Chapter 259, Skills

Xu Fei carefully and continuously pulled the inspiration into the magic weapon.

This process is very important.

If there are any flaws during the activation process, it may even cause irreparable effects on the magic weapon.

And if it fails, the entire magic weapon may be destroyed.

It still needs to be taken seriously.

Five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour.

In the end, there was no accident in this magic shield forged with gold as the main spiritual material, and it was successfully refined by Xu Fei.

Due to the incorporation of many other spiritual materials, the originally shining golden shield had a much duller appearance, looking like a fine copper shield.

However, this is exactly in line with Xu Fei's low-key style of dealing with things.

Therefore, Xu Fei did not adjust the appearance of the shield.

Add a handle as usual.

With the experience of the previous three shields, this time the handle is more beautiful and sturdy.

Xu Fei was quite satisfied.

After refining the magic shield for himself, Xu Fei turned his head and looked at the sky.

I didn’t realize it when I was busy, but now I count the time and it’s already the third night.

In other words, Xu Fei had been busy for three days in order to refine this golden magic shield, and spent at least thirty hours practicing, eating, resting, etc.

And at the moment when Xu Fei completed refining the magic shield.

Not far away on the third floor of the book pavilion, Master Yan glanced here and then looked away.

My disciple's talent in weapon refining is quite amazing.

In the future, he may be able to surpass him, even his master and master.

After storing the shield in his storage bag, Xu Fei returned to his residence without intending to try it out at night.

"Master." Meiniang was quite happy to see Xu Fei finally back, and hurriedly served him.

"Well, what's going on at home?" Xu Fei took the honey water and took a sip.

"Everything is safe." Mei Niang said.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

He can rest assured that he can leave the family affairs to Meiniang.

After eating some dinner, Xu Fei took a short break to take a shower.

But they found the little rabbit demon Shaxiu coming to the bathroom with her head in the air.

"Xu Fei, are you going to my place tonight?" Sha Xiu whispered.

She still watched Meiniang go to get a change of clothes for Xu Fei, so she took the opportunity to come over and ask.

Judging from the greedy look on her face, she obviously wanted to drink.

Xu Fei turned around and saw the little rabbit demon, and waved to her to come over.

Shaxiu looked around, but didn't see Meiniang. After a moment of hesitation, she walked into the bathroom.

Then Xu Fei grabbed him tightly and put him in the bathtub.

Soon, water rippled in the large tub.

Meiniang, who had returned from taking out her clothes, raised her feet to walk into the bathroom, but she heard a humiliating sound.

This made Meiniang sigh softly, and then put the clothes next to the door.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the performance venue after completing his homework.

Then he took out the Golden Shield.

Under the light of the lights, the shield took on a copper color.

Very confusing.

However, after holding it in hand, one can feel that it is more than twice as heavy as ordinary pure iron or fine copper shields.

The best gold is, after all, tempered by gold.

Even though it has become a spiritual material, it is still very important.

The magic shield is urged to float slowly.

Xu Fei punched him hard.

"Boom~" There was a muffled sound.

The shield only retreated a little.

Such excellent protective effect surprised Xu Fei.

If it was a fine copper shield that had poor protection against direct attacks and was hit by his punch, he would have to retreat at least five meters.

But the Golden Shield was hardly affected.

Xu Fei's eyes lit up, and he condensed the flame in his left hand and pressed it on the shield again.

One hand was filled with flames, and the other hand clenched a fist and continued to attack the shield.

Although such continuous attacks quickly exhausted the mana Xu Fei poured into his magic shield.

Lost the ability to fly.

But Xu Fei was very satisfied with the protective effect of the shield, which was made from gold as the main spiritual material.

As long as mana is poured into it, even if this magic shield has not yet been warmed, its initial protective effect is enough to withstand direct attacks triggered by more than 270 pots of mana.

It is slightly inferior in terms of resisting mana, but it can still be unscathed by spells cast by about two hundred pots of mana.

It directly reaches twice the protection advantages of pure iron and refined copper shields, and more than three times that of fixed silver shields.

Although due to the weight and the variety of spiritual materials used, there will be additional consumption of mana when used, but this problem is not worth mentioning compared to its excellent protective effect.

Especially when refining the magic shield, Xu Fei also left behind ways to continue strengthening it in the future.

All in all, this is an excellent shield that is worthy of its cost and Xu Fei's busy schedule.

Xu Fei grinned, and then came to Master Yan's manor, ready to continue refining Baili Yunyan.

Although with his current magic power, he can't even use Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke to his fullest, but since he has the ability to refine a better portable magical weapon, Xu Fei will not be stingy.

Not only can you become familiar with the current skills, but you can also prepare a good magic weapon for yourself in the future, killing two birds with one stone.

However, compared to the magic sword and magic shield, which have their own rules, the "hundred" miles of cloud smoke is Xu Fei's further optimization based on the method of refining ten miles of cloud smoke worked out by his master Lu Qishi.

Although Xu Fei's thoughts are wonderful, accidents may not happen during the refining process.

So you still need to be cautious.

After thinking about and deliberating the refining process for a few days, Xu Fei finally took action.

Using a top-quality star mist stone worth up to thirteen thousand spiritual stones as the main spiritual material, Baili Yunyan began to be refined.

The reason why Xu Fei couldn't continue his deduction to the 'hundred' level was also related to the fact that he couldn't find a better quality star mist stone.

Even with the dazzling array of things in the Tianwu Pavilion, it is still powerless.

After all, that level of spiritual materials has already been involved in the refining of top-quality or even top-level magic weapons.

It's not something Xu Fei can touch or possess with his current status.

It took half a month to complete the training of various spiritual materials.

Xu Fei officially started refining Baili Yunyan.

The spiritual materials used are either calcined, ground, or modulated, and gradually the Baili Yunyan is formed.

A simple instrument that looks like an oil lamp.

But where the flame should have been, it was replaced by a bluish marble-sized star mist stone.

After tempering, the originally milky white star mist stone not only changed color, but also became translucent.

But this is still not the finished product.

Because it has not yet been activated by inspiration.

Magical weapons that are refined through complex techniques or multiple spiritual materials require this process.

Magical weapons that do not go through this process are just 'building blocks' stacked together with various spiritual materials.

Although it is magical, it is not fully effective.

After the impact of the spiritual machine, the magic weapon will become a whole under the action of the spiritual machine.

But this process is also extremely dangerous.

Because if you are not careful, the 'magic weapon' that has been refined and can be used may be damaged or even destroyed directly.

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