Chapter 271: The chief culprit

There is so much misery in the world.

Among them, white-haired people giving black-haired people a gift is undoubtedly the most miserable category.

In fact, Xu Fei also thought about not telling his parents about this.

But after thinking about it, it was better to let the second elder know.

After all, with his superb medical skills, Xu Fei was not worried about what would happen if his two elders suddenly heard about this matter.

And now there are so many grandchildren.

It can also distract the attention of parents, so that they will not fall into grief because of what happened to their eldest brother and be unable to extricate themselves.

"Dad, what should we do with those people?" Xu Fei asked his father for his opinion after his parents recovered a little from their grief.

"It won't have any impact on you, right?" Zhang Lian said after hesitation.

Although these words seem very ruthless, after all, the eldest son has been killed, but when taking revenge, you still need to consider whether it will affect the younger son... have to consider the people who are still alive...

There are dozens of people in the family, including twenty-seven grandchildren and twenty-five granddaughters.

Zhang Lian must be cautious.

"No." Xu Fei said.

Zhang Lian felt relieved after hearing this.

"Then let them pay with blood!" Zhang Lian said angrily.

"Just kill the culprit, don't involve too much." Mother Liu on the side said after hesitating.

Although she comes from a womanly family, many things can be seen from Da Dao Hui's attitude towards her son.

This made her a little worried. The father and son had committed too many crimes because of their eagerness for revenge.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

Cutting off the roots is simple and neat, but it is cruel.

Yang Yuanhong couldn't help but be surprised when he heard Xu Fei's decision to punish only the culprit.

Being able to maintain restraint when you have the absolute power of life and death is undoubtedly a kindhearted person.

However, in the eyes of other people, they are also soft-hearted.

"Don't worry, sir, I will handle it according to your instructions." Yang Yuanhong said.

In the past few years, the martial arts resources that the Broadsword Association has received from Linglong Immortal Sect have increased dramatically.

After some inquiry, I found out that it was all arranged by Xu Fei.

So Yang Yuanhong respected Xu Fei more and more.

After dealing with his eldest brother's death, Xu Fei took his parents, wives, concubines, and children by car and boat, and spent twenty-two days arriving at the entrance of the Sand Sea.

Seeing that he still had to walk five hundred miles across the sand sea to reach the spiritual realm, Xu Fei thought about it and let his family rest here first.

As for security, the Da Dao Club and other sects will help guard the area.

So don't worry.

Then Xu Fei went to the nearby Yifang alone and bought a medium-sized shop skin boat.

Return to the spiritual land.

The forcefully mobilized mana caused the small shrimp boat to expand to more than fifty meters long and ten meters wide after shrinking to just over two meters long.

When all the family members boarded the shop skin boat, Xu Fei thanked Yang Yuanhong again, but he did not dare to stay longer, so he quickly activated the shop skin boat and flew away.

Watch Xu Fei leave.

Yang Yuanhong and other leaders and elders of the Ling Jedi Jianghu sect could not help but exclaim.

The opponent's strength is probably far beyond their imagination.

Fly into the air.

The children were pleasantly surprised and basically not scared.

Zhang Xian even thought about walking out of the red tent of Shopee Boat to see what the scenery was like outside.

Xu Fei stopped him with a look.

Driven by mana and expanded to a medium size, the speed of the Shopee Boat is not very fast.

Two hundred miles an hour.

Almost two and a half hours later, the group entered the spiritual realm.

Xu Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because he had just spent two and a half hours transporting the shrimp boats, which cost him more than 2,700 pots of mana!

In the Ling Jedi's fortune-enhancing spell, not only the use of the spell itself will be consumed, but also additional consumption will be incurred after the mana comes into contact with the air.

Especially to support the huge size of the Shopee Boat after its expansion, the consumption is even more staggering.

This is also the main reason why Xu Fei only activated the small boat, but the mana consumed was almost a thousand times that of the spiritual realm.

Fortunately, I came out with my family.

As he entered the spiritual realm, Xu Fei's own mana recovery rate far exceeded the consumption of the shrimp boat.

So I don’t feel as nervous as before.

Zhang Xian, who was quite curious about the other party and planned to take a look at the scenery outside the boat, waved.

Zhang Xian looked happy when he saw this and trotted over jumping up and down.

"Dad! Are you a god?" Zhang Xian said excitedly.

"No, dad is just a monk." Xu Fei chuckled.

"Didn't you just want to see the scene outside? Just go and see." Xu Fei said again.

After all, we were in the Spirit Jedi Land just now, and everything must be done to leave as quickly as possible to avoid accidents.

Now to the spiritual realm.

Xu Fei had more margin. Even if someone accidentally fell, he would be able to detect it in time.

So there is no need to be so cautious.

Zhang Xian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly ran towards the edge of the shrimp boat.

After leaving the red tent area of ​​Shopee Boat, a strong wind blew, making Zhang Xian shrink back in fear.

"Come back!" Ling Niang was frightened and shouted quickly.

"It's okay." Xu Fei chuckled: "You can also take a look."

Ling Niang shook her head quickly after hearing this.

Suddenly it flew up, frightening her.

After all, she is already older than she was when she was young.

When Zhang Xian heard his mother stop him, he became more courageous and carefully came to the edge of the small shop skin boat.

The probe looked out over the side of the ship.

Below, the giant forest trees retreated rapidly.

There are a few birds that seem to be within reach.

Zhang Xian became even more excited.

"Mother! Mother! Come and see!" Zhang Xian looked eager, wanting his mother to come and see this wonderful sight.

However, Ling Niang just shook her head and did not dare to go out.

On the contrary, the other children looked eager to try.

Zhou Yue sought Xu Fei's opinion and finally decided to let five children go out to see the scenery at a time.

Although Xu Fei's current cultivation level is enough to take care of everything, since Zhou Yue made this decision, he didn't say anything else.

Xu Fei did not urge him to leave too quickly due to the health problems of his parents and father-in-law along the way.

Two thousand miles a day, that is, the distance between two post houses.

It took five days to arrive at Linglong Fairy City.

Fortunately, Xu Fei's previous residence in Fairy City was not sold.

It is now used to temporarily house a family.

"You guys have a rest for now. I'll go to Master and ask if I can find a place to live in the door." Xu Fei also told his parents, father-in-law, wives and concubines about his general situation along the way.

Of course, he didn't say much about his cultivation level. He only said that he was quite talented in weapon refining and was currently following his master.

"It's okay for us to live outside the mountains, no need to bother." Zhang Lian quickly stopped him.

I'm afraid that my son will complain in front of his senior teachers because of this.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly, comforted his father, and then went to the door.

I went back home first to let the beautiful women know.

Then Xu Fei came to Master Yan.

Hearing that Xu Fei wanted to build a house in Tianqi Peak, Master Yan thought for a moment and took Xu Fei to his master Wuchengzi.

Taishizu Wuchengzi's appearance is about forty.

Have a beard.

When Xu Fei came here with Master Yan, he saw beauties and luxury everywhere in the manor.

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