Chapter 273, volume

Sword cultivators are not necessarily powerful, but some talented sword cultivators are overly powerful.

It can be said that the reason why sword cultivation has not become a big pit is that occasionally there are some amazing and brilliant people who are the best in the world.

In short, the upper limit of sword cultivation is very high, but the lower limit will also be very thin, and the difference is huge.

In comparison, physical cultivation and legal cultivation are much better.

As long as you practice physical training, you can always exert your own strength to a certain extent by punching and kicking.

The rules for revising the law are similar.

However, relying on the three sword-control techniques that have steadily improved in level in recent years, Xu Fei is still a little advanced in sword practice.

That's why I thought about refining the green sword after several adjustments.

After some discussions with Master Yan, Xu Fei roughly decided on the idea of ​​refining the Qingjian again.

The next step is for Xu Fei to make subsequent additions and deletions.

After talking about business, Xu Fei mentioned the matter of Wanqingtang.

Master Yan frowned slightly when he heard the name Wanqingtang.

"It's a magic weapon shop established by the thirty-first disciple of the founder, Yuan Liuzhen." Master Yan said.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this, roughly understanding why the other party was so arrogant.

The master is a true disciple, so he is very confident.

"Why, what's the matter?" Master Yan asked with concern again.

Xu Fei told the general situation and his own speculation.

Master Yan was noncommittal when he heard this. After all, there was a big gap in seniority between him and the other party, so it was difficult to say anything.

And Xu Fei also learned from Master Yan's attitude that he should not confront the opponent head-on.

So after chatting for a while, we left Master Yan's manor.

arrive home.

Because all the parents, wives and children named Zhang were brought to the spiritual realm.

So Xu Fei still needs to be busy getting some martial arts lessons for his children.

In the afternoon, I met with several candidates who became monks because of their talent in martial arts.

There are men and women.

Successful and innate female warriors can provide more suitable teachings to their daughters.

After all, Xu Fei would not give any discount to his daughters' education.

In the end, after some evaluation, Xu Fei left two teachers, one male and one female, who he felt were right.

The others are average in strength and have no advantage in expression.

Not very valued by Xu Fei.

"The children will cause trouble to you two from now on." Xu Fei said sincerely.

"Mr. Xu, you're welcome." The two teachers were quite modest.

The salary of ten spirit stones given by Xu Fei a month is quite generous.

Their attitudes are naturally correct.

After chatting some more about the children's situation, Xu Fei sent the two teachers away.

Starting tomorrow, the young men and girls from Zhang Xian on down will have to continue to study hard and practice hard.

Although Xu Fei will not be overly aggressive, he will not let his children be lazy.

After dealing with these matters, Xu Fei came to the study and began to plan the spiritual materials used to refine Qingjian again, and whether to delete some of the original spiritual materials of Qingjian.

Refining flying swords, or almost all magical weapons, does not mean using more spiritual materials, the better, or the more precious the better.

Instead, it matches the main material of the flying sword and is suitable for your own use.

A flying sword that suits me perfectly, but is of average quality.

A flying sword of extremely good quality, but not very practical.

It's not clear how others choose Xu Fei, but he definitely chooses what suits him.

Because a flying sword suitable for one's own use will not only be smoother to use, but will also be of great benefit to one's sword control.

Therefore, when Xu Fei designed Qingjian, he pursued something that was both practical and excellent.

After all, as a skilled weapon maker, it would be a bit embarrassing if he couldn't even meet his own requirements.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei stopped busy.

Yu Wei still didn't come to the door.

This made Xu Fei think about it and took the initiative to find him.

In broad daylight, the gate to the Sky Tower was closed.

Under normal circumstances, SKY Tower will continue to operate even at night.

Xu Fei thought for a while and then stepped forward to knock on the door.

But there was no response.

It was clear from Xu Fei's perception that there was someone in the Sky Tower.

And Yu Wei is among them.

After thinking about it, Xu Feiyang said: "Fellow Daoist Yu?"

Yu Wei, who was hiding in the building, heard Xu Fei's voice and couldn't help but panic, but she still came to open the door.

"Mr. Xu." Yu Wei said with an embarrassed look.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this, walked into SKY Tower, and then raised his eyebrows.

The building was empty.

There is not even a magic weapon left.

As for the magical artifacts he gave to Yu Wei for sale, there are still four items for which the money has not been recovered.

So...what's going on?

"Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry. second sister took away all the magic weapons and money, and we haven't contacted her yet." Yu Wei said with a guilty look on her face.

Xu Fei was speechless.

Is there such a thing as absconding with money? !

And he was even touched?

At this time another woman came out from behind.

Seeing the other party, Xu Fei's eyes flashed with surprise.

The other party's appearance is very good.

Thin eyebrows, beautiful eyes, and a small cherry mouth.

Xu Fei was able to score 93 or 94 points even if he was very picky.

Wearing a light blue loose dress, her figure is not visible.

But this face is already quite beautiful.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu, for your continued help. Our Yu family has failed in your kindness, sir. I'm really sorry." The woman apologized repeatedly.

"This is my aunt." Yu Wei saw Xu Fei's confused expression and quickly introduced her.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

He didn't mean to embarrass Yu Wei.

Yu Wei has helped him earn a lot of spiritual stones in the past few years.

This is also an important help for Xu Fei's cultivation to advance by leaps and bounds to where it is now.

Otherwise, as his cultivation level increases, the price of the elixir used will also rise. Even if Xu Fei makes a lot of money brewing spiritual wine, he cannot afford such consumption.

"In this case, does Fellow Daoist Yu have any solution?" Xu Fei said.

Yu Wei looked bitter when he heard this.

What can she do?

Recently, not only do taxes have to be paid to the miscellaneous manager, but also salaries have to be paid to several other toolmakers. Especially, there are also some payments that need to be settled.

When he was confused, he didn't expect that his second sister would suddenly take away all the family's money.

Putting Chongxiao Tower into desperate situation.

Xu Fei thought for a while and said nothing more.

After all, although there is a high probability that Wan Qingtang is behind this matter, even Master Yan can't say much.

Obviously even if they come to the door, there may not be any results.

Let’s not mention these for now.

Moreover, the Chongxiao Tower Guan Zhang had a certain influence on Xu Fei, but with his skills in refining magical weapons, there would be no problem.

"My magic weapon can still be handed over to fellow Taoist Yu for sale, but please take these precautions in the future," Xu Fei said.

Hearing Xu Fei's promise, Yu Wei looked surprised.

As long as she has Xu Fei's support, she will still have the possibility of making a comeback in the future, even if she doesn't soar to the sky.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu. Thank you very much." Yu Wei said overjoyed.

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