Chapter 253, High Grade Spiritual Stone

If you want to arrange some formations for regular use, then high-grade spiritual stones are undoubtedly the most suitable.

However, the value of high-grade spiritual stones is relatively expensive.

Under the same weight, the value of a high-grade spiritual stone is about thirty times that of a middle-grade spiritual stone, and the value of a medium-grade spiritual stone is also about thirty times that of a low-grade spiritual stone.

Therefore, the value of high-grade spiritual stones is almost a thousand times that of low-grade spiritual stones!

The high-grade spiritual stone in front of me weighs about a kilogram, which is almost equal to five thousand low-grade spiritual stones.

But even so, this high-grade spiritual stone is not the most valuable item in this warehouse right now.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei did not intend to take advantage of Patriarch Youwei, so he decided to choose this high-grade spiritual stone.

Seeing Xu Fei choose the high-grade spiritual stone, Master Yan didn't say anything.

Take Xu Fei and leave the warehouse.

Then he reported to Patriarch Youwei the items Xu Fei had chosen.

The master, apprentice and grandson left.

Returning to Master Yan's manor, Xu Fei said goodbye and left without disturbing him again.

Return to Wujiaji residence.

This time, it took eleven days to assist the master in refining the Ming Ling Divine Light Structure.

Xu Feishao almost gained more than a hundred proficiency points.

But there are many gains.

The fourth level 39 weapon refining skill was consolidated and understood while watching Master Yan refining the 'Iron Ball', giving Xu Fei more mastery.

Moreover, he followed Master Yan to visit the ancestor and received a high-grade spiritual stone.

"Master." Meiniang came out with the women and children.

Xu Fei picked up Xu Jiayue, the fourth daughter Jingru gave birth to on August 11 last year, who was walking unsteadily.

The little guy is holding a sandbag in his hand.

Of course it wasn't real sand. Xu Fei touched it and felt that the small sandbag should be filled with corn kernels.

Watching his father pick him up, the little guy was still playing with the sandbag in his hand.

Obviously he is not interested in Xu Fei as his father.

However, after being picked up by Xu Fei, he could play with sandbags quietly without crying, which already made Xu Fei feel that the little guy was very proud.

After seeing the women and children, Xu Fei went to wash up first.

"Sister Mei and Sister Lan went out again three days ago." Meiniang wiped Xu Fei's back while talking about the big and small things at home these days.

Xu Fei was not surprised to hear that Ye and Shu were going out on an adventure again.

After all, both women have the kind of temperament to risk their lives for the sake of cultivation.

After returning to practice safely for a period of time and summing up the gains gained from going out, I can already be considered as caring for my family.

After washing himself and feeling refreshed, Xu Fei went to the kitchen and cooked dinner for the women and children.

The delicious meals prepared by Xu Fei's superb cooking skills naturally made the children very happy.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Master Yan's manor after completing his training.

Say hello to the master, then go to the W-shaped room and continue to refine the refined copper in preparation for refining the refined copper magic shield.

Although the current method of tempering refined copper is no different from a simple arithmetic problem of 1+1=2 to Xu Fei, with each hammer and hammer,

But it also made Xu Fei's foundation stronger.

After all, the skills improved by Xu Fei's plug-in still need to be mastered and used by Xu Fei himself.

At most, if the skill level is sufficient, you will learn and master it faster than other monks.

"Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding~" There was a loud knocking.

Xu Fei tempered more than twenty kilograms of fine copper and came out.

During this time, he also considered tempering more spiritual materials at once.

For example, enough refined copper to refine a magic shield can be directly refined at the same time.

But after thinking about it, I decided to hammer it down for now.

The jingle bell kept ringing for several days.

Xu Fei saved enough refined copper to refine the magic shield.

The fine copper was then burned one by one until it was red hot, and then forged into a shield.

In addition, through the introduction of inspiration during forging, special techniques are used to refine the refined copper, so that it can eventually become a magic shield that carries magic power and exerts protection.

And because of the different materials, the forging techniques of pure iron, refined copper, and fixed silver shields are also different.

Quite complicated.

Fortunately, Xu Fei's weapon refining skill level is already very high. Although it is a bit weak, he can only deal with the situation in front of him in a small situation and does not panic at all.

As the hammer fell, the shield gradually took shape.

Pure iron magic shields are good at resisting direct attacks, while fine copper magic shields are good at resisting spells.

According to the words in the game, one is used to resist physical attacks, and the other is used to resist spell attacks.

However, the pure iron shield is not completely unable to resist spells. The fine copper shield can also be used to resist attacks.

Let's sum it up based on Xu Fei's feelings and the magic shield refined by him.

If he has enough mana, the defensive power of the pure iron magic shield he refined can probably withstand attacks triggered by a hundred pots of mana, but it is not very satisfactory in terms of resisting spells. It can only withstand twenty-five or thirty pots of mana. The condensed fire method.

Of course, this refers to the situation of head-on collision. If the opponent's spells are flexible and changeable, and attack directly by bypassing the pure iron shield, it will have no effect at all.

Xu Fei has not yet tested the refined copper magic shield, but as the refining process progresses, he can make a rough estimate.

The final result will most likely be a swap with the pure iron magic shield.

That is to say, when there is sufficient mana, the fine copper magic shield can only withstand the direct attack of twenty-five or thirty pots of mana. On the contrary, when resisting spells, it can resist the fire spell of about one hundred pots of mana. .

The two types of shields are different.

And this kind of data is obtained by the magic shield without being nurtured by the monks.

When a monk uses his own magic power to carefully nurture the magical weapon, the power of the magical weapon will generally increase depending on its quality.

Take the pure iron shield forged by Xu Fei's very high weapon refining skills as an example. If it is carefully maintained, the protective ability may be more than doubled!

As for the fixed silver shield that Xu Fei has not yet started refining.

Although he has no say without practice, Xu Fei can roughly deduce the effect of the fixed silver magic shield based on the materials used, refining techniques, etc. Its physical defense and magic defense are likely to be inferior to those of the pure iron magic shield. The advantages of shield and refined copper magic shield.

But it is definitely stronger than the two's weaknesses.

The other thing is flexibility.

Move when you think of it, stop when you think of it.

This can also have a life-saving effect in many cases.

With the last hammer falling, it was put away.

A fine copper magic shield was refined by Xu Fei.

The copper color is dull and the appearance looks a bit old.

But this disguise was done deliberately by Xu Fei.

It's shabby and inconspicuous, but its actual effect is better than many shiny shields.

We can only say what kind of character the refiner is, and what type of magical weapon is refined...

Putting down the hammer, he picked up the fine copper shield, which was the same size as the pure iron shield, and took a closer look.

Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

The appearance is similar to that of a pure iron magic shield, with traces of hammering.


However, this situation is not a problem for the usage scenario of the magic shield.

So Xu Fei didn't polish it.

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