The more he thought about it, the more Xu Fei thought it was a good idea.

After all, the Linglong Immortal Sect alone has a territory of 130,000 miles.

Being so vast, there must be all kinds of unique scenery and humanities.

Xu Fei's plug-ins are also closely related to his own cognitions.

Therefore, traveling around will not only satisfy your desire for exploration, but may also promote your own cheats and improve the effectiveness of each skill.

What's more, he can also collect the spiritual materials used to refine the green sword.

Kill three birds with one stone, perfect.

However, before taking action, certain preparations are also required.

At least ask about the customs of each place.

Or to put it more simply, wherever there is a big monster, there is danger.

After all, Xu Fei was traveling, not risking his own death.

Thoughtfully, Xu Fei returned home.

Yu Yixin, led by Meiniang, had already greeted Xu Fei's parents and offered tea.

It's like entering the house.

Although I wonder why my son changed his name, today is different from the past. My son has become a fairy.

It was inconvenient for Zhang Lian and Liu to ask.

Just let Xu Fei handle it himself.

I was concerned about whether Yu Yixin was used to it and whether there was any inconvenience.

Xu Fei came to Zhang's side.

Although Zhou Yue has always insisted on practicing martial arts, she lost too much time because she gave birth to seven children. Moreover, even with Xu Fei's help in recuperating her body, the childbirth was not small for Zhou Yue as a mother.

Therefore, Zhou Yue has not made much progress in recent years.

There is no way to achieve innate achievement.

And even though Zhou Yue's chances of becoming a congenital child were slim, frequent childbirth did have an impact on Zhou Yue, dashing any hope she had of becoming a congenital child.

This is also true.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yue asked as she peeled an orange and handed it to Xu Fei.

She has aged, but Xu Fei is still in his prime.

When Zhou Yue returned from her dream at midnight, she couldn't help but think how great it would be if she could also become a monk and become a couple of gods and gods with Xu Fei.

"I'm sorry for you." Xu Fei said with emotion.

If he had taken Zhou Yue into consideration after he came to the spiritual realm and made some progress in his practice, then Zhou Yue might have the slightest chance to achieve innateness and step into the path.

But now it's too late.

After all, although Xu Fei's medical skills are excellent and his alchemy-making skills are also extraordinary, he is not omnipotent after all.

It cannot violate the natural laws of birth, aging, illness and death.

At most, it is a slight delay and recovery.

Because a powerful elixir must be accompanied by great influence.

If one's own foundation is insufficient and he rashly takes a powerful elixir, not only will he not get any benefits, but he will suffer great harm, and even be directly 'replenished' to death by the drug's effect.

Even monks would not dare to easily swallow the powerful and violent elixir prepared by the 'Golden Victory Method' among the five methods of making elixirs.

Of course, if Xu Fei continues to improve his skills in the future, he may one day be able to refine a spiritual elixir that ordinary people can use to become monks directly after taking it.

But judging from the various information that Xu Fei has been exposed to so far, it is almost impossible in a short time.

Very sorry.

"How can you say this?" Zhou Yue chuckled and comforted.

Compared to Xu Fei, who worries about gains and losses, Zhou Yue is more open-minded.

Without Xu Fei, how could her life be as comfortable as it is now?

So there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

Xu Fei's expression was complicated when he heard this.

If he were put in Zhou Yue's situation, there would definitely be resentment in his heart.

After all, the 'husband' is getting better and better in practice and has the hope of immortality, but he has to accept the consequences of getting older.

The mentality breaks down easily.

Zhou Yue smiled calmly.

After vaguely guessing that Xu Fei might enter cultivation, she also had a lot of expectations.

However, as time passed, the expectations became false.

Zhou Yue was indeed quite unhappy.

But occasionally, Zhou Yue thought of the time before she met Xu Fei.

Practice hard and have a simple meal every day.

He even damaged his body due to working too hard, causing his martial arts to be unable to improve for a long time.

Especially at that time, she had already delayed the marriage proposal because of practicing martial arts, and became an "old girl".

Then I met Xu Fei.

After that, he lived a life without worries about food and clothing.

Seven more children were born in succession.

So this life is enough.

After this mental activity, Zhou Yue finally adjusted her mentality.

Zhou Yue's unexpected tolerance made Xu Fei feel slightly less indebted, but he also respected and cared for Zhou Yue more and more.

After all, with a wife who tolerates him so well, what more could a husband ask for?

The next day.

After Xu Fei completed his homework, he went to Master Yan's manor and continued to hone the spiritual materials needed to prepare the magic shield.

If the refining is completed, this magic shield will most likely be sold for about 30,000 spirit stones.

According to the 70% dividend previously agreed with Yu Wei, Xu Fei can get 20,000 spirit stones after selling the magic shield.

Then he can almost buy all the available spiritual materials that Qingjian needs.

Then you can start collecting information from various areas of the Linglong Immortal Sect to prepare for your subsequent travels.

I have to say that Xu Fei's mobility is quite strong.

If you want to do something, you can take action.

In the afternoon, Xu Fei returned to Meiniang and the others.

Although Xu Fei spends more time with Zhou Yue and other women, he doesn't favor one over the other and takes turns to rest on both sides every day.

However, while Xu Fei was continuing to improve the refining method of the Green Sword at home, he heard a report from his servants that Qi Zheng, who had visited before, had come again.

This Qi Zheng served as the steward of the Wanqing Hall founded by Yuan Liuzhen, the 31st disciple of the founder.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei didn't refuse to see him.

In the main hall, Xu Fei received Qi Zheng again.

Compared with last time, Qi Zheng's attitude was much better.

Apparently, he also inquired about Xu Fei's roots after returning home.

I knew that although Xu Fei studied under the unknown master Lu Qi, his master Yan Qi valued him and kept him with him to teach him.

Although Weapon Master Yan Qi is not the top level among the many Weapon Masters in Tianwei Peak, he still has some respect in front of the Patriarch.

So it's not something to be taken lightly.

"Junior Brother Xu, I offended you a lot last time, please forgive me." Qi Zheng bowed his hands and said.

This time he didn't pretend to be cool with his broken fan.

"I wonder what happened when you visited several times?" Xu Fei said.

Qi Zheng was quite arrogant before and was angered by Xu Fei's few words.

But this time he came to visit again, most likely he had some plans.

"Junior brother, you're welcome. Junior brother, I studied under the lineage of Grand Master Xuanlingxin, and I studied under the lineage of Grand Master Yuanliu Zhentai. We are true brothers." Qi Zheng said with hypocritical enthusiasm.

Xu Fei couldn't help but frown because the other party was trying to build a relationship like this.

This Qi Zheng was angered by a few words from him last time. He was obviously not a wealthy person.

But this time it was so pretentious.

It seems that the picture is not small?

But it's a pity that Xu Fei doesn't intend to have a fight with Qi Zhengxu.

"Senior brother, you're welcome. I still have some trivial matters, so I won't accompany you. I'll take my leave." Xu Fei stood up and bowed his hands in a salute.

Then, without waiting for Qi Zheng to say anything more, he left directly. (End of chapter)

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