Obviously this master enjoys it very much.

"Want to move into Tianwei Peak? It's simple, five thousand spirit stones." Wuchengzi said.

"Master! This is my disciple's disciple!" Master Yan said helplessly.

"Oh, my family, that business, what do you fancy?" Wuchengzi changed his words.

"Disciple wants a more spacious place." Xu Fei said.

"Spacious?" Wu Chengzi looked at Xu Fei.

"How spacious?" Wuchengzi asked again.

After having a brief contact with this Grand Master, Xu Fei was not very impressed with him.

After all, this person's behavior is quite frivolous.

The masters Xu Fei had contact with in the past, Dr. Zhao, Master Lu, and Master Yan, were all different.

But this may also be this person's temperament.

Xu Fei calmed down his distracting thoughts.

"It would be best if we could have a place of five or seven acres." Xu Fei said.

"Five, seven acres? That's not a small statement." Wuchengzi said with a hint of sarcasm.

Xu Fei was silent for a moment, of course he knew that he was quite demanding.

The scope of Tianwei Peak is not small, but how long has passed since Patriarch Youwei became the master of the peak?

Even if the predecessors occasionally leave, the population is still increasing.

"Master." Master Yan said helplessly.

Hearing that his disciple defended Xu Fei again, Wuchengzi could only restrain himself.

As his disciple, he was very honorable in front of his ancestor, and he had to give him face.

"Five or seven acres is definitely not possible, but two houses are still fine." Wuchengzi said.

Master Yan frowned slightly when he heard this.

Patriarch Youwei paid little attention to these trivial matters.

Most of the disciples of the Patriarch also practiced meditation.

Therefore, the people who can actually make the decision in Tianqi Peak are the Master’s generation.

If Master is willing to help, five or seven acres of open space for building a house will not be a problem at all.

But it is a pity that Master is not willing to do things that are not beneficial.

Of course, if Master Yan brings out some spiritual stones, he can buy an area for Xu Fei to build a house.

But the key point is that Master Yan looks down upon himself as his master.

To put it simply, we hate each other.

It was in order to find a place for Xu Fei to live that I came to visit today.

However, Master's true nature remains unchangeable.

So after thinking about it, Master Yan bowed and left with Xu Fei.

"Master, since there is no room in Tianwei Peak, I will find a place elsewhere." Xu Fei said.

The residence inside Linglong Mountain Gate cannot be built privately.

There are regulations everywhere.

Therefore, as a disciple of Tianqi Peak, it would be nice if I could have a place to live in Tianqi Peak.

But if that doesn't work, then think of another way.

Master Yan nodded after hearing this.

It seems that can only be the case for now.

Xu Fei said goodbye to Master Yan and came to the living room hall.

This is the place where residences are allocated to new disciples who enter the sect, and it is also responsible for planning the construction of some residences in the mountain gate.

Xu Fei came here before and was assigned a 'single room'.

However, Xu Fei only took a look and did not move in.

After a while, Xu Fei came out of the living room helplessly.

His identity is not enough.

If Xu Fei is a disciple of Beilu, he can directly occupy a mountain peak no higher than 660 meters inside the mountain gate.

That is two hundred feet.

But he was only a named disciple.

It seems like a level difference, but in reality it's a world of difference.

After all, disciple Bei Lu already has the qualifications to become the leader.

But the named disciples are just ordinary members of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei decided to settle down in Wujiaji.

Anyway, he has purchased houses several times in the past few years, and has many residences in Wujiaji, which is enough for a large family to live in.

It's a pity that the houses I purchased later are not in the same place as my current residence.

He returned to his residence outside the mountain gate first.

Because they were unfamiliar with the place, the whole family was cautious and did not even dare to go out.

I was afraid of getting Xu Fei into trouble.

"It's okay to go shopping and the like." Xu Fei chuckled.

In the evening, Xu Fei told Zhou Yue that he had a beautiful wife and many children.

Zhou Yue couldn't help but feel helpless.

But this didn't surprise her.

Xu Fei was quite romantic when he was in the Spiritual Realm before, so naturally he would not feel aggrieved and lonely when he came to the Spiritual Realm.

However, Zhou Yue was inevitably worried when she heard that Xu Fei was looking for a female cultivator.

The other party was a monk, and Xu Fei might not be reliable if he wanted to embarrass an old woman like them.

Xu Fei saw Zhou Yue worried and thought about it for a while to understand her concerns.

"We can't live together." Xu Fei comforted.

Zhou Yue was slightly relieved after hearing this.

The next day, Xu Fei and his family entered the mountain gate and moved into Wujiaji.

After being so busy, I finally settled down here with the surname Zhang.

And just when Xu Fei returned to his daily routine.

A man calling himself Qi Zheng came to the door.

The other party is about thirty.

He is handsome and handsome in blue clothes.

In the early autumn, the temperature inside Linglong Mountain Gate is already slightly cold, but this person is still holding a folding fan.

When he saw Xu Fei's servant announcing, he turned his fan.

"Junior Brother Xu, you are polite." The man cupped his hands and said.

"Senior brother, return the gift." Xu Fei returned the gift and welcomed the other person into the main hall.

After the guests and hosts sit down.

"Junior brother has extraordinary skills in refining weapons. I wonder if he can hand over the refined magical weapons to our Wanqing Hall for sale?" Qi Zheng did not beat around the bush and directly stated his intention.

Although Xu Fei usually likes simplicity the most, he can also feel contempt from the other party's attitude.

"Wanqingtang?" Xu Fei expressed doubts.

Qi Zheng's face stiffened when he heard this.

There was no pomp and circumstance, but face was directly lost.

"Not bad." Qi Zhengqiang said to himself.

Xu Fei did not embarrass the other party anymore, but nodded slightly to show that he understood.

"Senior brother, do you have anything else to do?" Xu Fei said, picking up the tea on the side.

Apparently he was serving tea to see the guests off.

Qi Zheng prides himself on being a decent person, so he naturally understands what Xu Fei means.

His face immediately became embarrassed.

"No, farewell." After saying that, Qi Zheng left with a stiff expression.

Xu Fei watched the other party leave, frowning slightly.

If nothing else, something should have happened to Sky Tower.

But Yu Wei didn't come to explain.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he decided that if the other party hadn't come over for another two days, he would have to go and have a look.

These trivial matters were taken care of.

Xu Fei came to Master Yan's manor.

He is going to refine the adjusted green sword again and continue to improve its quality and refine it into his body.

Although the monk's body is far stronger than ordinary people, it is impossible for such a big sword to be inserted into the body safely.

However, if it is a flying sword that has been refined and can be transformed between reality and reality, it can be taken into the body by the monks and kept warm at all times.

And if the quality of the flying sword can continue to be improved, then in the future when the cultivation level reaches a high level, the monk himself can even inhabit the flying sword and achieve the state of unity between human and sword.

Once you reach this situation.

It can be said that the sword controls the world. (End of chapter)

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