Chapter 242: Three Masters’ Swords

After studying various skills intensively at night, Xu Fei thought for a while and then came to Ye Yuanmei's side.

It wasn't that Ye Yuanmei and Shu Lan were back, but that he came to see his third son, Xu Zhongchang.

The little guy is over a year old.

Although there are two old ladies taking care of him, it is helpless to meet a mother like Ye Yuanmei.

So if he, the father, doesn't take more care of him, this kid will be so pitiful.

"Is there anything strange about Zhong Chang?" Xu Fei asked one of the old ladies taking care of their third son.

"The third young master is having a great time following the eldest young master." The old lady said quickly.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this and reached out to touch Sanzi's forehead.

The little guy seemed to feel something and froze for a moment, but he didn't wake up.

Xu Fei stayed by the boy's bedside for a moment. Seeing that everything in his room was fine, he got up and left.

Then came to Meiniang.

In the blink of an eye, it has been four years since he came to the spiritual realm.

Meiniang also gave birth to three children, two boys and one girl.

The eldest son Xu Zhongliang is two months and three years old, and the fifth son Xu Zhongwei was just born last month.

The second daughter, Xu Xinfang, is one and a half years old and has a high probability of having Taoist roots.

When Xu Fei came over, he saw his second daughter still awake at such a late hour, stuffing chicken drumsticks into her mouth.

"Dad~" Seeing Xu Fei coming over, Xu Xinfang chuckled.

Although she is only one and a half years old, she is stronger than her eldest son Xu Zhongliang, who is almost three years old.

Xu Fei touched the second girl's head and diagnosed her.

Seeing that she was quite healthy, there was no stopping her from eating so much at night.

"Master." The beautiful lady beside her said with tenderness in her eyes.

It is easy to find priceless treasures, but it is rare to find a lover.

How lucky I am to meet the master.

Xu Fei chuckled when he heard this, and then looked at the boss and the fifth who were already asleep.

Then he hugged Meiniang in his arms.

After giving birth to three children, Meiniang's figure inevitably became plumper.

But Xu Fei didn't mind this.

After all, he has a lot of women, and they all have their own tastes in beauty, beauty, and beauty, so there is no need to compare them.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going to bed." The second daughter, Xu Xinfang, finished eating one chicken drumstick. She originally wanted to eat another one, but when she saw that her parents were already hugging each other, she blinked and climbed onto the small bed. bed.

The girl's impotent appearance made Xu Fei and Meiniang laugh heartily.

The next day, Xu Fei finished his homework and came to Master Yan's manor.

Then he said hello to his master, went to Wuzifang again, and took out the semi-finished pure iron magic sword made yesterday.

The sword blank has become thick and sword-shaped.

The next steps are forging, sharpening and other procedures.

Quenching is not a necessary process for the forging of magic swords.

Generally, if there is any problem during the casting process, it occasionally needs to be quenched to make up for it.

As the sword blank is heated and forged again and again.

More than three hours later, the pure iron magic sword forged by Xu Fei was completed.

After polishing, the bright blade can be used for identification.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei took out a few finger-thick iron ingots, stacked them together and placed them on the anvil.

Then he slashed lightly with his sword.

The sword edge passed by, and the iron ingot was quietly cut into two pieces.

Taking back the magic sword, Xu Fei picked up the cotton cloth and wiped the sword body.

It's still as sharp as ever, with no defects visible.

This made Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

If this sword were sold in Tianwu Pavilion, the price would probably be around one hundred spirit stones.

After all, this magical sword was forged by Xu Fei using only pure iron and no other spiritual materials were used to assist it.

The quality can reach this level, which is quite good.

After forging the pure iron magic sword, Xu Fei forged the fine copper magic sword, the fixed silver magic sword and the pure gold magic sword in turn.

After gaining some familiarity and understanding of his own skill level, Xu Fei did not hesitate any longer.

Start directly preparing to forge the 'Three Masters Magic Sword'.

Xu Fei is a three-line practitioner, but he is not the first person to do so.

And he couldn't be the last to do it.

After all, there will always be people who are pretentious and choose this path of perfection.

The three master magic swords are prepared for this group of people.

It meets the needs of monks from three channels: concrete, legal and spiritual.

Physical cultivation is used for weapons, legal cultivation is used for vessels, and spiritual cultivation is used for spirituality.

Although it is not as good as the top magic swords used by the three lineage monks, it is still very good.

However, there are quite a lot of spiritual materials required.

A total of seventeen kinds.

Of course, compared with the refining method of Shili Yunyan created by Master Lu, which requires more than fifty kinds of spiritual materials, it is much less.

But the training of these spiritual materials is more time-consuming and laborious.

Xu Fei couldn't help but understand why Master Lu would accept Luo Dagen and other apprentices.

Apparently it was to leave some tedious but simple matters to them.

If you say that, how many apprentices will you accept?

Xu Fei couldn't help but smile when he thought of this.

Just now, he was thinking about taking on a disciple.

After several days of busy work, Xu Fei's Three Masters Magic Sword has not yet been crafted.

Ye Yuanmei and Shu Lan are back.

Both women are quite uninhibited.

Ye Yuanmei had been able to stay at home with Xu Fei patiently for more than two years. In addition to recovering from injuries and becoming pregnant, she was also digesting her previous understanding of Taoism and magic.

Now that there are not so many trivial matters, I naturally can’t bear to practice peacefully at home.

In fact, Xu Fei could not help but be envious of him for being so chic.

After all, how unrestrained is it to venture among the vast mountains, forests, and waves?

"Master." Ye Yuanmei said softly after seeing Xu Fei.

She knew that this man was very opposed to her going out with Shu Lan, but Xu Fei didn't do much to stop him.

This made Ye Yuanmei very grateful.

The word "cultivation" sounds simple.

But for her, it was something that required her to risk her life.

After all, her talent was not good, and she could not even pass the three-year quiz of Linglong Immortal Sect.

If I hadn't worked hard enough later, how could I have achieved the level of cultivation I have now?

Xu Fei looked at Ye Yuanmei and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He and Ye Yuanmei are completely different people.

In other words, because he has a plug-in, he can practice with such a peaceful mind.

"Any interesting stories from this trip?" Xu Fei also didn't ask much.

This tacit understanding that didn't require any words made Ye Yuanmei chuckle.

She began to tell some anecdotes about her adventures with Shulan outside.

"By the way, Shu Lan got upset when she was eating outside~" Ye Yuanmei remembered a funny thing and quickly told Xu Fei that she knew about it.

"Ah!!!" Shu Lan, who was eating fruit on the side, didn't expect that it would affect him, and he immediately came over to cover Ye Yuanmei's loud mouth.

But Ye Yuanmei dodged and told Xu Fei roughly what happened.

It turned out that the two women were hunting a monster and were not sure whether certain parts of it could be eaten.

After it was cooked, Ye Yuanmei finally chose to give up, but Shu Lan tasted it with enthusiasm.

Then it was pretty miserable...

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