Chapter 243, Green Sword


Shulan's residence.

Xu Fei hugged him from left to right, with a look of comfort on his face.

Shu Lan's eyes were blurred and her whole body was soft, as if she had no bones.

After all, after discovering that the effect would be better if Shu Lan was massaged to relieve her injuries, Xu Fei thoughtfully continued this habit.

Although the feeling of pain and happiness made Shulan particularly tortured, he was always happy with it.

Ye Yuanmei on the other side kissed Xu Fei, then stood up and went back to take care of her son.

The next day, Xu Fei finished his homework and came to Master Yan's manor to continue casting the Three Masters' magic sword.

Although this sword does not use a lot of spiritual materials, it requires special attention when tempering.

Because it combines three meridians into one sword, it is still quite complicated.

Xu Fei chose to forge this sword because it was not only more suitable for his use, but also meant to show off his skills.

Even if it’s just to show off to myself.

As the various spiritual materials were refined, it was finally time to forge the magic sword.

First, burn the gold until it is red hot.

The magical instruments used by the three meridians are generally made of gold as the main material.

Because pure gold has stronger compatibility than pure iron, refined copper and fixed silver.

It can make different spiritual materials exert their due effects.

So as not to conflict with each other.

Compared with other spiritual materials, the softer nature of Supreme Gold can be solved by incorporating suitable spiritual materials.

It will not have any impact.

When the golden sword blank was roughly finished, Xu Fei began to heat the other preliminary tempered spiritual materials in order to the appropriate state, and then forged them into the sword blank.

As various spiritual materials were added to the golden sword blank, the originally golden and rather luxurious sword blank gradually turned cyan.

Seeing such changes, Xu Fei's face showed joy.

Because this means that the Three Masters Magic Sword he is making is about to be completed.

When the last hammer fell and was put away, Xu Fei picked up the cyan magic sword regardless of the scorching heat.

Under the scorching temperature, the magic sword gave me a smooth feel.

Xu Fei couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. It was indeed a work that he had been busy for half a month before finally completing.

After the temperature of the sword blank dropped, Xu Fei continued the subsequent processes such as cutting the edge and assembling the sword hilt.

Soon, a sword with a blade length of about 70 centimeters and a hilt of about 20 centimeters, with a simple shape and no fancy shape, was forged.

Xu Fei took the green sword in his hand and made a sword flower.

This sword weighs about eleven pounds.

If it is used by ordinary people, it will naturally be heavy.

But in Xu Fei's hands, it had no impact.

After some practice, Xu Fei didn't make a scabbard for him after thinking about it.

On the one hand, the sword will basically be stored in the storage bag and can be used at any time. In addition, Xu Fei plans to strengthen the green sword when he reaches a higher level of cultivation in the future, and refine it into the acupoints in his body to keep it warm at all times.

But this will cost a lot of money.

Xu Fei made a rough estimate that in order to refine the green sword into his body, he would need precious spiritual materials worth almost 200,000 spiritual stones.

Thoughtfully, Xu Fei put the green sword into his storage bag.

He had thought about giving the sword a name before, calling it Minglong.

But now Xu Fei has no such interest, and simply refers to the color of the sword as green and calls it Qing.

After tidying up Master Yan's Wuzifang weapon refining room, Xu Fei came to a magic performance field located at Tianqi Peak to prepare for a trial of magic swords.

However, the performance venue here is located in a cave, which makes Xu Fei hesitate.

After all, if the cave collapsed during the magic sword trial and tens of thousands of pounds of rock fell down, wouldn't he be turned into a pulp?

"Junior brother, are you worried about the mountain collapsing and the ground collapsing?" The senior brother guarding the performance field chuckled.

Xu Fei smiled sheepishly.

"Junior brother, don't worry. The performance field here was set up by the senior disciples of Tianzhen Peak. It can withstand the stimulation of thousands of pots of magic power." The guarding brother explained.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this, and he didn't think anything unreliable happened at the Heavenly Artifact Summit, so he rented it for an hour first.

Seeing that Xu Fei was persuaded by him, the guard brother smiled complacently, and then took Xu Fei to a cave.

The cave is about thirty meters high, fifty meters wide and deep.

Quite a large area.

Therefore, even if there are many lights, it will inevitably be a little dim.

"Junior brother, don't worry about your performance." The guarding brother chuckled and left.

Xu Fei entered the cave, then looked back to urge the wood method.

In the blink of an eye, several large trees rose from the ground at the entrance of the cave, blocking the view inside and outside.

Then Xu Fei took out the green sword.

It wasn't obvious even in Master Yan's refining room, which was as bright as day.

Once inside the cave, the green sword in Xu Fei's hand exuded a faint light.

Xu Fei was not surprised when he saw this. The spiritual material used in the Qingjian was special, so it would only appear like this after it was refined.

Flick the sword with your fingers.

"Ding~" After a sound, the sword body buzzed.

In the silent cave, the cycle echoes.

Long and ear-splitting.

Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately holding the sword in one hand, he danced and practiced his sword skills.

Xu Fei became a monk only after he became an innate, so his swordsmanship is naturally extraordinary.

As Xu Fei practiced, sword energy shot out from time to time.

But after hitting the stone wall of the cave where the law was performed, there was no ripple at all.

This made Xu Fei's eyes move slightly.

I know that these rocks have been reinforced by the formation.

No wonder the guard brother is so confident.

After completing a set of sword skills practice, Xu Fei placed the green sword in front of him.

This sword has not been tempered, so it is easier to use than the magic sword he forged for himself before.

Of course it could also be psychological.

After all, the three master swords in his hand are made of more than 7,000 spirit stones.

In addition to his craftsmanship, if he sells it outside, he will get 20,000 spiritual stones, right?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle at his superficiality.

Putting aside his distracting thoughts, Xu Fei gathered the golden magic power on the green sword.

After a while, twenty pots of mana, urged by Xu Fei, condensed into a ball and flew out through the green sword, and then initiated changes.

Transformed into an iron ball with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Hit the ground hard.

However, Xu Fei observed carefully and found that the ground, which looked like a thin layer of stone slabs, was actually holding the large iron ball he had condensed with his magic power.

This made Xu Fei secretly amazed.

The formation is truly extraordinary.

Thoughtfully, Xu Fei set his sights on the big iron ball again.

This time he used the green sword in his hand to cast a spell, and his power of induction was about 10% stronger than using a magic sword.

In the future, if the Qingjian is warmed and nourished, its power will continue to increase.

Xu Fei chuckled and dismissed the iron ball's hold in a flash of thought.

In the blink of an eye, the iron ball turned into an idea.

Then the water, wood, fire and earth spells were tested in sequence. Qingjian's enhancement of spells was relatively stable.

They are all about 10%.

And after taking turns to test it, Xu Fei could not fly around with his sword.

Because the relationship between sword cultivator and Feijian is by no means that simple.

Xu Fei was quite good at refining weapons before, but he didn't get himself a flying sword.

That's why.

After all, the sword cultivator's flying sword and the sword cultivator are already intertwined in their lives.

When one is prosperous, both are prosperous; when one is lost, both are harmed.

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