Chapter 263, Teaching

After refining the magic sword, Xu Fei packed up the W-zifang and left Master Yan's manor.

He raised his head and glanced at the towering Heavenly Weapon Peak.

Xu Fei couldn't help but think about when he could move here?

After all, although it is okay for a family to live in Wujia, it is still a bit inconvenient.

There are too many people living in the five houses, making it difficult to live in peace and quiet.

If you can move into Tianqi Peak, you can circle an area and build a manor house.

Or buy a home built by your predecessors.

Have a leisurely time.

However, it is not that easy to stay in Tianqi Peak.

Either the weapon refining skills are superior, or the existing weapon refining methods in Tianwei Peak have been improved and enhanced.

It is now different from the time when Heavenly Weapon Peak was founded. As long as you are a disciple of the ancestor, or are aspiring to refine weapons, you can live in a different place.

While thinking about it, Xu Feishi left Tianqi Peak and returned to Wujiaji.

Jishang has two main streets, north-south and east-west, which are divided into four areas in the shape of a cross.

The Xu family lives in the southwest region.

Most of the other five families live in the Tianqi Peak disciples' families. There is no obvious difference between the rich and the poor among the four areas, but there are indeed a few that are more luxurious.

But when we meet occasionally on weekdays, we can still be harmonious and not arrogant.

After all, the rules of the Linglong Immortal Sect are still very strict, especially the Chuan Jie Hall, which is run by the leader himself, and can basically handle all affairs fairly.

Seeing that there were freshly made candied haws for sale on the roadside, Xu Fei bought some.

But it's not for the children, but for the beautiful lady Yuejiao and the girls.

Several women had children with him.

They have always been as close as sisters and as close as a family, and there is no souring, jealousy or intrigue, which makes Xu Fei's daily life quite enjoyable, and Xu Fei naturally loves and caress her even more.

But when Xu Fei walked into the house, he found that Yu Wei was here again.

Quite diligent.

Yu Wei's eyes moved slightly when she saw the candied haws in Xu Fei's hand.

This person is actually kind-hearted.

As for why I say that...

After all, as Xu Fei, he basically didn't need to pay attention to these trivial matters, but he did it.

Xu Fei handed the candied haws to Meiniang and asked Yu Wei to sit down in the main hall.

"What's the matter with Madam coming here this time?" Xu Fei said.

"I just came here to see what plans sir has for forging magical weapons." Yu Wei said.

Xu Fei was noncommittal upon hearing this, and after thinking for a moment, he took out the magic sword he had just refined.

Yu Wei was a little surprised when he saw the magic sword Xu Fei took out.

Take it carefully.

The rough hilt does not reduce the coldness of the sword.

"What a sword!" Yu Wei could not help but admire.

"If I let Madam sell this sword, I wonder how much it could be worth?" Xu Fei said.

After hearing Xu Fei's words, Yu Wei's eyes lit up and she felt excited, thinking quickly.

"If you can't sell this sword for more than 5,000 spirit stones, I can make up for the shortfall." Yu Wei said.

Xu Fei was surprised to hear Yu Wei's valuation of this magical sword.

After all, in his opinion, the magic sword just refined could only be sold for two thousand or three thousand spirit stones.

So it can be seen that ‘sales’ is also a technical job.

There are many ways to do this in terms of specific value, target customers, etc.

"Since Madam is so confident, just leave it to Madam to sell." Xu Fei said simply.

"Thank you for your trust, sir." Yu Wei looked happy, but then frowned.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei asked concerned.

Now that cooperation has been reached, he will naturally not turn a blind eye to his partner's difficulties.

"I currently only have a thousand spirit stones in my hand, which is less than half of the value of this magical weapon..." Yu Wei said.

Xu Fei handed over the magical artifact to Chongxiao Tower for sale, so this trust cannot be ignored.

Therefore, Yu Wei planned to give Xu Fei the spiritual stone half the price of the magic sword as usual.

As pledge.

It's just that she doesn't have so many spirit stones in her hands for the time being.

"Madam, just sell the magic sword first." Xu Fei said calmly.

There was no intention of asking Yu Wei to provide any collateral.

This magic sword was his own practice. The material cost was 700 spirit stones. Even if Yu Wei really ran away with the magic sword, Xu Fei could still afford the loss.

"Thank you sir." Yu Wei looked at Xu Fei with a grateful expression.

The other party is not only willing to cooperate with the increasingly depressed Shongxiao Tower, but is also willing to trust She to sell magic weapons.

It definitely helped a lot.

After chatting about other things, Yu Wei put away the magic sword and said goodbye and left.

After sending Yu Wei away, Xu Fei returned home.

But I found a few older children eating candied haws with the core removed.

That happy look was very lively.

But it also left Xu Fei speechless.

"What's wrong?" Meiniang came over and wiped away some stains on Xu Fei's face with a handkerchief.

"I bought it for you guys." Xu Fei said angrily.

"I accept it." Mei Niang consoled her.

Xu Fei laughed when he heard this.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Master Yan's manor to continue refining magic swords and practice his weapon refining skills.

However, Master Yan came to Yaxing and asked Xu Fei to play chess.

As the two took turns taking turns, Master Yan took the initiative to speak and mentioned some knowledge related to weapon refining.

Teaching through learning.

Obviously asking Xu Fei to play chess is false, but teaching while playing chess is true.

This made Xu Fei moved.

Although this may be the teaching method commonly used by Master, the knowledge he learned is not false.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Yu Wei came to the Xu family again.

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life." Yu Wei chuckled.

With the high-quality magic sword made by Xu Fei, even though Chongxiao Tower is different from the past, the magic sword was successfully sold.

Xu Fei's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Five thousand spiritual stones sounds light and doesn't seem like much.

But even within the Linglong Immortal Sect, almost most of the disciples cannot produce such a sum of spiritual stones.

Senior Brother Gou Kewen, who had previously escorted Xu Fei, accepted the task of transporting warrior resources to the Ling Jedi Land for a five-point errand equivalent to five spirit stones. It took ten days to go back and forth.

Not to mention buying a magical sword with so many spiritual stones.

In addition, Xu Fei estimated that this magic sword, which had been sold for 5,000 spiritual stones, was only worth 2,000 or 3,000 spiritual stones.

Therefore, if Xu Fei sells it himself, it is still unclear how many spiritual stones he can get.

Therefore, the cooperation between Xu Fei and Sky Tower is still cost-effective at present.

mutual benefit.

"The actual price of that magical sword is six thousand three hundred spiritual stones." Yu Wei said again.

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

what's the situation?

Not five thousand?

Yu Wei smiled modestly, with a hint of contentment in his expression.

Xu Fei's choice of spiritual materials for refining the magic sword is very suitable, and the spiritual materials are also very refined, coupled with his superb casting skills.

The sword is of excellent quality.

If she had waited a little longer, she would have been confident of selling at a higher price.

But after all, they have just reached a cooperation with Xu Fei, especially since the current situation of Chongxiao Tower is worrying, so they still have to hurry up and complete a big deal, which will not only increase Xu Fei's trust in Chongxiao Tower, but also gain some confidence in herself.

"So these are the 4,500 spiritual stones sir." Yu Wei said.

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