Chapter 232, Golden Source Sacred Tree

"Smelly bitches!" Old Five Kuanggui said angrily.

Everyone else was about to run away, but he couldn't escape yet, and he might die here like the fourth child.

This makes him not angry.

But unfortunately, Shu Lan's combat experience far exceeds that of Xu Fei.

He was not moved at all and continued to fight with him, determined to keep the other party here.

After all, this woman's bravery can be seen from the fact that she dares to go out to hunt monsters alone.

At least much stronger than Xu Fei.

After the other ghosts escaped a certain distance, Ye Yuanmei suddenly moved!

He disappeared from Xu Fei's sight in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Lao Liu, the last one to escape.

But this man was just running for his life and didn't even notice Ye Yuanmei chasing after him.

Then Ye Yuanmei gently raised the magic sword in her hand, and without using any force, it just casually passed across his neck.

This one of the six ghosts of the Ma family has only been in the family for a few years, but he has already done a lot of rapes and robberies. After running a few steps, he realized why his eyes were so low. And it's spinning?

What's even more shocking is, why is there a headless body slowly falling down in front of me?

oh? That turned out to be his...

Ignoring the murderous ghost, Ye Yuanmei continued to pursue it.

Meteor tactics are known for their speed.

Choosing to expose his back to Ye Yuanmei, who practiced meteor warfare, was the most stupid behavior.

Soon the third evil ghost realized something was wrong.

"Brother! Second brother!" He shouted for help quickly.

But it's a pity that the boss, Wang Gui, and the second brother, the heart ghost, didn't pay any attention to this so-called brother's plea for help. They didn't have the deep brotherly love they usually talk about when they brag.

He was afraid that he would be killed by Ye Yuanmei if he ran last.

This made Xu Fei a little stunned.

After all, you were so aggressive just now, why did you turn around and lose your armor?

Aren't you going to fight hard?

If they really fight, the six ghosts may not lose?

"Ah!!" Another scream.

It turned out that the fifth crazy ghost was unable to survive alone, and was hit in the head by Shu Lan with a hammer. It was like opening a dye shop, white and red, and he died immediately.

After dealing with the fifth crazy ghost, Shu Lan looked at the fourth greedy ghost struggling on the ground.

He first manipulated the magic shield and then slapped the opponent hard, then got closer and swung the hammer to finish him off.

Xu Fei couldn't help but scratch his head when he saw the understatement in his murderous manner.


Very fierce.

Several hundred meters away, Ye Yuanmei caught up with the third evil ghost in an instant.

Easily kill the opponent at a speed that they can't keep up with.

However, after looking at the two ghosts who had already run several miles away due to this moment of delay, Ye Yuanmei gave up the pursuit after hesitation and returned to Xu Fei.

The encounter that started suddenly ended abruptly.

"You're really clever." Shu Lan couldn't help but sigh when she saw Ye Yuanmei coming back.

Ye Yuanmei took out a piece of cotton cloth and wiped off the blood stains on the sword.

He chuckled after hearing Shu Lan's sigh.

The boss, the king ghost, the third evil ghost, were blocked by her, and the fourth, greedy ghost and fifth, the crazy ghost were also blocked by Shu Lan.

When the second heart ghost did not dare to fight under the attack of Xu Fei's Yunyan big hand, the result was actually destined.

What's more, Shu Lan saw the opportunity to sneak attack the fourth greedy ghost, and then was slapped hard by Xu Fei's Yun Yan's big hand.

It directly shattered the thoughts of the six ghosts of the Ma family.

And if the Six Ghosts were determined to fight to the death, they wouldn't be alive now.

It had long been eliminated by other monks.

Six ghosts killed four.

The other two ghosts also fled without a trace.

The rest is naturally to distribute the spoils.

"Those two things belong to us, and these two belong to you, how about it?" Ye Yuanmei said after thinking about it.

Upon hearing this, Shu Lan turned around and looked at the two ghosts killed by Ye Yuanmei, and then at the two dead ghosts on her side.

"Okay." Ye Yuanmei approved the assignment.

After the assignment was made, Ye Yuanmei and Xu Fei came to the two ghosts she killed.

Looking at the bloody scene in front of him, Xu Fei couldn't help but frown.

"If you can't bear it, go over there and wait for me for a while. I'll be fine soon." Ye Yuanmei said softly.

Xu Fei blinked when he saw this.

This person has the mentality of a tiger sniffing out roses...

Tsk tsk, I love it.

Without leaving Ye Yuanmei busy, Xu Fei came to the corpse of Lao Liuxionggui and began to search for his inheritance.

Soon Xu Fei found two storage bags.

One is almost ten square meters, and the other is five square meters.

Not too big, but not too small either. Compared with ordinary monks who don't even have a pouch, they are undoubtedly quite wealthy.

There are hundreds of low-grade spiritual stones and several magic weapons in Wufang's storage bag.

Xu Fei took out the magic weapons and took a look at them. They were all those that had been warmed by others.

Moreover, the nature of magic power does not come from the hands of one person.

Obviously, the owners of these magical weapons have most likely been intercepted and killed by the Ma family's six ghosts.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be silent for a moment after seeing it.

If Shu Lan and Ye Yuanmei were not so powerful, then his Ten Miles of Clouds would probably have become the collection of these people.

And this actually proves the correctness of Xu Fei's hard training in the fairy city.

After all, if you think about spending dozens of pots of mana everywhere, it is almost impossible to avoid getting into trouble.

The other Shifang storage bag contained food such as wine and meat, but no valuables.

Ye Yuanmei only found one storage bag, but after briefly checking the contents of the storage bag, a hint of surprise flashed across her expression.

But he quickly restrained himself and regained his composure.

Even Xu Fei didn't notice it.

Joined Shulan again.

"It's best not to let anyone know about the killing of four of the six ghosts of the Ma family this time." Shu Lan said after thinking about it.

Xu Fei did not comment on this, after all, he was not prepared to become famous for it.

But as a casual cultivator, Shu Lan killed four of the six ghosts of the Ma family. Such a deed that raised his reputation so much, how could he think of hiding it?

Shouldn't it be publicized and made famous?

Shu Lan saw Xu Fei's doubts and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Fame is tiring." He said in a helpless tone.

Fame and wealth are undoubtedly a double-edged sword.

If you use it well, you can get huge benefits, but if you don't use it well, you can get burned.

Obviously Shu Lan was not sensitive to this.

Xu Fei looked at Ye Yuanmei and saw that she had no objection, so he naturally followed suit.

Continuing on the way back to the fairy city, it was a smooth journey without any mistakes.

Return home.

The women were extremely happy about Xu Fei's return.

Although they were accompanied by Ye Yuanmei, they were still worried.

Fortunately, Xu Fei came back safely.

After washing away all the dust from his travels, Xu Fei was drinking tea and resting.

But they saw Ye Yuanmei sending the others away.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei asked curiously.

Ye Yuanmei pursed her lips and took out a dead leaf from the storage bag.

The dead leaves are about the size of a palm, no different from ordinary fallen leaves.

But Xu Fei would not ignore Ye Yuanmei's solemnity.

After taking the dead leaf and looking at it for a moment, Xu Fei frowned.

"This is?"

"Four hundred years ago, the Linglong Immortal Sect destroyed the Jinyuan Sect, and the whereabouts of the Jinyuan Sect's most precious treasure, the Jinyuan Sacred Tree, have remained unknown." Ye Yuanmei said.

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