Chapter 274, repayment

Although Wanqingtang has a background as a disciple of the founder and is not suitable for head-on confrontation, Xu Fei will not cooperate with the other party in this regard.

Then continuing to support Yu Wei has become a good choice for Xu Fei.

And over the past few years of cooperation, Yu Wei has been doing very well.

The magical weapons Xu Fei refined can be sold at a price that satisfies him.

As for what happened this time, I could only admit that I was unlucky for the time being.

I hope Yu Wei will take more precautions in the future to avoid such things from happening.

After leaving Chongxiao Tower and returning to the mountain gate, Xu Fei came to Master Lu.

He told the old man about bringing his family over from the Spirit Jedi Land.

Master Lu was not surprised when he heard this.

"Okay, I'll pay you a visit later." Master Lu said.

"Thank you sir." Xu Fei said with a smile.

Master Lu helped him a lot, and Xu Fei naturally respected him quite a bit.

Therefore, I also hope that Master Lu can get to know his parents.

Logically speaking, the parents should come here to visit the Master, but the elders are already older.

Especially coming all the way from Ling Jedi Land to Linglong Immortal Sect has been a lot of hard work.

So I can only trouble Master Lu.

After another drink with Master Lu, Xu Fei returned to Wujiaji.

But he received a message from Grand Master Wuchengzi looking for him.

This surprised Xu Fei.

I don’t know why my Grand Master is looking for him.

After thinking for a while, he came to Taishizu's manor again.

All the servants and waiters in the manor are beauties.

The corridors and pavilions are also full of luxury.

It was obvious that he, the Grand Master, was the type who indulged in enjoyment.

Come to the magnificently decorated golden palace where Taishizu lived.

But he saw his Grand Master lying crookedly on the couch.

Resting on the thigh of a beautiful woman, eating fruits fed by another beautiful woman in her mouth.

After eating the fruit, Taishizu refused to let go of the beauty in front of him. He directly took her into his arms and played with her fiercely.

Xu Fei could only turn his eyes elsewhere.

This guy is really in a good mood, he just wants to perform a live sex act in person.

However, Taishizu didn't really do anything.

After noticing Xu Fei coming over, he sat up and turned around to look.

"Sit down." Wu Chengzi said.

"Thank you, Grand Master." Xu Fei cupped his hands and thanked him.

"Huh, just like Yan Qi, follow the rules." Wuchengzi said disdainfully.

Xu Fei frowned when he heard this.

He wanted to refute, but the other party was his master's master.

So when Taishizu only criticized his master slightly, he could only endure it.

After all, respecting teachers and respecting morality is something that needs to be paid attention to.

At best, you should pay less attention to this person from now on.

"Whose disciple are you?" Wuchengzi asked again.

"My disciple is Lu Hao's disciple." Xu Fei replied.

"Oh? Is he that idiot who ran away in anger because his woman was snatched away?" Wuchengzi laughed.

Xu Fei couldn't help but frown deeper when he heard that the other party had insulted Master Lu so much.

Although Xu Fei didn't ask specifically, he heard some things one after another during these times.

So I understand what the other person means.

"I'll take my leave." Xu Fei said with a stiff expression, not even using the title of disciple.

"Haha, why are you in such a hurry?" Wu Chengzi was not angry because of Xu Fei's offense and stopped him again.

Xu Fei didn't know what kind of medicine this frivolous Grand Master was selling in his gourd.

Pause to leave.

"It's really good for young people to have such a temperament." Wu Chengzi said, taking a deed from the side.

"This is the permission to use an open space of more than three acres in the valley to the east. Please take it." Wu Chengzi said.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be confused when he heard this.

What's going on with the man in front of me?

First make people angry and then give them benefits?

What hobby?

However, even though the benefit offered by the other party was quite impressive, Xu Fei did not intend to accept it.

"Thank you for your kindness. Our family's accommodation has been settled. Let's take our leave." Xu Fei turned and left.

Although Xu Fei is usually humble and gentle, he cannot accept others humiliating his master Lu Qishi because of his past, even if the other person is a higher-ranking elder.

Moreover, Wuchengzi humiliated the master and then gave him some benefits, so he accepted it with a smile?

That's too shameless.

Although Xu Fei prefers to let the family live together, he will not accept such charity.

Seeing Xu Fei being so stubborn, Wu Chengzi couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

Over the long years, his life has inevitably become more casual.

His apprentice Yan Qi couldn't stand him, and he couldn't stand his own apprentice either.

Looking at each other with disgust.

That's why Yan Qi didn't provide any help when he wanted to find a place for his disciple.

But Xu Fei is also his disciple after all.

Since there is something that needs help from him, Wuchengzi will naturally help as much as he can.

Only then did Xu Fei come to him after a few days and prepared to give away the vacant land where houses could be built.

But he didn't expect that a joke would make his little disciple angry.

Not even the benefits are needed.

If you don't want it, just don't want it, but Wu Chengzi didn't care.

Continue to enjoy his leisurely life.

Xu Fei left Wuchengzi's manor.

I am quite speechless for my great master.

Who is this?

After being sulky for a while, I simply put these trivial matters aside and returned to Master Yan to continue refining the magic weapon.

The magical weapon previously given to Yu Wei was swept away by his second sister.

There is a high probability that Sky Tower will not be able to open anymore.

So he stepped up his efforts to refine a few magic weapons and let Yu Wei sell them. On the one hand, he would give the other party some support, and on the other hand, he would earn spiritual stones to buy the spiritual materials needed to refine the green sword again.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Yu Wei and her aunt came to see her.

The two women couldn't hide their tiredness.

"How is the matter handled?" Xu Fei said.

"We sold Sky Tower." Yu Wei said with a wry smile.

Whether it's the taxes paid to the miscellaneous manager or the payment for goods, each aspect requires a lot of spiritual stones.

Although there were options to ask Xu Fei for help or to solve the problem, Yu Wei decided to sell Chongxiao Tower after considering it.

It was already difficult for her and her aunt to maintain the huge Sky Tower alone, so they had to rely on the magic weapon provided by Xu Fei to survive for the past few years.

But everything came together, and it was obviously unusual.

Rather than continuing to hold on until it becomes unsustainable, it is better to get out as soon as possible.

To avoid causing irreparable trouble.

After all, since the ancestor emerged, the Yu family has fallen apart and will never regain its former glory.

Unable to withstand open and hidden arrows.

Hearing Yu Wei's choice, Xu Fei nodded.

The other party's choice is undoubtedly wise.

Eggs cannot touch stones.

What's more, if it really comes into contact, apart from a bloody head and a bloody head, what harm can it do to the stone?

"My dear Yu Yixin, sir, I have no repayment for our great kindness to our Yu family. If you don't dislike my handsome appearance, Yi Xin is willing to accompany you." After finishing the business talk, Yu Wei's aunt at the side suddenly said.

Judging from the calm look on Yu Wei's face after hearing this, it is very likely that he already knew about it in advance.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

what's the situation?

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