Yu Yixin, who knelt down and lowered her head to say this, did not see Xu Fei's reply for a long time.

Her cheeks turned red.

His expression also became uneasy.

After all, her approach was undoubtedly a bit abrupt.

But the Yu family has indeed reached its end.

Since the emergence of the ancestor, the monks who used to rely on the Yu family have fallen into disarray.

The prosperity of the past is gone.

But the Yu family still has a population of more than 3,000.

After the Sky Tower is gone, if there is no enough backer to rely on, I am afraid that the wind and clouds will be blown away in the blink of an eye.

After careful consideration and comparison, Xu Fei became the best candidate.

Especially this one who has helped the Yu family a lot before.

As for why it wasn't Yu Wei who had more contact with Xu Fei, but her...

It is also because Yu Wei is more skilled in management and can lead the Yu family to better development.

Xu Fei looked at the beauty in front of him. She had an exquisite appearance. She was wearing a beige dress today. Although her hair was simply tied up and there were no luxurious accessories, she was just standing there so gracefully.

You Qi saw that he didn't reply and showed a slightly flustered expression.

Xu Fei looked as if his hair was being ruffled.

"Ahem~ Could it be that I have wronged fellow Taoist Yu?" Xu Fei said softly.

Xu Fei was never polite to nice women.

Yu Yixin's eyes lit up when she heard this.

The second niece didn't know what she was thinking, but she suddenly took away all the magic weapons and savings from Chongxiao Tower.

Putting the family into a crisis of imminent disintegration.

Now that Chongxiao Tower is being sold, if you don't want your family members to be scattered, you must find a 'condition' that is enough to support everyone's confidence.

As a master of Tianwei Peak, Xu Fei has extremely high skills in refining magic weapons.

The success of Chongxiao Tower in recent years is almost entirely due to the magical tools provided by Xu Fei.

Therefore, the other party can undoubtedly provide some protection to their Yu family.

Seeing that Xu Fei was willing to accept her, Yu Yixin didn't say anything, just curtsied again, and then hid behind her niece.

A bit timid.

After Xu Fei saw it, he couldn't help but smile.

He prefers this shy type to his bold temperament.

After briefly confirming a few things, Yu Wei left quickly.

Yu Yixin is left alone.

After all, we are not getting married, so we keep everything simple.

After introducing Yu Yixin to Meiniang and the girls, the matter was settled.

At night, Xu Fei came to Yu Yixin's room.

In the room, red candles flickered.

Although the wedding was not held, the beautiful women did not treat Yu Yixin poorly in terms of these details.

All the necessary ceremonies were arranged.

And Yu Yixin, who was wearing a bright red wedding dress, became more and more attractive under the light.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, it's getting late, let's get some rest." Xu Fei said softly.

"Yes." Yu Yixin's pretty face turned rosy.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +180’

Yu Yixin is a monk and a child, especially her appearance is over 90 points.

The proficiency points that Xu Fei got this time were the most he had ever gotten by spreading branches and leaves.

And if Yu Yixin can give birth to a child for Xu Fei in the future, she can provide Xu Fei with a full 1800 proficiency points even without Daogen. If you have Daogen, it will be exaggerated to 18,000 points!

Thinking of this, Xu Fei looked at Yu Yixin, who had fallen asleep with tears in the corners of his eyes, and hugged her lovingly into his arms.

The next day.

Xu Fei got up early to finish his homework, and went to Master Yan's place to hone some spiritual materials for refining the magic weapon.

Then come to Tianwu Pavilion.

Although Xu Fei doesn't have much money at the moment, he can prepare the spiritual materials for refining the Green Sword in advance.

However, even Tianwu Pavilion may not be able to get all the spiritual materials Xu Fei needs at once.

And this is indeed the case.

Xu Fei reported several kinds of spiritual materials one after another. The attendants of Tianwu Pavilion selected more than ten of each spiritual material and sent them to the quiet room for Xu Fei to choose from.

But in the end Xu Fei only chose two types.

The other ones are not very suitable.

Because Xu Fei wanted to refine the green sword again to suit his own use, and the quality was as good as possible.

Even better.

With such high requirements, one is naturally very picky about the choice of spiritual materials.

After doing this several times, a steward from Tianwu Pavilion took the initiative to entertain Xu Fei.

"Mr. Xu, our Tianwu Pavilion basically doesn't have the high-quality spiritual materials you need." Although these words were a bit depressing, Xu Fei's requirements were already at the level of excellence.

Most of the spiritual materials of this level have been reserved in advance by the dignitaries in the sect.

Even if occasionally some high-quality spiritual materials are of no use for a while, it is still a beautiful thing even if they are collected.

Therefore, although the spiritual materials sold by Tianwu Pavilion are excellent, they are only excellent.

Only after hearing the steward's half-covered reminder did Xu Fei understand the whole story.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

Can you still play like this?

But under such circumstances, even if he asked his attendants to change batch after batch, it would be difficult to purchase the spiritual materials of the quality he wanted.

Although the problem might be solved by asking his master for help, Xu Fei thought about it but did not bother his master anymore.

After all, he doesn't have much money now, so he can't let his master give it away for nothing.

Xu Fei simply bought some suitable spiritual materials first, and then thought of a solution when the missing spiritual materials were indeed unavailable.

"Please pass these spiritual stones to the people just now for me." After some selection, Xu Fei selected several usable spiritual materials, took out five spiritual stones and handed them to the steward.

Xu Fei just 'changed a batch' and 'changed a batch', but he was not satisfied at all. He really troubled several attendants and messed around a lot.

The steward chuckled and refused.

"Mr. Xu, you're welcome. It's our honor for you to take care of our Tianwu Pavilion business." The steward said enthusiastically.

Xu Fei has purchased a lot of spiritual materials in the past few years. Although he is not a big customer of Tianwu Pavilion, he is still a relatively important customer.

This issue doesn't matter at all.

It couldn't even make Xu Fei feel any discomfort.

In order to prevent the other party from coming to Tianwu Pavilion in the future.

Xu Fei thought for a while and understood the steward's concerns. He smiled and nodded without further explanation, said goodbye and left.

However, spiritual materials are not easy to purchase.

It was still a bit troublesome for Xu Fei.

In the future, you may have to travel and search for yourself.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but feel that it would be nice to go out?

In my previous life, I said, "The world is so big, I want to see it." I don't know how much heated discussion it aroused.

It's because most people have a desire to explore in their hearts, but they are fettered for one reason or another.

Now Xu Fei's strength is considered adequate and he can guarantee his own safety.

So the world here is so big, do you want to go and see it? (End of chapter)

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