Chapter 226, Ghost Poison Spider

Realizing that he was being treated as a burden, Xu Fei was speechless.

Deliberately let go of the constraints on your own magic and show your strength.

But soon I realized that this idea was too naive.

He shook his head and smiled and ignored it.

Together with Ye Yuanmei, follow the other party back to Xuanfeng Forest.

Before entering the forest, Ye Yuanmei nodded slightly to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that it was Ye Yuanmei who told him to stay vigilant.

After all, although Ye Yuanmei had cooperated with Shu Lan several times, she did not dare to ensure that the other party would not harm others.

This taught Xu Fei quite a bit, and it seemed that he could never let down his guard at any time.

After traveling for more than two hundred miles, the sky became dark.

The three of them took a break.

As a monk, I can travel under the stars at night.

But it is inevitable that they will be affected. If everyone is not in a good condition when encountering a ghost poisonous spider, it will inevitably be troublesome.

So some rest is essential.

Xu Fei once again took on the responsibility of cooking.

Although almost three meals a day during this period consisted of grilled monster meat, Xu Fei's superb cooking skills would not make people sick of it.

Moreover, they also have superb medical skills to brew tea soup to regulate the body.

Even though they have been away for a month, Xu Fei and Ye Yuanmei are actually in pretty good condition.

Tasting Xu Fei's barbecue for the first time, Shu Lan couldn't help but be surprised.

With such superb cooking skills, wouldn't it be great to be a chef in the fairy city?

Why are you going out hunting monsters?

But after thinking about it, Shu Lan didn't say much.

At night, the three of them divided their time to keep vigil.

Ye Yuanmei watched the first half of the night, Xu Fei watched the midnight, and Shu Lan watched the second half of the night.

Xu Fei had no objection to this.

On the second day, after eating another delicious barbecue, Shu Lan felt a little embarrassed.

He took out a few spiritual herbs from the storage bag.

The total value is equivalent to two spiritual stones.

"This is my meal money." Shulan said.

Xu Fei looked at the other party. Although this woman has low emotional intelligence, speaks sarcastically, and has a perverse personality, she also has a clear distinction between grudges and grudges?

After receiving the meal money, Xu Fei felt that her stern eyes were more pleasing to the eye.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei did not refuse.

With such an episode, the atmosphere between the three people in the team was not so awkward.

Shulan occasionally chatted.

After three days of this, the group arrived at the edge of the Xuanfeng Forest.

In the distance are the Xuanfeng Mountains.

I don’t know if it’s because the forest was named Xuanfeng first, and the mountains next to it were called that.

Or maybe the mountains were named first, and the forests followed.

But the Xuanfeng Mountains and the Xuanfeng Forest are almost next to each other.

There is only about ten miles of open space in the middle.

When she saw the mountains, Ye Yuanmei's expression suddenly dawned.

No wonder she took Xu Fei around the forest for a month but found nothing.

It turns out that this beast has moved its nest.

"The poisonous ghost spider is building a nest in a cave at the foot of the mountain ahead." Shu Lan said.

Ye Yuanmei nodded, and then the three of them headed to the mountains together.

On the second day, a group of people came to the cave that Shulan mentioned.

The entrance to the cave looks nothing out of the ordinary.

But Ye Yuanmei raised her hand to condense a ball of flame and slowly threw it over.

Soon something was burning.

At the same time, there were wisps of flames extending out in the air.

The sight is strange.

It was as if something was pulling the flames.

And as it burned, some burned thread-like objects appeared, appearing black and emitting a strange and unpleasant smell.

This is exactly the invisible, colorless and transparent spider silk spewed out by the ghost poisonous spider's special natural talent, 'treacherous silk'.

Cloth is placed at the entrance of the cave for warning and protection.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Yuanmei was sure that this was indeed the ghost poisonous spider's nest.

Then he turned to look at Shu Lan.

Shu Lan did not refuse, nodded, and walked straight to the cave.

Although she had dealt with Ye Yuanmei several times, she would not let down the caution between the two.

Therefore, when hunting this ghost poisonous spider, she must be the one who discovered it and lured the ghost poisonous spider out of the cave.

Then the hunt begins.

It sounds like she is at a loss.

After all, the ghost poisonous spider she discovered now needs her to lure it out, and then she and Ye Yuanmei will hunt down the poisonous spider.

After doing so many things, it is only appropriate to get more rewards.

But in fact, a 50-50 split is the most reasonable distribution method.

Because without Ye Yuanmei's help, she couldn't hunt the ghost poisonous spider by herself.

And the other party also needs to bear the responsibility of whether the so-called hunting of ghost poisonous spiders in this trip is a trap set by her with malicious intent.

Do something cruel and murderous.

There are certain risks on both sides.

In fact, if the person he met was not Ye Yuanmei, Shu Lan would never leave and come back.

Xu Fei stood aside, looking a little stupid.

After all, how could he know the twists and turns in this.

Now it was even his first time hunting monsters with outsiders.

Follow Shulan into the cave.

Ye Yuanmei took out a magic sword.

The magic sword is brand new and flashes with cold light.

Naturally, Xu Fei took the time to refine it for Master Lu when he was helping him refine Shili Yunyan.

Although Ye Yuanmei didn't reveal anything, Xu Fei had already equipped her with four magical weapons.

Magic sword, magic shield, ten miles of clouds and a pure heart jade ring.

It can be said that after following Xu Fei, Ye Yuanmei, with Xu Fei's support, not only no longer had to worry about expenses, she could take pills every day to practice, her cultivation level was greatly improved, and even her magical weapons were updated.

The strength has been greatly improved.

Without being self-effacing, Ye Yuanmei feels that her own strength has at least doubled in less than three years compared to Xu Fei's before!

Xu Fei and Ye Yuanmei were on guard outside the cave.

After almost twenty minutes, there was a commotion in the cave.

Shu Lan rushed out first.

Soon a spider the size of a millstone followed out with a vicious look.

Twelve legs, four in front and eight in back, move very quickly.

Seeing this spider, Xu Fei directly raised his hand and pressed it on the rock nearby.

As Xu Fei mobilized his magic power, a circular earth wall emerged from the ground.

Three meters, five meters, eight meters!

Finally it stopped at a height of twenty meters.

It just happened to trap the ghost poisonous spider in the earth wall.

Shu Lan couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Xu Fei take action.

This man's apparent magic power is only a few dozen pots, how could he have such magic?

But immediately Shu Lan noticed the fluctuations in mana that Xu Fei released due to his casting of spells.

At least two hundred pots or more.

This left her speechless.

That is to say, only the disciples of the Immortal Sect have the luxury to practice such 'useless' methods of aura-condensing.

"Miscellaneous~~~~" The Ghost Poison Spider found himself trapped.

It let out a shrill scream, penetrated the earth wall and spread out to all sides.

Because it is not in Xuanfeng Forest, the natural sound-absorbing formation formed by countless trees is useless.

Xu Fei's ears rang after hearing the neighing sound, his mind became dizzy, and he almost passed out.

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