Chapter 256, Master and Disciple

Xu Fei did not deduct or deduct commissions.

He used ninety-three of the one hundred spiritual stones given by Yang Zun.

I bought some more spiritual materials that I needed.

Xu Fei walked out of Tianwu Pavilion, thought about it and prepared to visit Master Lu.

Although Xu Fei had only studied weapon refining with the old man for a short time, he still respected Master Lu very much.

Carrying several kilograms of fruit bought on the roadside, Xu Fei came to the Valley Qi Hall.

Master Lu was leisurely eating side dishes and drinking wine.

Xu Fei took a whiff and saw that it was Ruixian Brewing he brewed.

Compared with Liangjiang Yulu, the spiritual effect of Ruixian Brewing is not as good, but in terms of taste, it is the best among the spiritual wines Xu Fei has brewed so far.

"Hey, what kind of wind brought you here today?" Master Lu teased.

Xu Fei smiled, washed the fruit, and then sat down opposite Master Lu politely.

"Sir, you dislike me." Xu Fei said.

Master Lu pretended to be bored and looked at Xu Fei with disgust, but he had already taken the bowl and chopsticks from the side and handed them to Xu Fei.

"Thank you, sir." Xu Fei said, taking the bowl and chopsticks.

Eat and drink with Master Lu for a while.

"Follow your master and study the weapon refining techniques carefully, and don't slack off." After eating and drinking, Master Lu ordered.

"Yes." Xu Fei replied solemnly.

Although he did not call Master Lu Qi master, Xu Fei never dared to slack off in the relationship between master and disciple.

Master Lu saw that Xu Fei took his words to heart and nodded with satisfaction.

After leaving the Valley Qi Hall, the sky had darkened.

But the moonlight was just right, so Xu Fei took out his small boat and flew into the sky at night.

The cool breeze blew, which put Xu Fei in a good mood, and he began to speed up.

Linglong Immortal Sect has no such thing as drunk driving when it comes to Feikong.

The next day.

After Xu Fei completed his training, he came to Master Yan's manor.

Start refining the flying sword for Senior Brother Yang who got a good ranking in the fighting ceremony yesterday.

Because the total cost is only one hundred spiritual stones, the spiritual materials Xu Fei chooses are relatively common.

Even with Xu Fei's skills, he couldn't do any tricks.

Make bricks without straw.

But in the end, after some beating by Xu Fei, the result was much better than those forged by ordinary weapon masters.

And refined the flying sword for Yang Zun.

Xu Fei handed the finished flying sword to his disciple.

When Yang Zun came to pick up the sword, he just handed it over to the other party.

Then Xu Fei started busy with his own affairs.

Refine silver.

Xu Fei planned to refine Baili Yunyan after refining the magic shield.

It took almost a month to be so busy.

After doing this, Xu Fei will start to adjust the green sword.

The reason why it was so troublesome was that Xu Fei, in order to avoid possible omissions when adjusting the Qingjian, set aside more time to study it carefully and check for any omissions.

After all, Xu Fei not only wanted to make the green sword adaptable to the body, law, and spirit, but also to be suitable for the law-breaking Tianjing Swordsmanship, the strong-breaking Jiujue Swordsmanship, and the swift and agile Yuelong Swordsmanship.

If Master Yan knew about such a pursuit of perfection, at least Xu Fei would be taught a lesson, and at worst, he might be reprimanded.

Because such a demanding universal approach is almost meaningless.

With these efforts, if used to specialize in one aspect, the final result will basically far exceed the all-powerful Qingjian conceived by Xu Fei.

However, having a plug-in and extremely high weapon refining skills made Xu Fei not want to give up easily.

And maybe it's a desire to be new and different, or maybe it's an onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Even though there were all kinds of problems, Xu Fei just wanted to play something different from ordinary monks, and he wanted to use one sword to satisfy all his usage scenarios.

In ordinary life, this kind of people are also called gangsters and iron-headed boys...

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Although Yang Zun has almost accepted the result that a hundred spiritual stones were wasted, he is still somewhat unwilling to do so.

Only then did they arrive at Master Yan's Manor again.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he came over, a disciple in charge handed him a flying sword.

The hilt is slightly rough.

But the blade is like a pool of autumn water.

The shimmering cold light is intimidating.

What a sword!

After a brief inspection, Yang Zun was quite fond of the flying sword in his hand.

Because this sword is really good.

"This sword?" Although he already had a guess in his mind, Yang Zun still couldn't believe it.

"This is the flying sword that Senior Brother Xu refined for you." said the serving disciple.

When Yang Zun heard this, he couldn't hide his surprise, and then regret.

If he had known that the other party had such superb skills, he would have scraped together more spiritual stones so that Xu Fei could use better spiritual materials when refining the flying sword.

It is not like now, because the spiritual materials used are ordinary, and although the flying sword in the hand is already quite excellent, the upper limit is not enough after all.

It's's too late to regret it!

Yang Zun felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

"I wonder if I can visit Master Xu again so that I can thank him in person for helping me refine the flying sword." Yang Zun thought about it and prepared to make friends with Xu Fei first.

"I need to ask Senior Brother Xu about this first," said the serving disciple.

"Excuse me." Yang Zun bowed his hands and then took the opportunity to stuff two spiritual stones to this serving disciple without leaving any trace.

The disciple who held the position noticed something strange in his hand, and after a little exploration, he found out that the other party had stuffed a spiritual stone into it.

This serving disciple couldn't help but smile.

"Senior Brother Yang, wait a moment." The serving disciple was obviously two points more enthusiastic than before.

Wealth can lead to the gods, the ancients will not deceive me.

The remaining disciples trotted all the way to W-zifang.

"Senior Brother Xu, Yang Zun, who you made the Flying Sword for before, is here. He is very satisfied with the Flying Sword and wants to express his gratitude to you in person." said the serving disciple.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

But since the other party is so polite, he won't be rude.

Putting down the silver ingots he was tempering, Xu Fei and his disciples came to the entrance gate of Master Yan's manor.

"Senior Brother Yang." Xu Fei took the initiative and bowed his hands.

"Master Xu, you are very polite. You are able to refine my flying sword so well. It is beyond my expectation. Thank you very much." Yang Zun said repeatedly.

The whole article is filled with words of flattery and thanks to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei was speechless at Yang Zun's arrogant attitude.

This person's attitude towards him was not like this before. He still remembered that disgusting look.

In other words, refining magic weapons for the other party was arranged by the master.

Otherwise Xu Fei may not give up his choice.

"As long as Senior Brother Yang is satisfied with the flying sword I made," Xu Fei said lightly.

After being polite, Xu Fei bowed his hands and turned to leave.

This made Yang Zun regret that he had offended the master by turning his blind eye before.

In particular, Xu Fei's cold attitude made Yang Zun understand that the other party was quite concerned about his previous contempt.

Thinking of this, Yang Zun sighed helplessly and could only leave first.

Ignoring these trivial matters, Xu Fei continued busy with his own affairs.

Refined silver magic shield.

Compared with pure iron and fine copper shields, which have obvious advantages and disadvantages, the fixed silver shield's protective effect against direct attacks and spells is not very good.

But it has the characteristics of being able to respond to thoughts.

But it also makes many monks willing to sacrifice part of the protective effect and choose to protect themselves with a fixed silver shield.

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