Chapter 270, Big Brother

What would it be like to have dozens of children, ages 15 or 17, and children as young as seven or eight, eating together?

I can only say it was lively.

In particular, Xu Fei's superb cooking skills made the children gobble up the delicious meals he cooked.

"With this skill, you won't go hungry when you go out." After his father Zhang Lian swallowed the food in his mouth, he affirmed Xu Fei's cooking skills.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly and gave his mother a piece of eggplant.

In ordinary families, there is basically a configuration of a strict father and a loving mother.

Naturally, his parents are no exception.

But my father, Zhang Lianyan, is not very skilled at it.

After all, Xu Fei doesn't care about these two lives.

I picked up a bean sprout for my dad.

Zhang Lian looked at the solitary bean sprouts in the bowl, and then at the pile of rice in his wife's bowl, feeling quite unhappy.

After dinner, Xu Fei came to the courtyard to enjoy the cool air while watching the children practice martial arts.

Although studying has the potential to gain fame, Xu Fei still prefers to let his children practice martial arts.

After all, you can embark on the road after you have achieved success.

Of course, if that child really wanted to manage the world and benefit the people, he would not stop him.

After watching his children practice martial arts, Xu Fei couldn't help but frown.

What the hell is this practice all about?

Although Xu Fei has not been practicing martial arts for a long time, almost twelve years, but with the help of the skill panel and learning from the strengths of other martial arts masters, Xu Fei's martial arts foundation is still quite solid.

So after just a brief look at it, Xu Fei was almost certain that these children of his were basically unlikely to be gifted...

Xu Fei's frowning expression was seen in the children's eyes, making them feel uneasy and nervous.

Seeing that the children were affected by him, Xu Fei quickly put on a smile.

Although his martial arts training is not good, he is still his child after all.

"Not bad." Xu Fei praised.

The younger children believed it and immediately became happy, but the older ones, especially the fifteen and seventeen-year-old children headed by Zhang Xian, were not so easy to fool.

But after looking at each other, they didn't know what the problem was.

After all, in the Broadsword Club, when their brothers and sisters were practicing, they were often praised by their teachers for their good practice.

After practicing martial arts, Xu Fei no longer asked the children to ask questions.

Let them rest separately.

As Xu Fei's child, he is more or less miserable.

From the age of four, he gets up at seven o'clock to read and learn Chinese characters. When he is older, he starts to memorize medical books, and in the afternoon he practices martial arts.

The schedule is full throughout the day.

Basically there is not much time to experience a happy childhood.

As for what kind of happy education Xu Fei noisily advocated in his previous life?

Even dogs don’t believe it, okay?

It's definitely wrong to be too aggressive, but you can't relax when it comes to learning.

At night, Xu Fei came to Zhou Yue.

He looked at Zhou Yue and then at Ling Niang beside him.

Although both women worked hard to dress up, the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes and the appearance of aging made Xu Fei quite emotional.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xu Fei held their hands and said softly, not dissing them because of their age.

Ling Niang was relieved to hear that Xu Fei didn't dislike her.

In a few months she would be forty.

Even if you take good care of it, it will still be hard to withstand the passage of time.

If you go out with Xu Fei, you might be treated like mother and son.

The night passed.

Xu Fei rubbed his waist.

Although he was a little sore, his feet were not as soft as last time.

The overall results are still very good.

At least the women haven't gotten up yet.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Xu Fei and his family came outside the city to pay homage to his grandma and master.

However, after the worship was over, Xu Fei hesitated and found his parents.

"Father, mother, will you come with me?" Xu Fei finally made up his mind to move the family of Zhang's family to the spiritual realm.

Xu Fei was previously worried about what trouble he might cause.

Disaster for the family.

That's why the family members named Zhang have been kept in Ling Juedi.

But the deaths of his grandmother and master made Xu Fei know that instead of worrying too much about the future, it was better to seize the present.

Moreover, the situation of children practicing martial arts is too bad.

Of course, this is also caused by various reasons. Xu Fei will not blame all the problems on the children.

Whether you go to the spiritual realm to find a famous teacher or he teaches you personally, you can make up for it a little bit.

But the final result still depends on the children themselves.

Xu Fei doesn't have any demands.

"Where are you going?" Zhang Lian, the father, picked up the teacup in his hand and asked.

Following his son's advice, he moved from his hometown Gaoxian County to Yongle County, and then from Yongle County to Dadao City.

Although it was troublesome and bumpy, the final result proved that his son's approach was correct.

So Zhang Lian didn't have any objections to this move.

Just ask where to go.

"Spiritual Realm, our place is called the Spiritual Jedi Land by the people in the Spiritual Realm." Xu Fei said.

Hearing such a name, the two elders couldn't help but look at each other.

Although they usually had speculations about their son's fate, when it was actually confirmed, they were shocked.

"Okay, move!" Zhang Lian decided directly and agreed.

As for why it’s hard to leave one’s homeland…

The name Ling Jedi doesn't sound like a good idea at first sight.

And since his son asked them to move, he must have had his own intentions.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised when he saw how easy it was to persuade the two elders.

But he was relieved.

In the afternoon, Yang Yuanhong, the current leader of the Dadao Association, came to pay a visit.

Xu Fei didn't pay attention at first, but seeing his hesitation, he waved his servant away.

"Huizhu Yang, what's the matter?" Xu Fei asked.

Dadao Hui has taken good care of his family in the past few years, and Xu Fei naturally appreciates it.

If the other party's request is not excessive, he will basically comply.

"Sir, you have an elder brother, right?" Yang Yuanhong said.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this and turned to look at Yang Yuanhong.

I don’t know why the other party suddenly mentioned this matter.

"Back then, your eldest brother went out to explore the world. After arriving in Xincheng County, he rested in a flower house and then disappeared. Some clues have been found."

"It's several nursing homes in Hualou. Seeing that your eldest brother is quite wealthy, they got evil intentions and teamed up to assassinate my husband's eldest brother."

"Now these four nursing homes, as well as all their wives, concubines and children, a total of 171, have been arrested and imprisoned in cells in the city." Yang Yuanhong said.

Xu Fei couldn't help but remain silent after hearing this.


Although he is the eldest brother of his predecessor, and he went out to work early and has no interaction with Xu Fei, he is still a relative after all.

From the memory of his predecessor, Xu Fei could also know that this elder brother loved his predecessor a lot.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei thanked Yang Yuanhong first, and then found his parents.

Keep things informed.

Even though he had been mentally prepared for it, after the matter was confirmed, the two elders still couldn't help but burst into tears.

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