Chapter 260, something went wrong

Are you just putting up with it?

Or give it a try?

Xu Fei hesitated.

After all, in a short period of time, he would not buy any more spiritual stones needed to refine Baili Yunyan.

In other words, there is only this one chance.

But after a moment Xu Fei laughed, and the dead bird faced up! Done!

Immediately put the nearly finished Baili Yunyan on the table aside and start the spirit gathering formation in the refining room.

As the inspiration gathered, Xu Fei's luck method led the inspiration and poured it into Baili Yunyan.

A lot of ideas are filling the clouds.

Make it jump directly on the table!

Xu Fei waved his hand and used his magic power to stabilize it.

However, although Baili Yunyan no longer moved, Xu Fei frowned.

Because Baili Yunyan is actually rejecting the idea!

This made Xu Fei scratch his head.

After all, he had too little experience in refining magic weapons.

It is inevitable to be helpless when encountering this situation.

"Jingxin, this is because the quality of the magic weapon is too high, far beyond your cultivation level." At this time, the door of the W-shaped room opened from the outside, revealing the figure of Master Yan, but Master Yan only glanced at Bai Bai. Li Yunyan found out the crux of the situation and warned him.

After hearing his master's prompt, Xu Fei quickly calmed down and carefully drew his inspiration.

Although he also knew that when activating the magic weapon, it would be difficult to overcome the repulsive spirit due to the low level of the refiner.

To use an analogy, if you don't have enough strength, you have to break an arm strength stick that exceeds your own limit. Even if you use the strength of breastfeeding, you still can't do it.

But there are more than just these situations that can cause the magic weapon to bounce non-stop. There are also various other situations.

Xu Fei wasn't sure for a while, so he got a little confused.

So in the final analysis, Xu Fei's experience in refining magical weapons was still too little.

Even if you have a high skill level, you still don't have complete mastery without some hard work.

However, the superb weapon refining skill level is not a decoration.

After receiving the reminder from his master and finding the root cause, Xu Fei quickly made adjustments.

In the blink of an eye, the magic weapon was truly stabilized.

Master Yan, who originally wanted to give some advice to Xu Fei on how to deal with it, could only stop talking.

Although something went wrong, Master Yan reminded him that Xu Fei was not a free man after all, and it was quickly dealt with properly.

Finally, Baili Yunyan was successfully refined.

However, due to Xu Fei's initial lack of cultivation, it was difficult to subdue Baili Yunyan and accept the spiritual activation, but it also caused some flaws in the refined Baili Yunyan.

We can only make up for it carefully when we warm it up later.

"Thank you, Master, for reminding me." Xu Fei bowed his hands to Master Yan and thanked him.

Master Yan looked at his disciple and grandson in front of him, and then at the magic weapon refined on the table.

He thought that his evaluation of Xu Fei was quite fair, but he didn't expect that he underestimated him after all.

This boy's talent in the art of weapon refining is astonishing.

Now there is a slight possibility of reaching the level of the Patriarch.

Thinking of this, Master Yan's expression was a little complicated.

There is both joy and emotion.

I am happy to have such a talented disciple, but I also feel sad because I feel inferior. After all, although his talent was good back then, it was not as good as this disciple's.

So in the end, Master Yan just nodded slightly, then turned and left.

After respectfully seeing his master off, Xu Fei turned to look at the finished Baili Yunyan on the table.

The spiritual materials used in this magic weapon are not top-notch, and they are not even very precious.

Only the best star mist stone is better.

This is why Xu Fei dared to start refining directly.

But he didn't expect that something went wrong, and the Baili Yunyan gained in the end actually exceeded the limit that his current cultivation level could control.

After scratching his head, Xu Fei took the warm Baili Yunyan in his hand.

The translucent light blue star mist stone rotates on the lamp-shaped tray.

However, it seems that the star mist stone and the magic weapon base are not connected together, but they are actually one.

Unless Baili Yunyan is destroyed, the Star Mist Stone, which is the main body of the magic weapon, cannot be taken away.

After inspecting Baili Yunyan, Xu Fei came to the performance field and briefly activated his magic power to pour into Baili Yunyan.

Large clouds of smoke billowed out from the star mist stone.

The effect is more than twice as powerful as Shili Yunyan.

However, the consumption of mana is also extremely terrifying.

Even if Xu Fei did nothing, all the 100 pots of mana he had prepared were consumed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei could only suspend the movement of mana.

After all, this Baili Yunyan has some flaws. If it is forced to rush, it will aggravate the problem and it will not be beautiful.

Faced with this situation, Xu Fei could only put away the Baili Yunyan with a little regret. When his cultivation level was higher in the future, he would warm up the Baili Yunyan until it was complete before performing the audition.

After practicing his spells for a while, Xu Fei returned to Master Yan's manor.

Report the situation of his audition for Baili Yunyan to his master.

Master Yan was not surprised when he heard that Xu Fei failed to audition for Baili Yunyan.

After all, even refining this magic weapon with normal methods has exceeded Xu Fei's current cultivation level, so it is naturally even more difficult to promote luck.

So I gave Xu Fei a few words of encouragement and asked him to practice seriously in the future.

After leaving Master Yan, Xu Fei returned home.

But before Xu Fei could change his clothes, he heard someone visiting him.

Xu Fei unexpectedly went to greet him.

It was found that she was a woman in her thirties.

Beautifully dressed and beautiful.

He seems to be a showman.

"My little girl Yu Wei, I have met Mr. Xu." The woman smiled before saying anything.

Although the other party was very beautiful, Xu Fei had also eaten and used it before, so he just nodded and politely invited the other party to sit down in the main hall.

"I wonder why Madam came to my place?" Xu Fei asked directly without beating around the bush.

If you still have time to be a fighter, wouldn't it be better to refine each skill?

Hearing Xu Fei ask why he came, the woman Yu covered her mouth and smiled.

"Sir, please forgive me." The other party said, taking out a long wooden box from the storage bag.

Open it gently to reveal the collection inside.

An ordinary magic sword.

But after Xu Fei took a look at it, he recognized that it was the one he had refined for the ten Yang Zuns in this year's Dharma Fighting Meeting.

So...kill people and seize treasures?

Xu Fei immediately started brainstorming.

"I wonder if this sword was made by Mr. Yu?" Yu asked with a smile.

Xu Fei glanced at the other party, not knowing where he was coming from, but he nodded in approval.

"Yes, this sword was refined by me some time ago." Xu Fei said.

"Sir, don't worry. Although this sword is extraordinary, it is no longer suitable for Fellow Daoist Yang's use. Therefore, Fellow Daoist Yang brought this sword to our Chongxiao Tower for sale some time ago."

"I saw Liexinxi and asked a few more questions, and then I found out that it was made by Mr. Yu Wei."

Xu Fei was not surprised when he heard this.

After all, although Yang Zun only ranked tenth in the Dharma Fighting Club, he had nearly two thousand pots of magic power.

The quality of the magic sword he refined before was indeed quite excellent, but it was only considered excellent at the level of magic swords made from ordinary spiritual materials.

It's normal if it doesn't suit the other party's use.

I just don’t know what the purpose of this woman who calls herself Yu Wei is?

"The refining skills of this sword are exquisite, and it is extremely lawful. Since you have this ability, sir, would you like to come to Chongxiao Tower and serve as the guest weapon master?" After Yu Wei thought about it for a while, he simply stated his intention directly.

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