected.

"Oh." Sha Xiu said aggrievedly.

Obviously, even though this little rabbit demon has a very similar appearance to the human race and can speak human words, many of its living habits are actually different from the human race.

"Do you need confinement?" Xu Fei turned to look at Ye Yuanmei and asked.

Ye Yuanmei thought for a moment and shook her head.

The biggest impact of childbirth on female nuns is during pregnancy.

After a successful delivery, there won't be many problems.

In fact, this is also the reason why Xu Fei paid a lot of attention and care to Ye Yuanmei during her pregnancy.

"It's better to rest for a few days." Xu Fei persuaded.

Although Ye Yuanmei seems to have no problem, she will go through childbirth after all, so she still needs to be careful.

After hearing Xu Fei's persuasion, Ye Yuanmei nodded after considering it.

"Okay." Ye Yuanmei said.

She still quite trusts Xu Fei's medical skills.

A few days later, all the spiritual materials for refining Shili Yunyan were finally ready.

After Xu Fei said hello to his family, he went directly to Master Lu to stay temporarily.

After all, the process of refining Shili Yunyan cannot be completed in a day or two.

Based on Master Lu's past experience, it would take about five to ten days.

And as the spiritual materials that had been tempered in advance were forged together, and then went through processes such as smelting and tempering, several days passed in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, both Xu Fei and Lu Qishi have high cultivation levels and are not ordinary people.

Otherwise, such a long and high-intensity process of refining magic weapons would be very torturous.

A crucial step soon came.

Install the star mist stone into the forged ‘lamp’ to act as a ‘wick’.

Only when the installation is successful can the Ten Miles of Clouds and Smoke be considered completed.

If the installation fails, the entire device will be damaged due to excessive spiritual impact.

This was also the main reason why Master Lu suffered heavy losses after he failed to refine Shili Yunyan.

The clouds and smoke collected by Xu Fei and Master Lu during this period were shrunk and refined into the Star Mist Stone.

Master Lu then took matters into his own hands and carefully installed the star mist stone on the refined ‘lamp’.

Xu Fei on the side saw the right moment and activated the spirit gathering formation prepared in advance.

This array is a one-time use and is relatively powerful.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the naked eye can see the gathering of mist-like inspirations.

And these inspirations were pulled by Master Lu and gathered into the embryo of Shili Yunyan.

Make the final adjustments and refinements.

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