Chapter 26, clever tricks

After dinner, Xu Fei came to grandma and helped her check up again.

After his treatment, the old lady's health improved a lot.

But after all, as we age, our body cannot be the same as when we were young.

The past cannot be pursued.

Xu Fei chatted with his grandma for a while, and then returned to his small courtyard to read.

Medical books, medicine books, poison medicine medical records, including the Tiger Fist and Sitting Tiger Neigong that Xu Fei had learned before, and even the Crane Shape Breathing Technique and Tiger Knife Technique, which had no secrets, were all compiled into volumes by Xu Fei and read through many times.

Because each of his skills is related to his own cognition, and cognition is quite idealistic.

When you read a book for the first time, you have one opinion, but after you read it the second time, you have a different opinion.

Therefore, whether it is a medical book, a medicine manual, or the poison medicine medical records passed down by his great uncle, or the breathing techniques and various martial arts that Xu Fei learned, he will not just read them once and think that he can learn them by himself.

But I will watch it again and again.

It is because of this perseverance that Xu Fei's current skill level is not low.

Especially his medical skills are far beyond ordinary.

Even the famous master who had been a doctor in Gaoxian County for decades was already far inferior to him.

At least so far, Xu Fei has not encountered any disease that he cannot cure.

Yuan Niang carefully came over and lit the wick.

Xu Fei looked at the time and saw that it was getting late too.

He smiled and held Yuan Niang in his arms.

There is nothing more satisfying than having the effect of a plug-in be consistent with your own hobbies.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

After seeing a few patients, I heard banging outside.

There was a lion dance and firecrackers again, it was very lively.

The patients in the hospital couldn't help but stretch their necks to look.

But a moment later, the sound of gongs and drums of the lion dance and the sound of firecrackers were approaching the medical center.

Soon, Mr. Sun, who had been suffering from water poisoning, walked into the hospital with the help of the housekeeper.

A doctor who had no patients at hand came up to him and gave him a brief greeting. Only then did he realize that it was the doctor who came to thank Xu Fei for his treatment today.

Xu Fei prescribes good medicines for the patients currently being treated.

Other doctors in the hospital took over the subsequent patients, and then accompanied by the master, they came to accept Master Sun's thanks.

After this patient's condition improved, Butler Sun sent him 20 taels of medical treatment fee.

It’s already a profit.

Today we beat gongs and drums to create a great momentum and get famous again.

Famous and profitable.

It can only be said that Mr. Sun is very grateful and valued by Dr. Xu Fei for curing his illness.

"Master Sun is too polite. My apprentice just happened to cure your illness." Dr. Zhao said.

It was said very modestly.

But this was also because Xu Fei was so young and energetic that he would become arrogant.

That would be harming the apprentice.

Xu Fei's mental age is not that of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy. Naturally, he can understand the master's intention, so he stands behind the master honestly.

He looked ashamed to receive such praise.

After Mr. Sun thanked him warmly, he didn't stay long. He just agreed to go to Yizuilou in the evening.

It was hard to refuse such kindness, so Dr. Zhao had no choice but to agree.

After Master Sun left, Xu Fei thought for a moment and found his master, saying that he did not want to socialize.

This surprised Dr. Zhao.

When he was treated to a banquet by a cured patient for the first time, he was quite looking forward to it and happy.

Why is this kid not excited at all?

Are you so calm?

After thinking about it for a while, Dr. Zhao didn't press any further and nodded.

"Okay, I will explain it to Mr. Sun."

Xu Fei thanked him again.

Although accepting a banquet is nothing, it will also waste an evening of reading time.

And this time I accepted the banquet, but what about the next time?

From now on, I will make it clear that I do not accept this.

Eating, drinking, and socializing with people to make good relationships cannot be said to be useless.

But compared to raising the level limit of each skill, that's far less important.

So as long as it's not something more important, Xu Fei will definitely do his own things first.

Moreover, he would save Mr. Sun's life. It was this man who was usually kind to others and had no evil deeds, and after all, it was a living human life, so he took action.

It's not that Xu Fei wants to get any help from this person.

Of course, if Mr. Sun has some unique martial arts, Xu Fei wouldn't mind making friends with him to see if he has a chance to learn it in the future.

In the afternoon, Xu Fei came to Zhou's house.

After some sparring, he finally told Zhou Yue that he wanted to learn the eighteen moves his opponent had practiced.

Hearing that Xu Fei actually wanted to learn how to play eighteen tricks, Zhou Yue looked at her father.

Because this is a kung fu taught to her by her father, it depends on her father's will whether to teach it to her or not.

Captain Zhou couldn't help but be surprised. This kid already had good martial arts skills such as Tiger Fist and Sitting Tiger Internal Kung Fu. Why did he still want to learn how to fight with eighteen hands?

These eighteen moves are just small grappling-type martial arts that are specially adapted to the characteristics of women because of their weak strength.

To say it is precious is of course not enough.

He took a puff of dry cigarette.

"If Master Zhang doesn't dislike the rudimentary nature of this Kung Fu, then girl, you can teach Master Zhang." Finally, he agreed to teach me.

"Thank you, escort, and thank you, Sister Xiaoyue." Xu Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

He proposed to learn the other party's skillful skills, which was similar to wanting to learn how other people make buns after seeing other people's bun shops doing booming business.

Although it is not as serious as robbing people of money, it is still somewhat rude.

Fortunately, Zhou Biaotou and Zhou Yue were quite generous and didn't care about anything, and were even willing to teach.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Xu Fei is never empty-handed every time he comes to sparring with Zhou Yue.

Although this sentence of "Liduoduoduoduo" sounds unavoidably associated with corruption, as long as the other party is not the kind of greedy and unkind person, you can indeed build a good relationship quickly and get the results you want. way of doing.

And the main reason why Xu Fei came here empty-handed every time was because Zhou Biaotou and Zhou Yue's father and daughter were both good.

Captain Zhou gave pointers from time to time, and he even generously taught the Tiger Sword Technique before.

Zhou Yue also practiced hard with Xu Fei to get him used to fighting against people.

If he hadn't had the experience of sparring with Zhou Yue, it would have been impossible for Xu Fei to subdue Ling Niang's parents and brothers in a flash.

You might even have to fight.

This is completely different from Xu Fei's current low-key work.

In short, the current relationship between Xu Fei and Zhou Biaotou's father and daughter is mutually beneficial.

As Xu Fei practiced with Zhou Yue several times, he once again gained new skills on his panel.

Skillfully play eighteen moves【0/5】【0/6】

Xu Fei first added a level, but did not add more to avoid learning too quickly and attracting extra attention from the escort chief Zhou.

Although it is surprising enough that he can master a set of martial arts after practicing it for a few times, it is still within the acceptable range.

If after just practicing a few times, you can compare to others who have practiced for several years, that would be a bit shocking.

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