Chapter 233, Xiaoyu

Hearing Ye Yuanmei mention old things, especially when there was a dead leaf in his hand.

This made Xu Fei stunned.


Ye Yuanmei slowly shook his head: "I'm not sure, it just feels a bit similar."

Jinyuan Sect is the current Huangyu of Linglong Immortal Sect.

Known for his fierce swordsmanship.

And to have such a reputation, most of it can be attributed to the miraculous effects of the sect's most precious treasure, the 'Golden Source Sacred Tree'.

This tree is originally made of wood, but it has undergone inexplicable changes and contains the nature of gold.

Especially when refining a magical sword, if the branches and leaves of the Golden Source Divine Tree are added, the power of the obtained magical sword will be doubled.

However, most of the sword cultivator's strength lies in the magic sword that is intertwined with his own life.

The Jinyuan Sacred Tree strengthens the Magic Sword, and the Magic Sword enhances the Jinyuan Sect's sword cultivating strength.

complement each other.

Back then, it even overwhelmed the Linglong Immortal Sect.

This shows its strength.

However, perhaps it was a period of prosperity and decline, as the Golden Source Sacred Tree suddenly disappeared!

This made everyone in Jinyuan Sect go crazy.

Search everywhere for the whereabouts of the sacred tree.

During the search process, the Jinyuan Sect disciples would inevitably clash with other sects.

Some conflicts can be eliminated or calmed down, but some conflicts can become more and more intense.

These accumulated troubles, coupled with the fact that many people in the Jinyuan Sect did not want to give up their own practice because of the search for the sacred tree, chose to run away.

In the end, Jinyuan Sect was defeated by Linglong Immortal Sect and several other sects.

The originally powerful Jin Yuan Sect fell apart.

He carefully looked at the dead leaves in his hands for a moment.

Xu Fei discovered a little bit of the nature of gold.

This surprised Xu Fei.

After all, it is not just talk about metal overcoming wood. Things of the wood attribute can contain water, fire, and earth properties, but they cannot contain metal properties.

So this little dead leaf actually broke the rules.

No wonder Ye Yuanmei thought it might be the leaves of the Golden Source Sacred Tree back then.

But it's a pity that maybe it was too long ago, and the golden nature of this dead leaf has been very faint. If Xu Fei hadn't been careful enough, it would have been almost impossible to detect it.

So it basically has no effect.

And based on the nature of gold on this dead leaf, Xu Fei was not sure whether it was a leaf from the Golden Source Divine Tree.

Just when Xu Fei and Ye Yuanmei were thinking about this broken leaf.

The servants reported that a visitor was coming.

Xu Fei was a little surprised, but still went out to greet him.

Because the other party is using the identity of Ling Jedi.

Xu Fei came to the door.

Saw a few people.

First there was a woman dressed in purple and wearing a veil.

After seeing Xu Fei, the woman lifted her veil, revealing her delicate face.

It turned out to be Xiao Yu, one of the Seven Elites of the Jedi.

At this moment, his magic power was clearly innate, and he turned to the basic Taoist practice and became a monk.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao." Xu Fei bowed his hands and smiled.

Xu Fei was a little happy to see his 'old friend'.

"Mr. Xu, it's so hard for you to hide this from me." Xiao Yu said with a smile on his face.

Obviously, they already knew that Xu Fei was Li Feiyu back then.

Xu Fei never thought of continuing to keep it a secret.

After all, the moment he achieved innate achievements and his origins in Yongle County became known, everything could no longer be concealed.

"If you have to, please don't blame me, fellow Taoist." Xu Fei chuckled and let Xiao Yu and his party go home.

When we came to the main hall, the guests and hosts sat down.

Xiao Yu asked her followers to put down the three boxes they were carrying.

"These are all things Mr. Xu's family asked me to bring," Xiao Yu said.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this and looked at several large boxes.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao is interested." Xu Fei looked complicated.

Although he had always wanted to fulfill his filial piety for his predecessor, Xu Fei had almost no hesitation when he encountered a conflict between his own practice and his filial piety.

He directly chose to abandon his wife and children, leaving dozens of his family members behind, and came to the Spiritual Realm from the Spiritual Jedi Land.

Xiao Yu looked at Xu Fei in front of him with a rather earnest expression.

It has been two months since she achieved Xiantian, and it has been some time since she came to Immortal City.

After careful inquiring, I got some information about Xu Fei's current situation.

He is clearly considered to be one of the Ling Jedi monks who is currently in the best situation.

With his excellent skills in brewing spiritual wine, he opened a wine shop in partnership with Master Du Xinwei of the Du family.

Make money every day.

Now he has started to learn the weapon refining method again. It is said that the master is actually the disciple of the master of Tianwei Peak.

Such various identities make Xiao Yu's heart move.

Xu Fei restrained his memories, then asked Meiniang to accompany him, and entertained Xiao Yu.

But at night, Xiao Yu still lingered and refused to leave, allowing Xu Fei to roughly see what the other person was thinking.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

When did he become so popular?

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei didn't say anything more.

Xiao Yu is very beautiful. Although she is over forty years old, after becoming a monk, the wear and tear of time on her appearance has gradually faded away.

The current Xiao Yu looks like he is only in his thirties.

Both beauty and charm.

It's just a step behind Shaxiu, which scored 92 points.

And the most important thing is that Xiao Yu is a monk and can spend more time with Xu Fei in the future.

Therefore, this woman is a more suitable candidate for Xu Fei.

But precisely for this reason, Xu Fei needs to be more cautious.

The next day, Xu Fei went to the Valley Qi Hall.

Master Lu saw Xu Fei returning safely, with a smile on his face.

"How was the harvest from this trip?" Master Lu asked.

Although this disciple has considerable talent in weapon refining, he pays more attention to his status as a 'monk'.

But this is normal, after all, cultivation is the foundation of everything.

"It's quite rewarding." Xu Fei said with emotion.

He went out to the Xuanfeng Forest to hunt monsters and besiege ghost poisonous spiders, but was intercepted and killed again.

Although everything was solved relatively easily and simply, Xu Fei also received a lot of education.

In fact, there are so many feelings, mainly because after Xu Fei became a monk, he either focused on practice or studied various skills intensively, and rarely experienced these things.

For Ye Yuanmei, this outing was just ordinary.

Even the things she usually encounters when she goes out are far more dangerous and alarming than this time.

Let's just say that last time Ye Yuanmei suddenly encountered a ghost poisonous spider and was poisoned to the point of death.

Even if Xu Fei was not scared out of his wits, he would still be cautious when he chose to go out again.

But such experience still failed to make Ye Yuanmei change his behavior.

"Haha, it's good to have something, but don't go out recently. Your master's birthday will be in two months, and we are going to congratulate him." Master Lu said.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised when he heard what Master Lu said.

However, he quickly agreed.

"Sir, what gifts should I prepare?" Xu Fei said.

"Anything is fine." Master Lu said nonchalantly.

Master has no shortage of anything, and the congratulatory gifts given by these disciples are their sincerity.

And he has been fooling around with tea for several years.

After all, I usually have to study the weapon refining techniques, so I don't have time to think about these things.

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