Chapter 266, Refining Room

Xu Fei suddenly felt the ground shake.

"Flying body." Master Yan on the side reminded.

Xu Fei quickly used his magic power and floated in the air like everyone else.

Then Xu Fei saw a scene that surprised him.

The ground of the Red Hall shrank directly to the side.

Revealing the underground scene.

It is a huge weapon refining room!

It is almost a hundred meters deep and covers an area of ​​perhaps one square kilometer!

The walls of the cave are scattered high and low, leaving many stone platforms for shelter.

Master Yan directly found a stone platform on the cave wall to stand.

Xu Fei thought for a while and followed.

"This is the ancestor's weapon refining room." Master Yan said again.

Xu Fei looked around again.

The disciples of the Heavenly Artifact Peak lineage, as well as the disciples brought by the peak master who was visiting to refine the Mingling Divine Light, all found their way to the stone platform located on the surrounding cave wall and fell down.

Only a few peak masters fell directly to the ground of the refining room built by hollowing out part of the mountain peak.

And the ground is one piece.

I don’t know whether it was like this when the digging was done directly, or whether it was arranged later.

"I also ask a few senior brothers and sisters to protect me." Patriarch Youwei said.

"It should be so." Qi Qingyun, the master of Tiangang Peak, responded and dispersed around with the other peak masters.

Only Patriarch Youwei was left standing in the center of the weapon refining room.

The next moment, Patriarch Wei sat down cross-legged and slapped the ground with his left hand.

I saw the ground in front of Patriarch Youwei slowly opening up again.

A conical pit emerged.

On the wall of the pit, there were circles of flame patterns, flashing firelight.

"This is goblin fire." Master Yan explained to Xu Fei again.

Obviously, this person brought Xu Fei here to see the ancestor refining the magic weapon, just to help Xu Fei broaden his horizons.

Only a few times did he explain.

Xu Fei was slightly surprised when he heard this and looked towards the pit again.

Goblin fire is actually earth fire.

However, compared with the naturally occurring earth fire, goblin fire is earth fire that has been refined to a certain extent by monks based on their own needs.

The master reminded Xu Fei that the circles of fire patterns in this three-meter conical pit were the fire refining formation.

It looks inconspicuous, but to put this set together, you will need at least one million spirit stones...

After all, it is not easy to maintain the properties of goblin fire refined by monks.

At the same time, Xu Fei couldn't help but wonder why the Patriarch's residence was equipped with a Tian Ping Di Array to sort out his spiritual ideas.

Obviously it is to provide stable inspiration for the fire refining array!

Good guy, the Patriarch's place looks inconspicuous, but it's full of real things inside!

Next, let’s see what happens to the goblin fire refined by the ancestor.

This time, Master Yan didn't need to remind him. Xu Fei looked at the Master's office seriously and waited for the next changes.

After revealing the fire refining formation, Patriarch Youwei closed his eyes to activate his magic power, and opened his eyes after a moment.

Suddenly, there was a burning sensation like a solid flame, and the exhaust air billowed in.

Xu Fei couldn't help but frown and take two steps back.

Then Xu Fei saw Master Yan standing there, looking narrowly.

It was clear that Master Yan had long known what would happen after Master Wei activated his magic power, and was interested in watching Xu Fei's joke.

Xu Fei didn't expect that his usually serious master would tease him like this.

I couldn't help but smile helplessly.

At the same time, I guess that there is a high probability that Taishizu also played such a trick when he brought his master here to increase his knowledge?

So if there is a chance in the future, when he brings his disciples and disciples over, won't he be able to suffer a loss?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei nodded secretly for his wit.

As the Patriarch activated his magic power, the originally large and normal-temperature refining room began to become hot.

As the temperature gradually increased, the air couldn't help but become blurry.

Fortunately, the onlookers are all monks, and it seems that the temperature of almost two hundred degrees is not a problem at present.

Xu Fei mobilized his magic power to resist the heat wave.

I couldn't help but guess again that Youwei was the ancestor.

Ten thousand pots?

There should be no such power.

Fifty thousand pots?

Xu Fei was not sure.

The heat wave swept through the refining room, but it had no impact on Patriarch Youwei.

He raised his hand and took out several spiritual materials and threw them into the fire refining array.

Although it was only a short glance, Xu Fei also recognized the spiritual material thrown by Patriarch Wei.

The red crystal looks like Fire Seal Crystal, the blue jade looks like Heavenly Marrow Jade. As for those white bones, Xu Fei can only judge that they are demon bones. Specifically, what kind of demon is it, the original demon or the humanoid demon? Or maybe it was from a monster, Xu Fei wasn't sure.

However, Seal Fire Crystal and Tianmui Jade can help increase firepower.

From this, it is inferred that the demon bone is most likely to have similar effects.

As the spiritual materials fell into the fire refining formation.

The fire patterns that formed the fire refining array, which were originally burning quietly, burned a little more intensely.

Patriarch Youwei observed the fire for a while.

With a wave of his sleeve, a huge amount of mana fell into the fire refining formation.

However, the fire pattern that had originally obtained the spiritual material as 'firewood' burned a little more intensely, and suddenly spewed out flames several meters high and rushed out of the pit.

The color of the flames is bright red.

Blood inflammation?

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he saw the scene in front of him.

If he could have such a goblin fire, which the weapon masters call 'blood flame', then the power of the refined magical weapon would be increased by at least 30%!

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei thought it was better to forget it.

Because he can't afford it...

Ordinary goblin fire is expensive, not to mention that there are types with other names.

It requires a lot of precious spiritual materials to be invested and maintained every day.

As Patriarch Youwei activated the blood inflammation, the temperature in the refining room dropped instead of rising!

After a while, frost flowers began to appear on the stone wall behind Xu Fei! !

Soon the entire refining room was covered with a layer of white frost.

This made Xu Fei amazed.

The Patriarch's blood inflammation also has the effect of astringing heat.

One is hot and one is cold.

Xu Fei quickly adjusted his magic power.

From resisting heat just now, to resisting cold.

At the same time, Master Yan and other disciples of the Master began to activate fire spells.

But even if hundreds of monks with different levels of cultivation condense the fire method at the same time, the temperature in the refining room still cannot be raised.

Xu Fei saw others casting fire spells one after another, and he was no exception.

Raise your hands to gather mana and urge the fire method.

A pale yellow flame then burned.

The heat that should have been dispersed in Xu Fei's perception gathered towards the blood inflammation activated by the ancestor.

Xu Fei can only praise him.

Follow the disciples of Tianqi Peak to use the fire method.

Some of the disciples brought by other peak masters also activated their fire spells one after another to add strength to the power of the blood flames.

However, Patriarch Youwei was not distracted by this and was still paying full attention to the situation of the blood inflammation.

As the blood flames beat, the flame head that was originally several meters high became smaller and smaller.

In the end, it shrank to the size of a handful.

That is, it is about the size of two hands put together.

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