However, after thinking about it, Xu Fei did not want to agree to such conditions.

Because he still wants better.

"Seventy percent." Xu Fei said his request.

Hearing Xu Fei's words, Yu Wei looked a little unhappy.

The spiritual materials used to refine magic weapons have different values.

Ordinary pure iron and fine copper magic swords cost almost nothing, but the price of such magic weapons is not too high.

When refining some better magic weapons, the spiritual materials used are not so makeshift.

They all cost a lot of spiritual stones to purchase.

In particular, the refining of magical weapons does not guarantee that each one will be successful, and the cost is not small.

Therefore, Yu Wei's three-component profit to Xu Fei was almost the limit she could accept.

But I didn't expect that the young man in front of me was still greedy.

"I will bear the cost of purchasing spiritual materials." Xu Fei added.

A good hand should be suppressed before it is promoted.

Yu Wei couldn't help but be startled when she heard that Xu Fei was willing to buy the spiritual materials on his own even though he wanted 70%.

If this is the case, then for Sky Tower, the conditions are even more favorable than the conditions for Xu Fei to receive a three-cent dividend.

After all, if you give Xu Fei 30%, and then bear the consumption of spiritual materials used to refine the magic weapon, the final income in the building may only be about 25%.

In particular, the two and a half percent of the income still needs to pay the taxes collected by the Immortal City miscellaneous manager.

Add in some other expenses and you get even less.

"How?" Xu Fei said.

When Yu Wei heard this, she looked at Xu Fei and stopped talking.

I want to apologize for misunderstanding Xu Fei just now.

But seeing Xu Fei waiting for his reply, Yu Wei quickly curtsied.

"Thank you sir for your help. We have accepted the request from Chongxiaolou." Yu Wei said.

"Well, you can tell me in advance which magic weapon sells better," Xu Fei said.

He would agree to help Chongxiao Tower refine the magic weapon, firstly because the master and his ancestors were not involved with Chongxiaolou, and secondly, to familiarize himself with the skills.

One thing to say is that although Xu Fei's weapon refining skill level has reached the fourth level of level 39, which has almost reached the fourth level of 49 that Xu Fei guessed, this 'second bottleneck', but his mastery of the weapon refining skill But it's not subtle.

After all, Xu Fei's plug-in is not the type where everything will be fine once the skill level is raised. He still needs to practice on his own in order to better master it.

So since you have the opportunity to continue to improve your weapon refining skills and earn some spiritual stones, why not do it?

After agreeing on some details of cooperation, Xu Fei left from Sky Tower.

After sending Xu Fei away, Yu Wei showed some tiredness on her face, and at the same time she could finally relax a little.

After her grandfather died and she took over her family's Chongxiao Tower, not only did some of her original collaborators stop cooperating with Chongxiao Tower, but even the Keqing ware masters in the building also stopped cooperating one by one.

This makes the operation of Chongxiao Tower increasingly difficult.

The originally huge Sky Tower has been reduced to the point where it can only manage some low-grade magic weapons to make a living.

That's how Yu Wei accidentally purchased the magic sword Xu Fei refined for Yang Zun, the tenth placer in this year's Dharma Fighting Competition, and came to seek cooperation.

Xu Fei walked on Tongxian Street, thought for a moment and then came to Tianwu Pavilion again.

He spent his own money to buy three thousand spiritual stones and spiritual materials for refining the magic sword.

These spiritual materials can be used to refine almost four magic swords.

Xu Fei estimated that he could sell between 10,000 and 15,000 spiritual stones in the end.

After all, the magic sword is no better than Ten Miles of Clouds and Smoke.

Almost all weapon masters have mastered the refining method of magic sword, but the refining method of Shili Yunyan was figured out by Lu Weapon Master himself, and it is very powerful.

Therefore, there will be a relatively high premium space.

The two situations are not the same, and the profits are naturally different.

After dealing with these matters, Xu Fei drove the Shopee Boat back to Wujiaji's residence.

When the children saw the flying Shopee Boat, they immediately gathered around.

"Dad~ I want to fly too!" the eldest son Xu Zhongliang said with a longing look on his face.

And as the eldest child spoke, the other children naturally started to make trouble.

The liveliness of his children made Xu Fei laugh, and he took out the shrimp boat again and played with the children for a while.

Meiniang, who was sorting out the household expenses, heard the noise and came out to see Xu Fei playing with the children, and couldn't help but chuckle.

This man of my family has a gentle temper and is considerate and loving towards them and their children. He is a rare good man.

Otherwise, her mother would not suggest that her sister serve Xu Fei with her.

At this time, Xiao Ling came over holding two account books.

When he saw Xu Fei flying with his nephews and nieces, a smile appeared on his face.

She knew what her mother and sister were planning, and she was happy with it.

After all, she also loves her brother-in-law very much.

Xiao Ling couldn't help but blush when she thought of this.

So shameless.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Master Yan's manor and reported to his master about his cooperation with Chongxiao Tower.

Master Lu taught him a lot in the art of weapon refining and recommended him to come to his master to learn the art of weapon refining.

The master also generously opened the collection for him to read.

With this kind of teaching, Xu Fei would not dare to neglect him.

Hearing that Xu Fei was cooperating with Chongxiao Tower, Master Yan nodded.

"Good." Master Yan replied calmly.

Xu Fei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and left the book pavilion without disturbing his master, and went to Wuzifang to start refining the magic sword.

A wise man learns from every experience. Because of a mistake in refining Baili Yunyan, Xu Fei postponed the adjustment of Qingjian again.

I will talk about it after I have more mastery of the weapon refining skills.

After all, knowing that one's own weapon-refining skills are lacking, it would be too stupid to still have to adjust the green sword with complicated requirements.

After just a few days, Xu Fei successfully refined a magic sword in just a few hours every day.

This is a very sharp magic sword made of pure iron as the main spiritual material. It is suitable for physique monks. The total length of the sword is ninety-five centimeters. The blade is light red and has a slight halo.

After injecting mana, the halo becomes stronger and sharper.

Both appearance and quality.

About 700 spirit stones were used as spiritual materials. In terms of value, Xu Fei's limited experience estimated that there might be two or three thousand spirit stones.

In other words, after selling this sword, he can get one thousand fourteen or two thousand spiritual stones.

The profit is only doubled or tripled.

Let Xu Fei deeply feel his own shortcomings.

After all, the Shili Yunyan refined by Master Lu has nearly ten times the profit!

More profitable than robbery.

But even so, Xu Fei never thought of secretly refining Ten Miles of Cloud Smoke and Hundred Miles of Cloud Smoke for sale.

Because the method of refining Shili Yunyan was finally obtained by Master Lu after years of thinking and research.

Although he provided some help, he was recommended by Master Lu to come to the master to receive instruction.

It is true that the refining method of Baili Yunyan was created by Xu Fei himself, but it was also derived based on the refining method of "Ten Miles of Clouds" by Master Lu.

You can't be presumptuous. (End of chapter)

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