Chapter 238, Book Pavilion

However, as a registered disciple, although he could bring his family into the mountain gate, he could not bring his servants.

You can only hire some ordinary people who have sold themselves to Linglong Immortal Sect for various reasons in the mountain gate.

Although Xu Fei didn't understand this, he didn't intend to violate it.

After a few busy days, Xu Fei's family moved into a market town not far from Tianqi Peak.

The mountain range where Linglong Immortal Sect is located is not small, but the mountains are not everywhere.

There are still some plain areas where towns are built and people thrive.

And this market town called Wujiaji, where more than 100,000 people live, is one of them.

And because it is close to Tianqi Peak, most of the people in the market town are relatives of Tianqi Peak disciples.

Xu Fei spent 205 spirit stones to buy a house. If you do the math, the average price of this residence of more than 1,000 square meters is one spirit stone and five square meters.

Fortunately, most of the houses here are two- and three-story buildings.

Therefore, the living conditions of a large family are not much different from those outside Shanmen.

On the contrary, the two monks, Ye Yuanmei and Shu Lan, were satisfied with the rich spiritual power here.

After all, this is almost the center of Linglong Immortal Sect.

Even if there is no formation to gather spiritual energy, it is enough for their cultivation needs.

After taking care of the housework, Xu Fei came to Master Yan's manor.

"You go to the bookstore to study. If you encounter something you don't understand, you can come and ask me." Master Yan made arrangements for Xu Fei after considering it.

Hearing Master Yan's arrangement, Xu Fei couldn't help but be stunned, and then quickly bowed and thanked him.

Because doing so may sound a bit irresponsible, but to him, is it any different than a mouse falling into a rice vat?

Xu Fei's plug-in uses his own knowledge and practice to increase the upper limit of his skill level.

Then use the proficiency points obtained from spreading the branches to increase the skill level to obtain actual skill effects that match your cognition.

For example: Xu Fei sees others writing good calligraphy stroke by stroke. If his writing skills have not reached the corresponding level, the upper limit of the writing skill level will be increased, and then the level of the writing skill will be increased by the proficiency value. If he goes up, he will be able to write well quickly.

Simple and straightforward.

So when I went to the library to read, it seemed that I wanted to let him fend for himself.

But it was actually the best arrangement for Xu Fei.

So after thanking his master, Xu Fei went directly to the book pavilion.

The bookstore is a wooden building with decreasing levels.

The first floor is more than 400 square meters, the second floor is more than 300 square meters, and the third floor is Master Yan's study, which is almost more than 200 square meters.

Moreover, the third floor, which is transparent on all sides and has no partitions, is not disturbed by the wind and rain. It is obviously a rather exquisite layout.

There is a high probability that it is some formation.

It's a pity that Xu Fei hasn't come into contact with the knowledge of formations yet.

After all, Xu Fei is just a rookie who has been practicing for less than four years.

Compared with other veteran cultivators who have been practicing for hundreds or thousands of years, they are not even the slightest bit worse.

Xu Fei calmed down his distracting thoughts and picked up a book and started reading.

Compared with the five schools of alchemy, the weapon refining method taught by Tianwei Peak seems to be too complicated.

Mainly because the techniques for refining spiritual materials vary.

However, from the teachings of Master Lu and some of Xu Fei's knowledge, Tianqi Peak's weapon refining method is mainly a 'practical method'. Whichever technique is more effective, use that one.

This may be the style of the master of Tianwei Peak, Xu Fei's great master.

And what to say about this style...

pretty good.

Xu Fei could only comment like this.

After all, this style, that genre, nothing is as good as 'practical'.

One day passed in the blink of an eye, and Xu Fei read more than seventy books.

The weapon refining technique, which was originally level 45 at the second level, was suddenly raised to level 12 at the third level.

If you convert it based on the 5 proficiency points at level one, it means it has been upgraded from level 90 to level 120.

Totally taking off.

Then Xu Fei dove into the pile of books and never came out again.

Autumn passes and spring comes.

Eight months passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei finally reluctantly put down the last book in Master Yan's library.

Eight months and more than 240 days.

In addition to practicing and gaining proficiency points, Xu Fei read in Master Yan's library.

The results are impressive.

Because his weapon refining skills have reached level 39 of the fourth level.

After the skill reaches the fourth level, a full 100 points of proficiency are worth the first level.

So if converted to level one, it would be level 780.

This is a pretty explosive level.

It is also the highest level among all Xu Fei's current skills.

As for the true level of Xu Fei's weapon refining skills, it is probably almost the same as Master Yan.

This may not sound like much, but Master Yan has been practicing high-level skills for countless years. How can Xu Fei be so good?

I just relied on reading books for a few months!

Although it is basically impossible for Xu Fei to be as good as Master Yan when it comes to actually refining magic weapons, when he becomes proficient in the effects of his skills, he will not be much worse than Master Yan.

This also made Xu Fei understand how simple, crude and efficient his plug-in was when faced with technical skills.

As long as he studies hard and seriously, he will be rewarded far beyond imagination.

After reading all the books in the library, Xu Fei walked out of the library.

The sunshine outside is a bit dazzling.

Xu Fei covered it with his hand.

"You kid is finally willing to give up." Master Yan on the third floor noticed that Xu Fei finally stopped reading, and stood at the railing on the third floor and chuckled.

"Master." Xu Fei bowed quickly after hearing this.

"Come here." Master Yan said.

Xu Fei heard his master's move and trotted all the way to the third floor.

"Sit down." Master Yan said simply when he saw Xu Fei coming over.

Xu Fei sat down next to Master Yan obediently.

Master Yan looked at Xu Fei again.

At first, he saw that Xu Fei had learned a certain foundation of weapon refining skills from the seventh disciple, so he let him read the book on his own.

The original plan was to let him study on his own and teach him the way he solved the problems.

But I didn't expect that this little disciple would read the book endlessly.

There are basically five hours in a day, and nothing can be done.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

"What can we learn?" Master Yan asked.

"To my master, my disciple has learned a lot." Xu Fei said respectfully.

Just because Master Yan allowed him to view the collection, Master Xu Fei was so willing to do so.

After all, there are a total of 17,632 books in this bookstore. How can we collect all kinds of books related to weapon refining without spending a lot of hard work and energy.

Now I let him watch it for free.

Many times, people unconsciously ignore the value of knowledge.

But it was Master Yan's collection that made Xu Fei's weapon refining skill level rise by leaps and bounds, which was even stronger than taking hormones.

In just over half a year, he violently improved to the fourth level and level 39.

Master Yan quickly noticed his disciple's respectful attitude toward him.

The feeling that this little disciple gave him before was a bit perfunctory.

But now he is very respectful.

"Can you play chess?" Master Yan stopped asking about the weapon refining method and changed the subject.

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