Chapter 217, success

Xu Fei on the side looked very nervous.

After all, if he can succeed this time, it means that he can also refine a set of Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke for himself.

One minute, ten minutes, half an hour.

Finally, just before the spirit-gathering formation was about to expire, Master Lu burst into laughter.

Ten miles of clouds, it’s done!

Twenty centimeters high, it resembles the shape of two wine glasses joined at the bottom, and is greenish-blue in color.

In the wine glass above, a milky white 'pearl' the size of a longan rolls gently.

Bring a little mist.

It is the Shili Yunyan refined by Master Lu!

"Let's go!" Master Lu waved his hand and led Xu Fei to the performance venue.

After greeting Senior Brother Chen Xiao who was guarding the performance field, Xu Fei followed Master Lu to a performance field.

"You stay away." Master Lu looked excited.

After five failures, this time with the help of Xu Fei, although the power of Shili Yunyan was somewhat compromised, it finally succeeded!

Xu Fei followed what Master Lu said and retreated to the wall. After thinking about it, he casually made a tree more than ten meters high and stood on the tree.

Seeing that Xu Fei was far away, Master Lu gathered his emotions and slowly gathered his magic power into the ten-mile cloud in his hand.

With Master Lu's mana pouring into it, Xu Fei keenly saw the 'pearl' made from the star mist stone in the 'wine glass' above, rolling faster and faster.

And as the star mist beads roll, clouds of mist are released.

Gradually it condensed into a mist-like seven-fingered hand.

The big hand has an odd shape, about five or six meters wide.

It doesn't really look like a hand.

But there is no other more convenient way to describe the strange appearance except hands.

Obviously Master Lu didn't have very high control over the use of this newly made magical weapon.

However, it does not affect Master Lu's ability to use his misty hand.

After a series of operations such as flying, grasping, gathering and dispersing, Master Lu finally urged his hand, which gradually transformed into a five-fingered mist-like hand, and slapped it hard on the ground.

"Boom~~" there was a loud noise.

Xu Fei's eyes showed surprise.

Although this 'hand' is made of clouds and mist, its power is quite impressive!

Directly press the ground to make a pit five or six meters wide and one meter deep.

The only pity is that when Lu Weapon Master caused such an attack effect, the mist-like hand collapsed directly.

Can no longer be reunited.

If you want to re-condensate, you can only urge the mana to infuse Shili Yunyan again.

However, this is also due to the fact that the magic weapon has not been maintained.

Generally speaking, after the magic weapon is warmed and maintained, its power can be increased again, some by several percent, and some even several times or dozens of times.

The specific effect also depends on the quality, type and personal maintenance methods of the instrument.

After Lv Qishi tried out the power of Shili Yunyan, he put it into his storage bag after some thought.

Then he waved his hand and took out another small shrimp skin boat.

"Let's go, follow me to see your master." Master Lu said.

Xu Fei was speechless when he heard the little old man being so casual.

However, he did not disobey and boarded the small shrimp boat with Master Lu.

The Shopee Boat under my feet is one and a half meters wide and three or four meters long. It is obviously a small Shopee Boat.

As Xu Fei stood still, Master Lu urged his magic power to start the small boat.

I saw the Shopee Boat slightly shaking as it lifted into the air to a height of more than 100 meters, and then shot directly into the air.

Extremely fast.

It is a completely different riding experience from the medium-sized Shopee boat that Xu Fei has ridden on. It is smooth but slow.

"Whoosh~" After flying for a certain distance, the speed of the shrimp boat accelerated again.

Two more significant accelerations followed.

Based on the sight of the rapid retreat around him, Xu Fei estimated in his mind that the speed of the small boat could reach more than a thousand miles an hour.

Therefore, the fierce wind blew his clothes all over his body.

The hairpin on her head has already been put away.

I can't tie my hair at all, I can only blow and dance wildly out of thin air.

Highlight a simple irritability.

In fact, it was fortunate that Xu Fei had good cultivation, otherwise he would have died directly in this situation.

However, Xu Fei accidentally saw the joy and excitement in Master Lu's expression. After thinking about it for a while, he chuckled, but he didn't say anything more to the little old man who was racing against the boat.

Almost three hours later.

Tianqi Peak is in sight.

Tianqi Peak, one of the sixty-one peaks of Linglong Immortal Sect.

Of course, this does not mean that there are only these sixty-one peaks in the Linglong Mountains.

But only these sixty-one peaks support the peak owners.

Tianqi Peak is controlled by the peak leader Youwei.

It is more than 2,300 feet high, which is more than 7,600 meters.

The mountain is not too steep.

Looking from a distance, Xu Fei saw many houses built from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

However, the construction was probably based on the mountain walking trend, so these man-made creations do not look out of place, but instead add a bit of people to Tianqi Peak.

It makes this mountain look softer.

Flying is not prohibited within Linglong Immortal Sect.

After all, in an area spanning thousands of miles, it is still very inconvenient to rely on just two legs.

But you also need to pay attention to ‘accidents’.

It was not uncommon for monks who were escaping in the air to collide with each other, their magic weapons to be damaged, and the monks themselves to be injured.

Even death happens occasionally.

It's still quite dangerous anyway.

Soon, Master Lu urged the small boat to stop in front of a courtyard about a thousand meters high on Tianqi Peak.

The courtyard is vast.

I don’t know how deep it is.

Master Lu jumped out of the small boat.

When Xu Fei saw this, he naturally jumped down.

Master Lu put the shrimp skin away again and took Xu Fei towards the courtyard.

When the two gatekeepers in front of the door saw Master Lu, they bowed in unison.

"Senior Brother Lu."

"Well, master, do you have some free time?" Master Lu asked.

"Master is in the library." One of the disciples said.

Master Lu nodded and led Xu Fei into the courtyard.

The scenery in the courtyard is quiet and quiet, with no exotic flowers and plants, nor any rare birds or animals.

Xu Fei looked at it for a few times before looking away, and came to a wooden building with Master Lu.

Wooden building with three floors.

About thirty meters long.

The area is not small.

Master Lu entered the book pavilion, walked through a large number of bookshelves filled with various books, and took Xu Fei up to the third floor.

There are no walls on the third floor, but there is no mountain breeze flowing in. It is obviously a unique arrangement.

And a man in his thirties, wearing a long black robe, was sitting behind the desk, drinking tea and reading.

Next to it was an incense burner that was emitting faint smoke.

Quite leisurely.

"Disciple Lu Hao, I would like to pay my respects to our master." Master Lu bowed his hands and saluted.

"Disciple Xu Fei, pay homage to the master." Xu Fei quickly followed and saluted.

In fact, judging from his appearance alone, the man sitting behind the desk should be of the same generation as Xu Fei, and Master Lu is the 'master'.

After hearing the greeting, the man put down the book in his hand.

"Sit down." The man said calmly.

At the same time, he looked at Xu Fei.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be even more cautious.

"Master, this is the disciple I have accepted." Master Lu explained.

The man nodded and then looked at Master Lu again.

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