Chapter 265, Four Thousand Pots

The leader was a young man wearing a purple robe.

He looks about twenty years old.

But Xu Fei would never think that the other party was really only twenty years old.

Because just looking at each other, Xu Fei felt tremendous pressure.

It is obviously an existence of the same level as Patriarch Youwei.

"This is Master Huafeng." Master Yan explained softly.

Xu Fei's eyes narrowed, and it turned out to be true.

Tianyun Peak, Hua Tianxiu.

He was born without Taoist roots and entered Taoism through martial arts. He first practiced the Seven Mysterious Techniques, a low-grade human technique, and then transferred to the Jinxia Ying Nian method, a middle-grade human technique, and the Heart-Shaped Good Technique, a high-grade human technique, and finally achieved the Sixty-One of the Linglong Immortal Sect. Among the peak masters.

The level of cultivation was so high that Xu Fei, who now had a level of cultivation of more than 4,000 pots of mana, felt deeply stressed when he looked at the other party.

Master Yan on the side glanced at his disciple.

He naturally knew that Xu Fei's cultivation had improved rapidly.

However, there is no joy about this, but some worries.

Because although there are not many people who have rapidly improved their cultivation in a short period of time, they are not few either. There are many people who can even improve faster than Xu Fei's cultivation.

After all, as long as there are no bottlenecks and enough elixir assistance.

It is not difficult to cultivate a thousand miles at a time.

But compared to those monks who have one small bottleneck after another during their practice, although their practice speed is slow, they can steadily improve.

Xu Fei's rapid entry would be fine if there were no bottlenecks. Once he encounters a bottleneck, there is a high probability that he will stop there and make further progress difficult.

So if given the choice, no one would let their cultivation level increase too quickly.

And Xu Fei was informed by Master Yan, so he was naturally aware of such restrictions.

Although he is not sure whether his own situation will be the same, Xu Fei has slowed down his practice a little recently.

Of course, there is also the reason why elixirs suitable for his cultivation are no longer easy to purchase.

With the advancement of cultivation, the elixir originally refined from elixirs that only took a few years to grow would have a good beneficial effect on cultivation, but gradually it became unsatisfactory.

It is gradually necessary to use elixirs refined from elixirs that have a growth period of several decades, or even elixirs that have a growth period of more than a hundred or two hundred years.

In the past few years, Xu Fei brewed spiritual wine and cooperated with Du Xinwei to sell it, earning about 30,000 spiritual stones a year.

Cooperating with Yu Wei to sell magical artifacts brings in more income, earning almost hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones a year.

But now Xu Fei only has less than 20,000 spirit stones in his storage bag.

Although some of this was for the use of Ye Yuanmei and Shu Lan, most of it was digested by Xu Fei himself.

The cost is staggering.

Of course, such a huge amount of consumption has also allowed his cultivation to increase to more than 4,000 pots now.

This is already an achievement that ordinary monks may need hundreds of years of hard work to achieve.

In addition, Xu Fei's gains in the past few years are not only his cultivation, but also his various skills have been greatly improved.

If he was thoughtful, Xu Fei gathered his thoughts and looked at the field.

Probably for today, the large number of bookshelves originally arranged on both sides of the Red Palace where Patriarch Youwei lived were put away.

It is enough to accommodate hundreds of people from their Tianwei Peak lineage.

And even if the master of Tianyun Peak and Hua Peak came in with dozens of people, it still wasn't crowded.

"Haha, senior brother, you are finally fully prepared." The purple-robed young master of Peak Hua said with a hearty smile.

Patriarch Youwei, who was wearing a red robe, smiled lightly when he heard this.

"You are too impatient." Patriarch Youwei said.

"There's no hurry, I'm planning to go to Daze in a few days." Master Hua said.

When Patriarch Yu Wei heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his head.

The other party entered Taoism two thousand years younger than him, but his cultivation level was much higher than his.

Obviously it is inseparable from this diligence.

"What can I do for you?" Master Huafeng asked Panjian in a very charming manner.

No matter how narcissistic he is, he still has to admit that the other person is a little bit more handsome than him.

"Just stay aside and protect the Dharma." Patriarch Youwei chuckled.

"Be careful." Patriarch Youwei turned to remind his disciples.

After a brief communication, the two men immediately prepared to refine the magic weapon.

"Junior brother, wait a minute." At this time, there was a sound of obstruction outside the hall.

Immediately, an elegant man in his forties with a chest-length beard walked into the red hall.

Seeing this person, Patriarch Youwei and Master Hua Feng bowed together to salute.

"I've met Senior Brother Qi."

When Xu Fei heard that the person's surname was Qi, he thought of someone.

Tiangang Peak Master Qi Qingyun!

After all, in the Linglong Immortal Sect, probably only this person with the surname Qi is qualified to be called senior brother by Patriarch Yuwei and Master Hua Feng.

In fact, as far as Xu Fei knew.

The sixty-one peak masters of the Linglong Immortal Sect are not from the same era.

For example, the Tiangang Peak Master has been practicing for more than 30,000 years.

However, after becoming the peak master, seniority will be downplayed.

In addition to his own master, apprentice, etc., he and his master, other peak masters, and domain masters all refer to each other as senior brothers, junior brothers, senior sisters, and junior sisters.

Obviously, after becoming a peak master, seniority will also increase with status.

"Haha, junior brother, you are polite. I wonder if the two junior brothers would welcome me joining in the fun?" Peak Master Qi said with a smile.

When Xu Fei heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. You said so, why did the Patriarch object?

However, when looking at the other party, Xu Fei felt greater pressure than when looking at the Patriarch and Huafeng Master. From this, it was inferred that the other party's practice was probably higher, and much higher than that of the Patriarch.

Xu Fei judged based on his rough visual inspection, and roughly concluded that Qi Qingyun Peak's major was the highest, Huatian Xiu Peak's second, and Patriarch Youwei's was the lowest among the three.

Just wanting to see what kind of cultivation the three of them have is beyond Xu Fei's ability.

"You're welcome." Master Hua Peak said with a smile.

On the surface, this person is high-spirited and vigorous, but his actions and actions are quite smooth.

Peak Master Qi chuckled lightly when he heard this and nodded in thanks.

However, with the arrival of Peak Master Qi, several other Peak Masters arrived one after another.

Xu Fei couldn't help but think thoughtfully when he saw this. With so many people joining in the fun, does it mean that the refining of the Ming Ling Divine Light is a rare event even for these famous peak masters?

Immediately Xu Fei's heart sank.

He had read a lot of novels before.

Don't tell me these peak masters have any sinister thoughts? !

If this is the case, then this little ant may be in danger.

Xu Fei thought of this and turned to look at his master.

Seeing that Master Yan's expression was still calm, he relaxed a little.

But after thinking about it, I was still ready to escape at any time.

And at the end, in addition to the two Peak Masters Hua Peak Master and Qi Peak Master, there were a total of four more Peak Masters.

In other words, there are a total of six peak masters who came to the Red Hall today to watch the refining of the Bright Spirit Divine Light!

Including Patriarch Youwei, the number of peak masters present reached seven.

With these people present, even a small matter will become a grand event.

Since the Patriarch waited for a while, no more people came, and immediately raised his left hand above his head.

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