Chapter 237, Birthday Banquet

In a blink of an eye, time flies.

It’s Master Yan’s birthday.

Master Lu got up early and found a female disciple who was proficient in grooming to trim his face and cut his hair.

After some grooming, the old man in his fifties turned into a middle-aged man in his forties.

And compared to the slovenliness before, although the current Lu Qishi is not handsome, he has the charm of a mature man.

At least the female disciple who was trimming and cutting the old man's hair looked a little moved.

"Sir, don't you think of finding me a master's wife?" Xu Fei said with a smile.

Master Lu glared angrily at the young bastard, then released the small boat and headed for Tianqi Peak.

At about half past nine in the morning, the two of them arrived at Master Yan's manor.

Except for some Sasu disciples, Master Yan didn't have many servants here.

Even Master Yan's disciples are usually scattered everywhere.

Only when it's his birthday will they get together happily.

"Oh? Junior Brother Lu is really a rare visitor." Just at this moment, a man in his thirties walked down next to him and chuckled after seeing Master Lu.

"This is your uncle," Master Lu introduced to Xu Fei.

The man in front of him is named Sun Lian. Although he looks only in his thirties, he is more than 1,500 years old and has a cultivation level of more than 3,000 pots.

He is also the best disciple of Master.

"Disciple Xu Fei, I have met the great master." Xu Fei greeted respectfully.

The man chuckled and nodded, then walked into Master Yan's manor.

There are three buildings in the manor.

A three-story wooden building is where Xu Fei and Master Lu came to pay homage to their master.

Although Xu Fei had never been inside a large contiguous house, it looked like it was where his master refined his magical weapons.

There is also a bamboo building, which should be the residence of Master Yan.


Master Yan's birthday was a banquet held in the backyard.

Obviously, this master has a cold personality and doesn't like to do anything big.

Give the gift to the disciple in the manor.

Although these few people also call Master Lu and others as senior brothers, they are not the disciples of Master Yan.

It's just an ordinary disciple of the Linglong Immortal Sect who accepted the errand of Yangwu Taoist Hall and came to serve.

Later, Master Yan saw that they were diligent in their work, so he kept them by his side and took care of some trivial matters.

Come to the backyard.

But someone had already arrived first.

A man in his thirties and a man in his forties.

Behind them were several people each, who seemed to be their disciples.

"These two are your second uncle and fifth uncle." Master Lu introduced.

Although they are both disciples of Master Yan, their relationship is far and near.

For example, he was taken care of by Sixth Senior Sister Yu Shu and grew up, so he became close to Senior Sister Yu.

The other senior brothers were just learning under the master's tutelage.

"Disciple Xu Fei, I have met the second and fifth uncles." Xu Fei bowed respectfully again.

The two nodded calmly, and then asked their disciples to salute Master Lu.

After a while, people came over one after another.

Xu Fei met the fourth uncle Fu Ping, the eighth uncle Yu Xian and the ninth uncle Zuo Qingping respectively.

This also let Xu Fei know that his master was originally Xing Qi, and that Uncle Yu, whom he had met some time ago, was his master's sixth senior sister.

The third uncle was not seen.

As for what the situation is, we have to wait until later to find out.

Among these many uncles and uncles, the sixth uncle Yu Shu and the eighth uncle Yu Xian are both women.

However, the fourth master uncle Fu Ping and the eighth master uncle Yu Xian stood very close to each other, so it seemed that they must have become Taoist couples.

Just when Xu Fei was thoughtful, Master Yu came over with the female disciple that day.

After greeting several fellow disciples, Master Yu brought his disciples over to Master Lu.

"This is very good." Master Yu chuckled.

Obviously, Master Lu was happy that he could get out of the predicament he had set for himself.

After Xu Fei saluted Master Yu, he nodded to the female disciple following her.

The other party returned the gift casually, obviously not paying attention to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei saw this but didn't take it to heart.

Soon, Master Yan came over.

"Disciple pays homage to master." "Disciple pays homage to master."

The disciples, disciples and grandsons all saluted hurriedly and said unevenly at the same time.

Xu Fei is naturally no exception.

"Everyone sit down." Master Yan said with a smile.

Although he did not have many disciples, there were dozens of disciples including the descendants of these disciples.

As Master Yan sat down, all the disciples and disciples sat down.

There are disciples who serve you and serve you spiritual wine and delicacies.

"Disciple wishes Master good luck as far as the East China Sea and longevity as long as the Southern Mountains." Grandmaster Bosun Lian greeted him first.

Master Yan nodded and accepted the blessing.

The next step was naturally the blessings from other disciples.

As for the disciples and grandchildren like Xu Fei, they had no chance to speak.

I can only eat and drink in silence.

After eating and drinking, some disciples left, while others stayed to chat with Master Yan.

Obviously, this birthday celebration is no different from an ordinary family dinner.

After all, it’s not a life span of a hundred or a thousand years.

However, when the fourth master uncle Fu Ping and the eighth master uncle Yu Xian left, Xu Fei unexpectedly discovered that Master Lu's eyes could not help but turn to the eighth master uncle.

This made Xu Fei, who was drinking tea, moved in his heart.

It seems like there's something going on here?

But it was not appropriate to pry into and speculate on the secrets of his elders, so Xu Fei decisively put aside distracting thoughts.

Seeing the other disciples leaving, Master Lu brought Xu Fei to Master Yan.

"Master, this child is extremely talented in the art of weapon refining. I have nothing to teach him now. I wonder if I can let him stay with you?" Master Lu said.

Although Master Lu once said that he would learn from Master Yan, he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

It was inevitable that Xu Fei was caught off guard.

Master Yan couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

After taking a few exams at Xu Fei, I found that this disciple was already quite good at refining weapons.

So after thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Okay."

Although this situation is a bit troublesome for Xu Fei.

After all, Master Yan's place is more than two thousand miles away from the mountain gate in a straight line.

His family of more than ten people all live outside the mountain gate...

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei thanked Master Yan first.

Then leave with the master first.

"Sir, it's okay for me to learn weapon refining from my master, but everyone in my family is still outside the mountain gate." Xu Fei said helplessly.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Master Lu chuckled and said, "This thing is easy. Let's make you a registered disciple right now, and you can bring your family to live in the mountain gate."

Xu Fei then followed Master Lu to the Huzhong Temple where Xu Fei had been tested before.

After saying hello to the deacon in the temple, Xu Fei's identity changed from an ordinary disciple to a registered disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect.

Highlight a simple and crisp one.

After all, Master Lu was from Tianqi Peak.

He already has a high status in Linglong Immortal Sect.

That is to say, Master Lu usually doesn't care much about these trivial matters, otherwise how could Xu Fei, his disciple, still be an ordinary disciple.

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