Chapter 231, fight

Anyone who disagrees will be killed.

These guys are really not in a good position.

Xu Fei naturally couldn't hold back his hands, so he turned around and threw a fire spell.

At the same time, he took out the magic weapon Shili Yunyan.

With Xu Fei's current strength, he would probably suffer a loss if he fought in close combat with this guy of unknown origin.

Xu Fei has a clear understanding of this.

It was impossible for Ye Yuanmei to allow outsiders to cause harm to Xu Fei, so he took out the magic sword and magic shield in the blink of an eye.

Stand in front of Xu Fei.

Although being protected by a woman made Xu Fei, a somewhat macho man, a little embarrassed, but now that the situation was dangerous, it was impossible for him to leave Ye Yuanmei's protection and fight the enemy with determination.

As the Ma Wang ghost made a surprise attack, the other ghosts also followed suit.

The old man's inner ghost walked aside and showed a fierce look in his eyes.

The third evil ghost charged with the boss, aiming directly at Xu Fei. It was obvious that among the three targets in front of him, this man was the weakest.

The fourth greedy ghost and the sixth ferocious ghost exchanged glances, and then activated their spells.

The fifth crazy ghost took out a big knife and faced Shu Lan.

The fight was lively for a while.

Xu Fei saw that the fire spell he released was easily dodged.

After thinking about it, he simply stopped using spells and directly poured mana into Shili Yunyan.

"Second brother!" Seeing Xu Fei take out the golden Shili Yunyan, the third evil ghost shouted immediately.

The power of the magic weapon is very uncertain.

Not to mention they are weak, but if it were some powerful magical weapon that directly killed the six brothers, wouldn't it be unlucky?

Fortunately, the more powerful the magic weapon, the harder it is to use.

It's not too alarming.

"I know." The second heart ghost responded, raised his hand and cast a fire spell to harass Xu Fei and prevent him from using the magic weapon.

Ye Yuanmei raised the magic shield in her hand to block the spell.

Xu Fei was not affected in any way and quickly moved the clouds and smoke from ten miles away. The clouds were filled with mist and the big hand appeared again.

This time there were three big hands of cloud smoke as soon as they appeared.

And under the control of Xu Fei, he went directly towards the old ghost who had just attacked him.

Instead of trying so hard to control three big hands of cloud and smoke to deal with three targets respectively, it is better to concentrate on taking advantage of one opponent first.

The scene was chaotic for a while.

Xu Fei is protected by Ye Yuanmei, who can safely transport the magic weapon.

And Shu Lan also tried hard to stop another person after entangling an opponent.

Try your best to create conditions for Xu Fei to perform.

Seeing the two women trusting each other so much, Xu Fei naturally wouldn't show any timidity.

Yunyan's big hand attacked the inner ghost at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing that Xu Fei had set his primary target on him, Xin Gui couldn't help but frown, knowing that it was because he had just acted rashly and attracted the other party's attention.

However, the inner ghost didn't care, and directly urged the escape technique to avoid it.

But he didn't believe that the opponent's magical weapon could attack far.

Seeing that the opponent was retreating, Xu Fei simply stopped chasing him and took advantage of the situation to change the target of Yun Yan's big hand.

Ye Yuanmei resisted the two attacks, and Shu Lan also fought with them.

But now that one of them escapes, the remaining one will naturally become Xu Fei's first choice.

Among the six ghosts of the Ma family, the eldest king ghost, the third evil ghost, and the fifth crazy ghost are all chosen to practice body veins.

The second child is the evil spirit, the fourth child is the greedy ghost, and the sixth child is the vicious ghost who practices the Dharma.

However, the second heart ghost originally practiced the divine vein, but later he could not find a powerful magic weapon, so he had to switch to the magical vein.

The one chosen by Xu Fei as his target now is the fourth greedy ghost who is a Dharma cultivator.

His magic power is about six hundred pots. It is already quite impressive among ordinary monks.

