Chapter 227, Fighting

Fortunately, Ye Yuanmei followed and quickly supported Xu Fei with a concerned expression.

Xu Fei held his forehead and rubbed his temples.

My brain, which was slightly dizzy after being tortured by the screams of the ghost poisonous spiders, was relieved a lot.

At the same time, I couldn't help feeling that this beast was really difficult to deal with.

No wonder Shu Lan had good magic power, but he didn't rush to hunt him down alone.

Shulan felt a little disgusted when she saw this.

Just now she actually felt that this person was quite powerful.

If you are really in trouble, you are still a soft-footed shrimp.

While Xu Fei was relieving his discomfort, the poisonous ghost spider trapped by the earth wall had crawled out along the earth wall.

Being able to trap the Ghost Poison Spider is much easier to deal with than having it running around.

Shu Lan would not allow him to escape, so he raised his hand and took out a flying stone from his storage bag.

In fact, it is just a large stone that has been tempered.

Shulan's piece is one meter wide and high.

It weighs several thousand kilograms.

Under the urging of Shulan's magic power, it flew up and hit the ghost poisonous spider with the sound of whirring and breaking wind.

Seeing such a big stone approaching, the Ghost Poison Spider did not dare to resist, and directly dodged and retreated into the earth wall.

But at the same time, it also neighed again.

Xu Fei was on guard this time and was not affected at all.

In fact, he was in such a panic just now because he was unprepared. After all, Xu Fei's experience in fighting monsters and monsters was far from rich.

In addition, in addition to the natural talents of these monsters, even if they are the same kind of monsters, their specific abilities may not be the same.

Some cross the water like flying, some just bark randomly, and some are much stronger than average.

But all in all, this ghost poisonous spider did teach Xu Fei a lesson.

And this also changed Xu Fei's original idea of ​​​​touching the fish and waving the flag and shouting.

He taught labor and management a hard lesson, and he still expects labor and management to let it go easily?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei waved and took out Shili Yunyan.

Compared with the ordinary version sold by Master Lu to other monks, the one in Xu Fei's hands has been adjusted and strengthened by him.

The refining cost alone reached more than 18,000 spirit stones.

If Master Lu were to sell it, he would probably have to ask for more than 100,000 spirit stones.

Therefore, the 'lamp'-like shining Ten Miles of Clouds and Smoke created by Xu Fei's hand, which is based on gold as the spiritual material, is one or two levels stronger than the ordinary Ten Miles of Clouds and Smoke.

Shu Lan, who was about to discuss with Ye Yuanmei how to hunt the ghost poisonous spider, was startled when he saw Xu Fei suddenly taking out such an impressive magical weapon.

what's the situation?

Ye Yuanmei on the side also smiled bitterly when she saw this.

But there was no hindrance.

Xu Fei took out the magic weapon and directly mobilized the magic power. The star mist beads that acted as the 'lamp core' immediately spit out clouds of smoke.

In the blink of an eye, it spread around for several meters.

Xu Fei activated his magic power again, and the clouds and smoke gathered and turned into big hands.

Xu Fei then jumped onto the earth wall.

Yunyan's big hand followed Xu Fei and circled around him.

With Ten Miles of Clouds and Smoke in hand, the clouds and mist condensed by it will be controlled by Xu Fei.

Glancing around the area of ​​more than a thousand square meters surrounded by a circular earth wall, Xu Fei quickly discovered the ghost poisonous spider lying in the corner.

Not paying attention to the other party's sinister intentions, he directly urged Yun Yan to rush towards him with his big hand.

Sensing Yunyan's big hand, the ghost poisonous spider hissed again.

It moved out of the Xuanfeng Forest because it accidentally noticed that its neighing sound was special.

It is quite convenient when hunting and fighting enemies.

But Xu Fei was on guard, so how could he still get hurt?

With his eyes focused, Yun Yan's big hand speeded up by two points.

The ghost poisonous spider couldn't deal with Xu Fei's screams, and without any movement from him, it was 'hang' away in a strange way.

Seeing this, Xu Fei observed carefully and probably saw that it was another thread spewed and arranged by the ghostly poisonous spider's natural talent, so he turned it away.

As long as the spewing time does not exceed a few days, the spider silk spewed by the ghost poisonous spider with the silk talent will still be controlled by it.

There are even rumors that there was once a great demon-level ghost poisonous spider with the talent of silk. The silk it spewed has been hundreds of years old, but it is still moved by it.

It's really amazing.

The poisonous spider was strange, but Xu Fei had no intention of letting this beast go.

He urged Yunyan's big hand again to pursue the Ghost Poison Spider.

Yunyan's big hand is three meters square, with five fingers grasping it.

But Xu Fei, who was urging Yun Yan's big hand, couldn't help but frown slightly.

Because from time to time, there will be a feeling of "cutting resistance" of the thread through the rhyme, feedback from the big hand of Yunyan.

Apparently, in the moment when the sight disappeared, this ghost poisonous spider had already laid a trap in the earth wall.

If you step into it rashly without knowing the depth, I'm afraid it won't end well at this moment.

Ye Yuanmei followed Xu Fei and jumped onto the earth wall. She saw Xu Fei dealing with the ghost poisonous spider and quietly stood guard.

Although she wanted to take revenge, since Xu Fei wanted to fight this ghost poisonous spider, she would not stop him.

And if Xu Fei helped her get revenge, then she would be happy too.

Shu Lan jumped onto the earth wall from the other side and saw that the Ghost Poison Spider had no choice but to escape under the pursuit of Xu Fei's big hand of Yun Yan.

Can't help but feel a little envious.

These Immortal Sect disciples are really extravagant.

There is such a powerful magic weapon.

The ghost poisonous spider's silk is extraordinary, much stronger than gold and iron rope.

Especially in addition to being transparent, it is also very thin.

So you can imagine that when you want to chase the ghost poisonous spider, you don't find the treacherous silk blocking the road, and then bump into it...

It may not be impossible to have his head cut off directly by this weird thread.

What's more, these fresh silk threads will continue to be controlled by the ghost poisonous spider.

If not, Shu Lan would not have dared to take action alone when his magical power was almost a hundred pots higher than that of the ghost poisonous spider.

Under the pursuit of Yun Yan's big hand, the ghostly poisonous spider's secretly arranged silk threads were completely unable to escape, and were all forcibly destroyed by Yun Yan's big hand.

However, with the help of the treacherous silk, the poisonous spider was able to withstand the pursuit of Xu Fei's Yunyan's big hand, which was urging luck.

But whenever he wanted to escape from the siege of the earth wall, he would be stopped by Xu Fei's big hand of cloud and smoke.


The moments that test your patience the most.

Once one party wants a quick victory, it may fall into the trap of the other party.

Moreover, the process of fighting is also an important way to discover the opponent's shortcomings.

Of course, the so-called "shortcomings" discovered may also be "flaws" deliberately exposed by the other party.

So fighting is never a simple matter.

The victor gets fame, fortune, and even the life of his opponent.

The loser risks losing everything.

Extremely cruel.

Following the test, Xu Fei frowned slightly.

Because this ghost poisonous spider has a lot of combat experience.

In an area of ​​less than two acres enclosed by an earthen wall, Yun Yan's big hand found no difficulty in avoiding his efforts to push his luck.

This also made Xu Fei understand that having a powerful magical weapon does not necessarily mean strong strength.

It also requires clever application methods.

If you are not really tested in a fight, even if you show off your fortune-enhancing magic weapon on a daily basis, it is not considered your real ability.

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