Chapter 27, plan

After learning how to skillfully perform the eighteen moves, Xu Fei could only say that this set of skills was indeed... average.

They mostly respond to the enemy with small, clever and clever methods.

And there are many cruel moves such as eye penetration, finger breaking, and vaginal attack.

It can be said that if an ordinary man meets a woman who knows how to hit her with 18 skills, the chances of her beating him up are very high.

However, even such a set of ordinary martial arts has increased the level limit of Tiger Fist by one level.

Xu Fei was surprised and surprised.

As long as there are two more levels, Tiger Fist can break through level 20, and there is a high probability of advancement.

And what will happen to the Tiger Fist after the advancement?

Well worth the wait.

In the evening, Xu Fei and Zhou Yue left after sparring.

But Zhou Yue fell into silence when she looked at Xu Fei's back.

Zhou Biaotou looked at his daughter, frowning slightly and sighing in his heart.

At his age, how could he not see that his daughter seemed to have some plans for Xu Fei?

As a martial artist, I have been practicing for more than ten years but I still can't become an internal martial artist. In addition to my talent, my martial arts skills, and the fact that women are inherently disadvantaged in martial arts training, the lack of sufficient benefits is also a major factor.

If she eats well enough and has meat every meal, her daughter will obviously not be where she is now. She will reach the threshold of inner strength and even become an inner strength warrior. It is not impossible.

After all, my daughter's qualifications are not bad, and she has never slacked off in martial arts training for more than ten years.

And there is still a big gap between an internally powerful warrior and an ordinary warrior.

Xu Fei bought two hens and came to Ling Niang.

This woman was probably free, or maybe she thought the eggs on the market were too expensive, so she wanted Xu Fei to buy two hens and raise the eggs himself.

Although Xu Fei had no choice but to agree.

When he came to Ling Niang, Xu Fei found that this woman was not in a very high mood.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei asked.

Although he had previously thought of sending Ling Niang away, he later changed his mind.

And although Ling Niang is not beautiful, if she could have such a diligent and obedient wife in Xu Fei's past, it would be a happy dream.

"My sister-in-law came here with her nephew," Lingniang said.

Xu Fei was helpless when he heard this.

Are Lingniang's parents and brothers planning to be soft when they see that they are too tough?

"What are your plans?" Xu Fei said.

Women can be cruel when they are cruel, but they can also look stupid when they are soft-hearted.

"I, I don't know either. Master, can you give me an idea?" Ling Niang said.

"Don't worry about it for now, let's see how they perform." Xu Fei said.

Ling Niang's eyes lit up when she heard such an idea.

If the other party can really maintain the current attitude, then there is nothing wrong with treating the sister-in-law and nephew as relatives again.

But if she didn't get any benefits in a short period of time and her parents and brothers returned to their old ways, then she wouldn't care what these guys did.

"Thank you for giving me the idea." At this point, Ling Niang's eyes almost overflowed with water.

Xu Fei left happily with 3 proficiency points.

At first it was pleasant to keep the branches and leaves blooming twice a day.

But after a period of time, even though Xu Fei was now in the body of a young boy, it was a bit difficult when his firepower was strong.

Fortunately, I got the crane-shaped breathing method taught by my master. After some practice, my physical fitness has been greatly improved.

The ability to spread branches and leaves has also been greatly improved.

At least twice a day can be maintained without causing any burden on the body.

After all, Xu Fei still has to practice martial arts.

If you want to make any progress when you indulge too much, you will take it for granted.

Therefore, Xu Fei has recently been able to increase the number of times he blooms branches and leaves every day, but he still maintains the original frequency.

If he overexerts his body for proficiency points, not to mention whether he can achieve anything in martial arts, he may even lose his life because of it.

That is a situation that Xu Fei absolutely does not want to happen.

He liked the business of spreading branches and leaves very much, but Xu Fei was still unwilling to do a business that cost his life because of spreading branches and leaves.

After returning home, Xu Fei had another dinner.

Because of martial arts training, Xu Fei's appetite has become very large, and he has to eat four or five meals a day to satisfy his consumption.

That is to say, the Zhang family is still relatively rich, and Xu Fei himself has begun to make money.

Otherwise, I might not be able to eat well or be full.

After practicing martial arts, it is empty talk to achieve enough growth.

After going to grandma's place again and checking her, Xu Fei returned to his small hospital.

Open the panel to see what skills he currently has.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/10】【23/23】


Crane Shape Breathing Method【0/10】【13/13】

Sitting Tiger Internal Strength【0/5】【17/17】

Tiger Fist【0/5】【18/18】

Skillful playing of eighteen moves【0/5】【1/6】

Tiger Sword Technique【0/5】【8/8】

Proficiency value: 51

With Zhou Biaotou and Zhou Yue learning the Tiger Sword Technique and skillfully playing eighteen moves, the number of his skills finally reached ten, entering the ranks of double digits.


Among the other ten skills, five are related to martial arts.

This also satisfied Xu Fei.

After checking the skills, Xu Fei thought about it and filled up the Eighteen Skills skill.

Although this skill is a martial art suitable for women, it is still worth practicing.

At least after learning the eighteen moves, he raised the level limit of the Tiger Boxing by one level.

If you upgrade a few more levels, you may be able to continue to push up the level of Tiger Boxing.

Moreover, Xu Fei's proficiency value is currently relatively abundant.

Adding a clever skill to the eighteen hands will not break his muscles and bones.

What's more, in terms of martial arts, Xu Fei won't feel bad if he uses his proficiency points as needed.

After all, in Xu Fei's plan for himself, medical skills and martial arts are both top priorities.

After reading for a while, Xu Fei took a rest.

The next day.

Probably because of Mr. Sun's hard work yesterday, Zhao Ji Medical Center had more patients.

I hope that no one in the world is sick, so why bother with the medicine on the shelf?

That being said, which medical clinic is willing for this to happen?

Xu Fei could only stick to his heart and try his best to prescribe applicable and appropriate medicines to patients.

And while it has good effects and has a cheap price, it is undoubtedly a good recipe.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei suddenly understood the rules in the master's hospital.

The prescriptions prescribed by each doctor are not directly linked to their income.

The salary of a first-class doctor is one tael of silver per month, and the consultation fee for each patient is one copper coin, which is shared equally with the medical clinic. That is, after treating two patients, the medical center and the first-class doctor each receive one copper coin.

The salary of a second-class doctor is two taels of silver per month, and Xu Fei is currently in this position.

Currently, the only third-class doctor in the medical clinic is Dr. Zhao himself.

However, there are also rules such as a monthly salary of thirty taels and a consultation fee of three copper coins. The consultation fee is also divided equally with the medical clinic.

This obviously prevents doctors from deliberately prescribing precious and expensive medicinal materials to patients for the sake of income.

But this method is only applicable to this small medical clinic now.

Once it reaches a large scale, those medicinal merchants who sell medicinal materials will naturally use their brains to make more money.

This is unstoppable.

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