Chapter 255, Dharma Fighting Meeting

Unknowingly, it was 9:30 in the evening. Xu Fei tidied his desk and stood up.

Xu Fei's daily life is quite regular.

I get up early at almost seven o'clock, practice for two and a half hours, and have breakfast for half an hour. If nothing happens, I will basically go to Master Yan's Manor around ten o'clock.

When Xu Fei had not finished reading the various books on weapon refining in Master Yan's library, he just immersed himself in reading.

It was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

This lasted for more than half a year.

That’s when I finished reading the book.

However, the rewards of this hard work were quite considerable, raising Xu Fei's weapon refining skills to the fourth level, level 39.

A fierce batch.

Xu Fei calmed down his distracting thoughts and came to Sha Xiu.

The little rabbit demon has prepared a table of wine and food.

Seeing Xu Fei coming over, a pair of rabbit ears twitched happily.

Every time Xu Fei came over, it was also the time when she could drink.

This makes Sha Xiu very much looking forward to it.

After all, the wine is delicious~

Xu Fei couldn't help but shake his head and smile when he saw this.

This little rabbit demon is really his pistachio.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Master Yan's manor after completing his homework.

As usual, I greeted my master, then went to Wuzifang, where I continued to refine Dingyin and prepared to refine Dingyin Dharma Shield.

And just when Xu Fei was holding a sledgehammer, he was beating the silver ingots with jingling sounds.

A disciple is coming.

"Senior Brother Xu, the master has summoned me." The disciple said.

The disciples who serve are not the disciples and grandsons of Master Yan, and Master Yan cannot bear to be called master or immortal, so these disciples are collectively called master, senior brother and senior sister.

It sounds like a confusion of seniority, but you get used to it...

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this, but he still put down the utensils and silver ingots in his hands and came to Master Yan.

Master Yan was sitting on the third floor of the library, drinking tea and reading.

Next to him, a young man in his thirties stood with a very reserved bow.

"Master." Xu Fei said.

"Well, this is the top ten in this year's Dharma Fighting Club. There is a reward for refining a magic weapon. Now it is divided with me. Are you willing to help me deal with it?" Master Yan noticed Xu Fei coming over and put down the tea cup in his hand.

Master Yan is quite open-minded and does not directly arrange and give instructions just because he is Master Xu Fei.

And Xu Fei is naturally also knowledgeable.

"Thank you, Master. My disciple is willing." Xu Fei said.

Master Yan nodded.

Xu Fei took the young man away.

The Dharma Fighting Meeting that Master Yan mentioned was a grand event for disciples who had joined the Linglong Immortal Sect for hundreds of years.

It is done every two years.

From top to ten, in addition to various rewards, there will also be an opportunity to customize a magic weapon.

However, those with higher rankings will receive more subsidies from the sect.

If the ranking is low, the subsidy will be less.

It seems that the first place is worth a thousand spirit stones, and the numbers decrease one by one. When the tenth place is reached, it is worth a hundred spirit stones?

Xu Fei remembers it like this.

He took the young man to W-zifang.

"Senior brother, do you have any requests?" Xu Fei turned to look at the young man.

The young man is about thirty years old, dressed in white, with his long hair tied up and loose on the top.

Even if Xu Fei doesn't want to admit it, there is no doubt that the other party can support this stereotyped image that has been criticized by many.

"Your Excellency, Yang Zun, haven't you asked me for advice yet?" the young man said with a bow.

"I've met Senior Brother Yang. I'm sorry. My name is Xu Fei. I'm the disciple of my ancestor. I'm currently practicing with my ancestor." Xu Fei chuckled.

He quickly dealt with the other party so that he could busy himself with his own affairs.

Hearing this, Yang Zun looked at Xu Fei, looking a little worried.

After all, the young man in front of him has only a few dozen pots of magic power, so what kind of skills can he have?

Xu Fei didn't push him. If the other party was willing to let him refine the magic weapon, he would do it.

If the other party is not willing, he will not force it.

Yang Zun thought for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and decided to trust Xu Fei more.

"I want a flying sword." Yang Zun said.

Xu Fei was not surprised when he heard this.

Who doesn’t want a flying sword?

Even he was thinking about sword control and preparing the green sword.

"Then I wonder how much budget Senior Brother Yang has?" Xu Fei said.

When Yang Zun heard Xu Fei being so straightforward, he couldn't help but feel a sense of regret in his heart.

In fact, when Master Yan didn't intend to refine the magic weapon for him just now, he should have said goodbye and left.

After all, the guy named Xu Fei in front of him first asked what kind of magic weapon he was refining, and then how much was the budget. His impatient look showed that he had not refined many magic weapons at a glance.

It's all about practicing with the magic weapon he refined.

I have to say that the name Yang Zun feels quite accurate.

Xu Fei did not refine many magic weapons, and he was anxious to get rid of him.

But Xu Fei had no intention of using the opponent's savings to practice.

The reason why I am anxious is because I want to quickly handle the other party's affairs and then go about my own affairs.

And as far as Xu Fei's skills are concerned, Yang Zun will definitely be worth his money.

After hesitating for a moment, Yang Zun finally did not dare to go back on his word easily, lest he offend the weapon master.

"One hundred spiritual stones." Yang Zun finally said.

I might as well use the reward for finishing tenth in the Fighting Tournament this time.


Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and couldn't help being surprised.

After all, the opportunity to customize a magical weapon awarded to the top ten in this fighting ceremony is quite precious.

It is said that they will ask Tianqi Peak or some other skilled weapon masters in the sect to complete it.

It can be seen that even Yang Zun, the tenth, can find Master Yan.

Therefore, many monks who have achieved good rankings in the magic fighting club will even spend all their money just to refine a good magical weapon.

And the opponent only intends to use the hundred spirit stones awarded to the tenth placer in the Duel Dharma Club?

But since the other party has decided so, Xu Fei doesn't want to pay too much attention to it.

"Senior Brother Yang, do you have any specific requirements?" Xu Fei said.

After a while, he received the request from Senior Brother Yang and took the other party's spirit stone.

Xu Fei left directly and went to the Tianwu Pavilion outside the mountain gate to purchase suitable spiritual materials for the flying sword that Yang Zun requested to refine.

Yang Zun looked at Xu Fei's leaving figure.

His expression was quite melancholy.

One hundred spirit stones just flew away.

After thinking about it, Yang Zun could only admit that he was unlucky and left Master Yan's Manor angrily.

Xu Fei took more than an hour to arrive at Tianwu Pavilion in a small shrimp boat.

Floating in mid-air, the twelve-story Tianwu Pavilion slowly rotated on its axis.

Call it cool, it looks like an ordinary octagonal tower.

It can be said to be low-key, but you can see it from afar.

He looks like a low-key yet coquettish person.

There is no one left.

When he got closer, Xu Fei slowed down, put away his shrimp boat, and landed steadily on the platform in front of Tianwu Pavilion.

"Mr. Xu." A maid from Tianwu Pavilion greeted Xu Fei warmly after seeing him.

Xu Fei chuckled and came to the quiet room.

After some selection, some spiritual materials were purchased based on Yang Zun's requirements of speed and sharpness.

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