Chapter 257, Tianyun Peak

Although the refining method of the fixed silver magic shield is different from that of pure iron and refined copper, the production of these basic magic weapons is not a problem for Xu Fei.

As the sledgehammer rises and falls, Xu Fei's magic power is used to polish the silver.

The magic shield is there in the blink of an eye.

After being burned by fire and beaten with thousands of hammers, the color of fixed silver becomes more apparent.

This quality is the same as gold.

Adding a handle to the magic shield, Xu Fei came to the performance field again.

After some experiments, Xu Fei inevitably fell in love with the Dingyin Shield.

Although its resistance to direct attacks and spells is not as good as the advantages of pure iron and fine copper shields, it is not bad either.

It can block direct attacks or spells urged by sixty or seventy pots of mana.

And the most important thing is the smooth and heartfelt feeling of control when the Dingyin magic shield is activated.

Still very satisfying.

To give an example, when manipulating pure iron and fine copper, although it is not too sluggish, it feels almost like 3G, while manipulating the fixed silver magic shield directly becomes 4G.

The fluency of the two is not on the same level.

Xu Fei couldn't help but consider whether the main material for refining the magic shield he would use in the future would be fixed silver.

He spent the remaining time in renting the performance field to practice spells. When the time was about to run out, Xu Fei left the performance field and returned to his residence.

Xu Fei has been practicing so far, although he occasionally slacks off, but he has never wasted his time.

Still quite hardworking.

After dinner, Xu Fei went to brew spiritual wine.

After the family moved to Wujiaji, they did not stop the wine shop business outside.

And this is Xu Fei's only income currently.

So you still need to be careful.

The next day, Xu Fei finished his homework and came to Master Yan's manor.

After greeting the master, he came to Wuzifang.

Take out a few gold ingots from the storage bag.

Prepare to be refined to gold.

As one of the four basic metal spiritual materials, gold is the most valuable.

After all, one pound of gold requires almost one pound or one pound of gold to be refined.

But for Xu Fei, it was still acceptable.

Ringing bell, clang clanging~ Xu Fei's sledgehammer was rising and falling, and when he was working in full swing, another disciple came over.

"Senior Brother Xu, there is someone who claims to be a servant of your family." The disciple said.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

When he was practicing outside these years, he was never found at home. What happened?

Even though Xu Fei had a pretty good character, he couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

Quickly came to the door.

"Master." The Xu family servant waiting at the door saw Xu Fei and bowed quickly.

"What's the matter?" Xu Fei felt a little relieved when he saw the servant's calm expression.

"It's like this. Mr. Xinwei of the Du family is here to visit. My aunt asked me to come over and ask." The servant said.

Xu Fei then felt relieved, it was not something that happened at home.

But Du Xinwei is here?

Although the other party had visited before, it was just out of curiosity.

The communication between the two is no longer what it used to be.

But I don’t know why the other party came?

After thinking about it, Xu Fei had no intention of refusing to see him and went back to tidy up the W-shaped room.

Then return to your residence with your servants.

I happened to see Du Xinwei holding a wooden sword and 'fighting' with his eldest son Xu Zhongliang.

"Don't be rude." Xu Fei pretended to scold him.

After all, Xu Fei couldn't praise his son for being good with the sword, nor could he say that Du Xinwei, the boss, was too young to play with his children.

Hearing his father's blame, Xu Zhongliang felt a little dismayed.

"Brother Xu, I'm just playing around with you." Du Xinwei laughed.

"Young Master Du, you're welcome." Xu Fei bowed his hands and asked Du Xinwei to go to the main hall.

After chatting for a while, Du Xinwei didn't talk about serious matters.

Xu Fei couldn't help but wonder.

After all, this person really wanted to chat with him?

But since the other party didn't take the initiative to say it, Xu Fei didn't ask any more questions.

Soon it was lunch time.

Xu Fei took matters into his own hands and made a barbecue reception.

Eating barbecue and drinking spiritual wine.

It's not a slight.

The children couldn't help but sit still when they smelled the aroma of barbecue.

From time to time one would come over and take away a few skewers.

Let Xu Fei have no leisure time.

But Xu Fei quite enjoyed this kind of life.

Du Xinwei saw this scene in his eyes.

The expression is incomprehensible.

Xu Fei looks like a monk, but not like one.

Like a monk, it means that the other person keeps practicing, but unlike a monk, it means that Xu Fei cherishes the affection of his family.

After all, when he was a child, if he disturbed his father when he was having guests, he would definitely have to face family consequences.

But Xu Fei is still gentle and tolerant.

Even though the children took away the skewers from time to time, which kept Xu Fei busy, he didn't feel any displeasure.

"Master Du." Xu Fei handed the freshly baked skewers to Du Xinwei.

Xu Fei didn't know Du Xinwei's doubts. If he knew, he could only sigh: The past and present are different.

"Thank you." Du Xinwei chuckled and took the skewers.

"I heard that Brother Xu worked with Master Ling to refine the Divine Light of the Bright Spirit some time ago?" Du Xinwei said as if he was thinking of something.

Xu Fei couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

There was no rumor about this matter. How could Du Xinwei know about it?

But considering that the other party comes from the Du family, it's not surprising.

After all, there are three masters of the Du family.

Moreover, the Du Xinwei in front of him is said to have an astonishing understanding, and he is practicing the Huangbei Xuanwen, the fundamental Tao method of the earthly and wonderful series treasured by the Du family.

The status is not low.

So it’s not too unusual to know this.

"Master Du is well-informed." Xu Fei said politely and admitted in disguise that he was indeed involved.

When Du Xinwei heard this, an unexplainable look flashed in his eyes.

He had learned earlier that Xu Fei was a member of the Heavenly Artifact Peak lineage, so he probably understood that Xu Fei was quite talented in the art of weapon refining.

But I was still a little shocked when I heard that Xu Fei actually participated in refining the Ming Ling Divine Light.

After all, how long has the other party been practicing?

And how long does it take to learn to refine weapons?

It is almost equivalent to the feeling of a primary school student participating in an important national project.

"Brother Xu doesn't show his true face." Du Xinwei said with some emotion.

"Master Du, thank you." Xu Fei said.

Although he only tempered some spiritual materials when refining the Ming Ling Divine Light Structure, and helped Master Yan a little when refining the 'iron ball', who wouldn't know how to put gold on his face?

Du Xinwei picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"Then Brother Xu, does he know who wants to refine the divine light?" Du Xinwei said.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this.

He really didn't know this.

When facing Master Yan, it was not convenient for him to make blind inquiries.

His daily life is also very simple, practicing, refining weapons, and studying various skills, with almost no social interaction.

It is not easy to know this kind of information.

"I'd like to hear the details." Xu Fei poured a glass of wine for Du Xinwei.

Du Xinwei chuckled: "It's the Master of Hua Peak of Tianyun Peak."

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he heard this name.

If he remembered correctly, Yu Yao Bing's innate Transformation Realm seemed to have become his disciple.

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