Chapter 254, Sword Control

Xu Fei added a handle to the fine copper magic shield and waved it around.

After seeing that the shield was quite handy, I put it in the storage bag.

Then he came to the performance field again to test the specific protective effect of this fine copper magic shield.

First, Xu Fei concentrated his magic power on the magic shield. After hitting him with his ordinary magic sword for a while, Xu Fei looked a little regretful.

The protective effect of the fine copper shield against direct attacks was indeed as he expected.

It can only defend against attacks with about 25 or 30 pots of mana.

This effect cannot be said to be very bad.

After all, when a monk uses his own magic power to warm up the magic shield for almost ten years, and reaches the limit of the enhancement effect that the warming method can have on the magic weapon, then the effect of this fine copper magic shield on direct attacks can be improved a lot, even If it is doubled, it means that it can defend against direct attacks driven by fifty or sixty pots of mana.

This is enough to deal with the usage scenarios that most monks need to face.

There is a saying that with five hundred pots of mana, ordinary monks can already be called masters.

With a thousand pots of mana, you can compete for the position of deacon in Linglong Immortal Sect.

Become a member of the middle and lower management levels of Xianmen.

The reason why Xu Fei felt that a monk of this level was nothing.

This guy really sets his sights too high.

The sixty-one peak masters of the Linglong Immortal Sect are already the pinnacle beings of the hundreds of millions of sentient beings under the rule of the Immortal Sect.

But in Xu Fei's eyes, he is just 'my generation'...

All I can say is that this kid is so awesome.

However, such a high-mindedness caused Xu Fei's understanding of many situations to be skewed, but it also made him practice very seriously and hard.

Basically don't dare to slack off.

There are pros and cons.

After experimenting with direct attacks, Xu Fei raised his hand to condense a ball of flame and pressed it directly onto the fine copper magic shield.

The magic power promotes luck and the fire burns brightly.

The fine copper magic shield, which Xu Fei had injected with mana in advance, floated quietly in mid-air.

Hardly any impact was experienced.

This surprised Xu Fei.

Most Dharma lineage monks choose fire methods.

Under the flames, all living beings are equal.

That's why the magic shield that Xu Fei refined for Ye Yuanmei specifically added water-attribute spiritual materials to enhance its resistance to fire spells.

But I didn't expect that the fine copper magic shield being refined now would perform so well without adding any special spiritual materials.

It has to be said that as the skill level of the weapon refining skill increases, Xu Fei's skills become more and more exquisite.

Even if you only use the most common refined copper, you can still make a good magic shield.

After feeling proud, Xu Fei took back his magic power.

Start practicing spells instead.

Dharma lineage monks specialize in water and fire spells.

The Golden Element spell is mostly practiced by body lineage monks, and is used to condense weapons and armor.

The two elements of wood and earth spells are basically practiced by the formation cultivator branch in the divine veins, which can help the formation cultivator quickly arrange the formation.

However, this situation is limited to when the cultivation level is low.

When the level of cultivation reaches a certain level and the mastery of the five elements of magic becomes more and more profound, the magic of the three elements of metal, wood, and earth will become more mysterious, and the magic of the two elements of water and fire will no longer dominate.

Xu Fei's mastery of magic is sufficient, but his cultivation is not enough.

After almost using up the time to rent the performance venue, Xu Fei went home.

Shaxiu was playing in the sandpit with several children.

Looking at her bright and happy smile, no one could tell that this little rabbit demon was already the mother of a child.

I just think she is still an innocent girl.

So Xu Fei inevitably felt a little guilty after seeing the scene in front of him.

After all, although he was nice to the little rabbit demon, he had already given birth to a son with her.

"Master." After seeing Xu Fei, Shaxiu patted the sand off her hands and jumped over.

Such a cute and adorable performance made Xu Fei feel even more guilty.

"Well, did you have fun?" Xu Fei gently brushed away the sand on Sha Xiu's face.

"Hey, you're okay." Sha Xiu's bunny ears twitched twice.

She was obviously very happy to have a sandpit to play in.

"Dad." The eldest son Xu Zhongliang moved his short legs and ran over.

Following the eldest brother's actions, other children and daughters also gathered around him.

It was also very lively at the time.

Xu Fei looked at this and cared about that, he was quite busy.

Since he gave birth to these children, Xu Fei will not be careless in any way, and he must be careful when he should do so.

Although he usually spends most of his time practicing and studying various skills, he actually doesn't spend much time with his children.

This also made Xu Fei feel guilty.

But there is no way, there are always trade-offs.

Just like when Xu Fei came out of the Spirit Jedi Land and 'abandoned' his parents, wives, concubines and children surnamed Zhang in order to practice cultivation.

Now Xu Fei still puts his practice before his family.

But the only thing Xu Fei can do to clear himself up a little is that he didn't do everything right.

After all, if Xu Fei really concentrates on cultivation and ignores everything else.

So now that I see Sha Xiu and the children, I should just ignore them and be indifferent.

Practice and refine various skills on your own.

So Xu Fei can still take care of some family matters.

Played with Sha Xiu and the children for a while.

Xu Fei finally went to the study to study the art of sword control.

Although Xu Fei has learned the three sword-controlling techniques of Tianjing, Jiujue, and Yuelong to a certain level, Xu Fei has not been able to seriously 'control a sword' so far.

There is still a difference between wielding a sword and using a magic weapon.

Just like using a magic shield, pour mana into the magic sword and make it fly back.

That can only be said to be using a magic sword, not a sword.

Because sword cultivation and flying swords are not that simple.

If you want to become a sword cultivator, you must have a sword.

This may sound like nonsense, but it is actually the basis of sword cultivation.

Because sword cultivation requires one’s own flying sword nature! Life! pay! build! of! (No way~)

The sword is me, and I am the sword.

When the coordination between the sword cultivator and his own flying sword reaches a certain level.

Then the flying sword can be regarded as the sword cultivator itself. Although most sword cultivators will not be able to destroy people with their swords, the mana of the sword cultivator can be transferred to the flying sword that is highly connected to itself without any hindrance or lag. .

It is no longer like using a magic weapon, where you need to inject mana in advance before you can use it.

And after the mana is consumed, the magic weapon is just a piece of ordinary iron and will no longer have any magical properties.

But Jian Xiu’s flying sword won’t.

As long as the sword cultivator still has magic power, the flying sword can fly to the sky and indulge in the world.

This is why sword cultivators attach great importance to talent.

Those with the best talent will wield swords like dragons!

One sword light chills nineteen continents!

All the descriptions and praises are not empty words.

But if the talent is not good...

The flying sword of the imperial envoy was like a drunk old man peeing, crooked and ticking.

What about power?

If you don't make people laugh, it can be regarded as a well-educated bystander.

After some further research, Xu Fei had some ideas on how to adjust the Green Sword to suit the three sword-controlling techniques.

But whether it will succeed in the end depends on Xu Fei's actual progress.

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