Chapter 244, Sword Control

If the quality of the magic sword does not reach a certain level, then it is best not to use it if it is a sword cultivator.

Not only does it hinder one's own practice, it also does little to help the sword cultivator's fighting strength.

However, judging from the quality of the green sword, it is enough for Xu Fei to practice sword control.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei was going to buy some sword control skills.

But since you have rented the performance venue for an hour, it’s better not to waste it.

Let’s use up the time first.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei began to practice swordsmanship with the green sword and cast Five Elements spells in a cycle.

Until the rental time was almost over, Xu Fei said goodbye to the guard brother and left the performance venue.

After leaving the cave where the performance venue was located, Xu Fei looked at the sky but it was already getting late.

So I can only go home first.

I'll buy the sword-controlling skills tomorrow and consult Jingru so that I can get some understanding in advance.

Back home, Meiniang personally sent an invitation.

Xu Fei opened it and looked at it, and unexpectedly found that it was sent by Du Xinwei.

There will be a discussion in a few days.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he decided to go and have a look if he had time.

After all, this person really helped him a lot in opening a wine shop.

If there is no other party, Xu Fei will not be able to earn two thousand spirit stones in a month even if he starts selling wine.

Although this income is nothing to Xu Fei now, it was a huge sum of money to Xu Fei before.

So Xu Fei can't ignore this person.

Handled some more trivial matters.

Xu Fei came to Jingru.

During the time spent with Xu Fei, Jingru gave birth to a son and a daughter for him.

The second son, Xu Zhongde, is two and a half years old this year.

The fourth daughter, Xu Jiayue, is now nine months old.

When Xu Fei came over, he happened to see Jingru teaching her fourth daughter to walk. Xu Fei couldn't help but chuckle and stepped forward to help.

When the little girl saw Xu Fei, she looked straight over with her big bright eyes, as if she was curious about the person in front of her.

Xu Fei was a little embarrassed when he saw this.

In the past six months, he has plunged into Master Yan's library, and he has really paid little attention to the women and children.

In other words, the beautiful ladies were quite tolerant to him, otherwise they would probably complain.

Hold the little one in your arms.

The little girl didn't resist and just played with the sachet in her hand.

Still don’t quite understand things.

Xu Fei held the little girl and played with her while asking Jingru about sword control.

Hearing Xu Fei's question, Jingru thought for a moment.

"The sword-controlling skills of Taixu taught by the Jinyuan Sword Sect hundreds of years ago are the best."

"There are collections within the Immortal Sect."

"However, this sword-controlling method requires a lot of talent. It is said that even in the Jinyuan Sect, few people could successfully practice it."

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

In the past, the Jinyuan Sect was able to suppress the Linglong Immortal Sect, which was evident from the power of Taixu's sword-controlling skills.

However, probably due to its prosperity, the Jinyuan Sect’s most precious treasure, the ‘Jinyuan Sacred Tree’, disappeared inexplicably, and the Jinyuan Sect members searched like crazy.

But how could such a headless search have any effect? ​​In the end, it ended up causing trouble everywhere.

This provoked several surrounding immortal sects, including the Linglong Immortal Sect, to join forces to surround and destroy it.

Previously, Xu Fei came across a dead leaf containing gold, and suspected that it might be the leaf of the Golden Source Sacred Tree.

But how dare you talk about this kind of thing everywhere.

And Ye Yuanmei obviously kept this secret.

"And under Taixu's sword-controlling skills, there are several types of sword-controlling skills divided by their effectiveness."

"The first is to break spells. This type of sword control is best at breaking all kinds of spells."

"The second is to break the strong. This type of sword control is the sharpest. If you practice it to a high level, you can be said to be unstoppable."

"The third is agility. As the name suggests, after this kind of sword-controlling skill has been achieved, the flying sword of the master will come and go without a trace. Often the enemy has died, but he still doesn't know how he died."

Jingru talked eloquently.

Previously, as a maid in the Tianwu Pavilion, Jingru was familiar with all kinds of Taoism, magic, spiritual materials and elixirs.

Xu Fei was able to keep it with him, saving him countless troubles.

After listening to Jingru's explanation, Xu Fei was thoughtful.

Taixu's sword-control skills are in a class of their own, which is obviously extraordinary.

But Xu Fei is self-aware.

Although his talent is not bad, it cannot be said to be good.

If there were no plug-ins, it was hard to say whether he would be able to successfully embark on the path of innateness at this moment.

Moreover, the previous practice of quite simple fundamental Tao methods such as the Five Aggregates Method could not be accomplished overnight.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei asked Jingru about the names of several common sword-control techniques.

I'm going to buy it tomorrow and try it out first.

If it's easy to practice, find someone more powerful.

If you don't practice well...

Then we can only practice the ordinary sword-controlling skills to a certain level, like the Five Yun Method and other fundamental Taoist methods, and then find other sword-controlling skills to practice, and then gradually improve the quality of the sword-controlling skills through the fusion function of plug-ins.

Played with the fourth daughter for a while.

Then we went to the main hall to have dinner together.

Meiniang, Yuejiao, Jingru, Ye Yuanmei, Shaxiu, Shulan.

Xu Fei currently has six women in the spiritual realm.

In the past few years, they gave birth to a total of five sons and four daughters for Xu Fei.

As she grows older, it is now basically certain that her second daughter, Xu Xinfang, has Daogen.

But Xu Fei didn't say much.

Wait until the little girl is five or six years old, then consider sending her to school without knowledge, or simply find a suitable teacher to guide her practice.

As for why Xu Fei didn't teach him personally...

Teaching children to practice spiritual practice is not as simple as imagined.

If it goes to the left, it will be left; if it goes to the right, it will be right.

The reason why children are children is that their minds are not complete and their understanding ability is generally not as good as that of adults.

Otherwise, when doing homework, I would not write an answer that makes people laugh or cry like 8-1=10.

So not only to live for two more years, but also to avoid delaying my own homework.

Xu Fei will basically not be responsible for teaching his second daughter to practice.

The next day, Xu Fei drove the Shopee Feather Boat to the Tianwu Pavilion where he often went.

Bought several sword-control techniques recommended by Jingru yesterday.

Tianjing's sword-controlling technique is a breaking method.

Jiujue's sword-control skills are broken.

Yuelong's sword-fighting skill is swift.

After Xu Fei looked through it, he looked enlightened.

After successfully practicing Tianjing Swordsmanship, it is true that you can break spells, but it also requires the use of flying swords made from spiritual materials with spell-breaking power. Only by combining the two can you obtain the best spell-breaking effect.

Jiujue Swordsmanship and Yuelong Swordsmanship also have similar requirements.

In other words, Xu Fei still needs to make certain adjustments and supplements to Qingjian in order to meet the requirements of these three sword-controlling techniques.

However, this is not difficult for Xu Fei, whose weapon refining skill has reached level 39 of the fourth level.

In the blink of an eye, I have already thought of several methods of refining that can be carried out without affecting the spirituality of Qingjian.

Collect these three volumes of sword-control skills purchased with a total of one hundred and thirty spirit stones.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he returned to his home in Xiancheng.

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