After becoming a registered disciple of Xianmen, Xu Fei and his family moved into Shanmen.

Meiniang's mother and sister could only stay outside the mountain gate.

After all, Xu Fei is currently only a registered disciple and does not have the qualifications to bring all his family members into the mountain gate.

"Brother-in-law~" Xiao Ling, who was sitting on a girl's chair in the yard, saw Xu Fei and stood up with a smile on her face to greet him.

Xu Fei saw the simple way the girl dropped the embroidery in her hand, and he didn't know that this girl couldn't bear this at all.

However, it was not revealed.

"Well, what's missing recently?" Xu Fei said.

"No, everything is fine." Xiao Ling said charmingly.

Compared to her sister Mei Niang, Xiao Ling is more beautiful.

Under the neat bangs, there is a small face that is both angry and happy.

Even though he is only sixteen years old now, Xiaoling can still score 85 points with Xu Fei. If he develops completely in another two years, he will have to reach 87 points or even higher. As for Mimi's refined drawings, Xu Fei's work was only at this level.

"That's good." Xu Fei said.

While the children were talking here, Meiniang and Xiaoling's mother came out.

"Sir." Meiniang's mother bowed and said.

Although she can barely be regarded as Xu Fei's mother-in-law, she is a monk and is now a registered disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect.

The identity gap between them seems to be too big.

So she must treat him respectfully to avoid causing trouble for her daughter.

After all, if she maintains her identity as mother-in-law and makes Xu Fei feel unhappy, then the unlucky one will be her daughter.

Xu Fei didn't think so much.

"Aunt, Meiniang misses you and Xiaoling. I wonder if you have time to visit the Immortal Sect for a few days?" Xu Fei said.

He came back today to pick up Meiniang's mother and sister.

It sounds like the mountain gate and the fairy city are right next to each other, not much apart.

But the mountain range where Linglong Immortal Sect is located is quite vast.

It would take Xu Fei two hours to get out by boat.

Ordinary people may have to leave for one or two months.

The rolling mountain road is like a natural chasm.

"Of course I have time." Meiniang's mother said quickly.

After not seeing her daughter for more than half a year, Meiniang's mother naturally misses her very much.

Xiao Ling on the side was very happy to hear that she could see her sister, and hurriedly packed her luggage.

After a while, Xu Fei put the mother and daughter's luggage into storage bags, and then took them away in a small boat.

We stopped at the entrance of the mountain gate, took notes, and then started the shop skin boat again and headed towards Wujiaji.

Because of Meiniang's mother and Xiao Ling, Xu Fei didn't push the speed too fast, which resulted in two hours of departure and almost five hours of return.

It's getting dark.

However, Meiniang's very happy look after seeing her mother and sister made Xu Fei chuckle.

I feel that what I did was not in vain.

After dinner, Xu Fei went to the study to continue studying the art of sword control.

Xu Fei first studied the Tianjing Swordsmanship.

This technique breaks the law.

When the sword comes out, the spell is broken and the formation is in chaos.

It is the best choice for sword cultivators when fighting with Dharma cultivators and formation cultivators.

Extremely extraordinary.

And through some intensive research, Xu Fei roughly understood why this type of sword-controlling technique has such miraculous effects.

The flying sword used in Tianjing Swordsmanship is somewhat special.

It is specially refined using spiritual materials that have the effect of interfering with the operation of spells and formations.

Controlling this miraculous effect of interference, coupled with the special nature of sword control itself.

Only then can he have such unique power.

The sword breaks the law.

I read Tianjing Swordsmanship back and forth twice.

Xu Fei added the Tianjing Swordsmanship skill he had just learned to the current level limit of Level 1 and Level 2.

I have more understanding in my heart.

However, Xu Fei couldn't help but scratch his head after looking at the other Five Elements spells and other skills that had not seen any movement so far.

On the one hand, the training days are short, and on the other hand, Xu Fei is too striving for perfection and complexity.

He couldn't take care of both.

If you concentrate on cultivating weapon techniques, you will not be able to practice the Five Elements spells and so on.

Now there are more sword-control skills, and there are three types at once.

I'm afraid I'll be very busy in the future.

But this is also a worry that only belongs to Xu Fei.

After all, if ordinary monks were like Xu Fei and learned such a variety of techniques, spells, Taoism, etc., their future prospects would probably be very worrying.

I looked at the time and saw it was almost nine-thirty in the evening.

Xu Fei came to Sha Xiu.

The little rabbit demon has put Xu Zhongping, the fourth son, to sleep.

Children who are just a few months old are the most annoying.

He cannot speak and cannot express his own situation.

Can only cry.

And when she cries, it will inevitably make Shaxiu upset and confused.

Fortunately, Meiniang arranged for two experienced mothers in time. With their gradual and step-by-step guidance, Shaxiu, the little rabbit demon, became more and more skilled in raising children.

Now I am very capable at feeding, changing diapers, wiping buttocks, etc.

"Master." Shaxiu noticed Xu Fei coming and jumped over.

And as she jumped, her considerable advantages swayed up and down.

All I can say is that he is a little rabbit demon with a very complex diet and an excellent figure.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly.

Ask the maid to bring some wine and food.

Seeing the wine, Shaxiu's rabbit ears couldn't help but open and close excitedly.

Xu Fei also discovered that this little rabbit demon not only likes to plant flowers and plants, but also likes to drink.

Although Shaxiu is still breastfeeding and should not drink alcohol, he has a way to speed up the metabolism of alcohol so that it will not affect Shaxiu's breastfeeding tomorrow.

Moreover, the family also hired a wet nurse, because they were worried that some women would not have enough milk after giving birth.

So there is no need to be too jealous.

Xu Fei personally poured a glass of wine for Shaxiu.

Shaxiu tapped the table repeatedly in excitement.

She waited until Xu Fei helped her fill up the wine, then looked at Xu Fei, and after asking for permission, he picked up the glass and drank it all.

A glass is almost one or two drinks.

Although it has not been processed by distillation and other processes, the alcohol content is not high, only about 20 degrees, but it is still wine after all.

After Shaxiu drank the wine, her face was full of enjoyment and satisfaction.

"Eat something." Xu Fei chuckled.

This one behaves like a drunkard.

That is to say, the little bunny demon Shaxiu is young, beautiful and cute.

Otherwise, Xu Fei might be a little disgusted.

Shaxiu laughed naively and picked up her chopsticks to eat.

But after taking a few bites of the food, he stared at the wine bottle again.

Xu Fei had no choice but to pour her another glass of wine.

This time Shaxiu didn't dare to drink too much, and took small sips.

Highlight a treat.

Xu Fei didn't stop him at all.

After all, although drinking is not a good hobby, he doesn't mind as long as it doesn't delay things.

Especially when Shaxiu, the little bunny demon, was drinking, her little expression as if she was drinking gold syrup and jade liquid was quite funny.

Chatting about trivial matters, most of them were the little rabbit demon talking about her past life with her family and other villagers in Lingling Village.

Unknowingly, this little rabbit demon drank almost three kilograms of wine.

It’s a massive amount. (End of chapter)

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