"Fourth, be careful!" Seeing Xu Fei change his target, the escaping ghost quickly raised his voice to remind him.

This young man doesn't look amazing, and he only has a few dozen pots of magic power. But after a real fight and his cultivation is revealed, he realizes that this kid is not weak at all.

Especially the magic weapon looks very powerful.

This made the ghost in the heart very greedy. He had to give up practicing the divine veins because he did not have a powerful magic weapon, but he always had a dream of being a divine vein monk in his heart.

If we could get our hands on the opposing magic weapon, wouldn't we be able to relive our old dreams?

The fourth greedy ghost realized that he was being targeted by Xu Fei, so he directly focused his attention on Xu Fei, preparing to watch his actions before he could determine his response.

Unfortunately, before he could make any move, Shu Lan saw the opportunity and directly threw a short hammer.

He hit Lao Si Greedy Ghost right in the waist and knocked him away.

Apparently because he only cared about Xu Fei's Yunyan big hand, the fourth evil ghost didn't notice Shu Lan's sudden attack.

"Bitch!" The old five mad ghosts who were fighting with Shu Lan saw that Shu Lan had crossed over and hurt his brother. He immediately shouted angrily, summoned his magic power, and slashed with his sword without hesitation.

The fighting style of the body lineage monks is simple and crude.

Encourage mana to transport tactics.

Either extremely fast or incredibly powerful.

The meteor method Ye Yuanmei practices is a speed type method.

But when facing the Ghost Poison Spider before, it was difficult to use its unique silk talent.

Now in order to protect Xu Fei, it is also difficult to show his strength.

Fortunately, Xu Fei lived up to expectations. Yunyan's big hand, which was urging luck, smacked the fourth greedy ghost who was knocked to the ground by Shu Lan amidst the angry shouts of the fifth mad ghost.

"Pa~" a sound.

Blood splattered.

As a Dharma cultivator, although the physical strength of the fourth greedy ghost is far above average, he cannot withstand such a heavy blow.

Directly spitting blood from the mouth.

Judging from the twisted limbs, it was obvious that the injury was more serious than it looked.

Xu Fei used five pots of mana to attack this big cloud hand.

Although the mana consumed for subsequent maintenance has increased, it is only one-twentieth more than the Yunyan Big Hand with three pots of mana condensed.

It doesn’t add too much stress.

However, the power is somewhat unsatisfactory.

It is only less than 20% stronger than the big hand with three pots of mana.

The reason for this is that Xu Fei is not yet proficient in the use of Shili Yunyan.

On the one hand, it only took more than a month to complete the refining of Shili Yunyan, and on the other hand, he had to be busy with too many things, so it was difficult for him to focus all his energy on getting familiar with the magic weapon.

Therefore, Xu Fei made up his mind that he must make use of Shili Yunyan after returning this time.

A brother was crippled by a shooting.

It is inevitable that the six ghosts of the Ma family will want to retreat.

After all, they have a reputation for running around, looting and killing people, but they still haven't been able to catch the law. They rely on being smart enough.

If something goes wrong, just run away.

Therefore, the candidates for the Six Ghosts occasionally change, but the reputation of the Ma Family's Six Ghosts becomes stronger day by day.

Ye Yuanmei saw that the other party was preparing to escape and planned to pursue him.

He turned to look at Xu Fei.

Seeing this, Xu Fei thought for a moment and took out his magic shield.

Inject mana into it, causing the mana shield to sink and float around you.

Provide some protection.

"Brother!" The second heart ghost, who had previously run away from Xu Feiyunyan's big hand, suddenly shouted.

The boss, Wang Gui, who had been fighting with Ye Yuanmei for a long time and seemed to have some mental problems, suddenly waved his hand and hit the iron rod. After forcing Ye Yuanmei back, he turned around and ran away.

Obviously, this "big brother" sound should be the signal agreed by the Ma family's six ghosts to remind them to escape.

When Shu Lan saw this, he frowned and clung to the fifth mad ghost who was about to escape, obviously planning to leave one more person behind.

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