Cultivation Of Immortality: My Branching And Spreading System

Chapter 219, Sixth Generation of Cultivation

Chapter 218, Sixth Generation of Cultivation

My master's surname is Yan, but I don't know the specific name of Xu Fei.

"Sit down." Master Lu said to Xu Fei, who consciously stood behind him.

It's not a formal occasion after all.

You don’t need to worry about so much etiquette.

Xu Fei hesitated for a moment after hearing this, then came to the side and sat down.

Soon a maid brought tea.

Xu Fei smelled the aroma, which seemed to be 'Pianlu'?

After tasting it, the fragrance is elegant and slightly sweet and slightly bitter in the mouth. It is indeed a piece of dew.

This tea is 30% raw materials and 70% craftsmanship. Two taels of the best quality will cost hundreds of spiritual stones.

It's a high-quality spiritual tea that Xu Fei can't quite afford.

After all, compared with ordinary spiritual tea, its taste is only a few percent better.

Xu Fei is not the target customer of this tea at all.

However, following Master Lu today was a blessing.

And being able to serve him with such expensive tea, it seems that Master Yan still values ​​his master a little bit?

Xu Fei was thoughtful.

"Master, I got something by chance and made it into Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke. I would like to ask you to take a look." Master Lu said, taking out the newly made Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke from his storage bag.

Master Yan took the magic weapon, looked at it briefly, and then used his magic power to activate it.

A smile appeared on his face.

"Not bad." Master Yan praised it.

He only accepted nine disciples, and he has not accepted any more disciples in recent decades.

Therefore, he was somewhat concerned about the nine apprentices he had accepted.

Master Lu was as happy as a child after being praised by his master.

After all, because of his poor progress in weapon refining skills, he was too ashamed to follow his master any longer, so he went to the Valley Artifact Hall.

At this moment, there was finally some improvement.

Thinking of this, Master Lu turned to look at Xu Fei.

"This ten-mile cloud can be achieved only because of the help of my disciple." Master Lu said, but he did not take the credit from Xu Fei.

Master Yan nodded after hearing this.

The smile on his face increased a bit.

This disciple of mine has a high spirit, but average talent, especially his obsession.

Fortunately, I finally came out now.

"Where is your hometown?" Master Yan asked Xu Fei.

Xu Fei stood up quickly when he heard this. He couldn't tell what the cultivation level of the master in front of him was.

The attitude should naturally be more respectful.

"I was born in the Qingyu Ling Jedi Land." Xu Fei said.

What a surprise to Master Yan.

After all, people in Lingjue Land cannot practice unless they possess the qualifications to banish immortals or are innate in martial arts.

It takes decades to achieve success.

The young man in front of me is only about thirty years old.

But there are already two hundred or three hundred pots of mana.

Thinking of this, Master Yan tested Xu Fei's skills in weapon refining.

After a moment he couldn't help but nod.

This guy is pretty good.

This also made Master Yan even more happy.

After thinking for a while, Master Yan took out a bottle of elixir.

"This is a bottle of Great Enlightenment Pill. You should study the weapon refining method carefully but don't forget your homework." Master Yan said.

Hearing the name of Dawu Dan, Xu Fei turned to look at Master Lu.

There was actually no formal apprenticeship ceremony between him and the little old man.

It was Master Lu who taught him the art of refining weapons, and he was just a disciple.

In fact, if the master does not have a special status, or the apprentice has a special status, then generally speaking, becoming a master is as simple as offering a bowl of tea at most.

Xu Fei, on the other hand, has never even offered tea to Master Lu, especially so far, he has addressed Master Lu as sir, not master.

So can you accept such a precious meeting gift from Master Yan?

Master Lu nodded slightly, indicating that it was okay for Xu Fei to accept it.

Xu Fei then respectfully took the Dawu Pill.

This elixir is called Dawu, and it is made by the Sun Casting Method. It seems that it should not be very effective.

But because it is made from the precious elixir Wuxinhua, it has very good healing and warming effects.

For example, some injuries that will have sequelae, or taking too many elixirs, or accumulation of elixirs in the body, etc., will have excellent recovery effects after taking Dawu elixirs.

Moreover, it is rumored that this Great Enlightenment Pill has the miraculous effect of increasing monks' understanding.

As a result, this kind of elixir has always been expensive and difficult to purchase.

"Thank you, Master." Xu Fei thanked him.

Master Yan chuckled and nodded.

After chatting for a while, Master Lu took Xu Fei away.

When he came here today, in addition to telling his master that he had made Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke, he also brought Xu Fei over to show his face.

Let Master know that he has such a disciple.

Too much inconvenience and interruption.

"Your ancestor's surname is Yan Mingqi. He studied under Wuchengzi. Grandmaster Wuchengzi studied under Xuan Lingxin. Grandmaster Xuanlingxin studied under Youwei." Master Lu Qi took Xu Fei away from Master Yan's residence. , for Xu Fei to popularize the origin of their lineage.

Xu Fei was counting his seniority on his fingers when he suddenly heard that his ancestor was actually Youwei and couldn't help but be stunned.

Youwei is the master of Tianwei Peak.

Considered by Xu Fei as one of the great achievements of ‘my generation’.

Although he is just a little ant now, and he will be cooled down when the other party sneezes, it does not hinder Xu Fei's random thoughts.

But after this calculation, Xu Fei turned out to be a ‘sixth generation cultivator’? ?

This is really...

"What? Do you think this status has insulted you?" Master Lu turned to look at Xu Fei.

"No, no, sir, what are you talking about?" Xu Fei said quickly.

But soon Xu Fei felt that he was a little too casual.

Although he usually got along with Master Lu like this, but after suddenly knowing the origin of the little old man, it inevitably made him feel a lot of pressure.

Master Lu chuckled lightly upon hearing this.

Refining Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke allowed him to remove the barriers in his heart.

Suddenly, the world in front of me is so bright and wide.

Therefore, he was naturally very tolerant of Xu Fei, who helped him refine Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke.

"Come on, let's go back." Master Lu said.

Taking a boat with shrimp skin and crane feathers, Xu Fei returned to the Valley Warehouse with Master Lu.

It had been almost ten days since he had gone home. Xu Fei still missed the women and children a lot, so he said goodbye to Master Lu and left the mountain gate.

Seeing Xu Fei coming back, the women in the family were all happy.

Xu Fei washed up, changed his clothes, and then came to Ye Yuanmei.

Ye Yuanmei had just fed her third child, Xu Zhongchang, with milk.

"Can you use magic weapons?" Xu Fei said.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Ye Yuanmei was slightly surprised.

Although she majored in Body Meridians and also studied Metal Techniques, and had not practiced the fundamental Taoist methods of Divine Veins, she benefited from the benefits of the Body Meridians Taoism, and her spiritual thoughts were not bad.

She has practiced the body channel method and now has nearly a thousand pots of mana, which is about the same as the spiritual mind of a monk who specializes in the spirit channel and has three hundred pots of mana.

After all, essence, qi, and spirit are interdependent and influence each other and do not exist independently.

"I learned a method of making a magical weapon from my master, and I will make one for you later," Xu Fei said.

Ye Yuanmei raised an eyebrow.

But he is not very optimistic about Xu Fei's achievements. After all, how long has it been since he learned the weapon refining method?

But immediately Ye Yuanmei smiled and said: "Okay."

Just practicing hard doesn't mean that Ye Yuanmei doesn't know how to be a good person. Moreover, now that she has children with Xu Fei, it won't dampen her husband's enthusiasm.

Hearing Ye Yuanmei's compliment, Xu Fei hugged her and kissed her.

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