Chapter 277, complement each other

Since he guessed that the other party had an agenda, Xu Fei would naturally not be polite.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is whether the other party will give up.

If there is no more entanglement, it will naturally be the best result for Xu Fei.

But if this guy persists and has to think about it for a while, then Xu Fei really has to be careful.

After all, you can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can you prevent a thief for a thousand days?

And Qi Zheng, as the steward of Wanqingtang, might actually be able to pull off some tricks.

Xu Fei, a big family, can't stand the trouble.

So do you want to strike first?

Let's face it, Xu Fei is by no means a ruthless person.

In the past, as long as the situation was not overly forced, he could laugh it off.

This kind of performance can be said to be generous, but to put it another way, it is also timid.

In short, it all depends on what you think.

If you feel magnanimous, then you are magnanimous. If you think you are timid, you are timid.

And now that nearly a hundred members of Xu Fei's family have come to the Spiritual Realm, he will inevitably become a little radical to nip all dangers in the bud.

But Xu Fei soon put this idea aside.

After all, the Ordination Hall is not just a decoration.

Once a disciple of the Immortal Sect is killed, a rigorous investigation will be carried out.

If Xu Fei could do everything so flawlessly, it would be no problem.

But if traces are exposed and traced, it will be a big trouble.

In particular, Xu Fei has never done anything sneaky or anything like that so far. It is quite difficult to quietly kill a living person without arousing any suspicion.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why Xu Fei values ​​Tianqi Peak's residence.

If a family could live in Tianqi Peak, they would hardly have to worry about these messy things.

After Xu Fei left, Qi Zheng's face looked quite ugly.

Although he is a disciple of the Genryu True Lineage, his own weapon-refining skills are only mediocre.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have become a steward at Wanqingtang.

But even so, he is still quite arrogant.

After all, his background as a disciple of Tianjifeng Yuanliu Zhen is indeed enough to make many casual cultivators envious.

Before, Xu Fei, who was also a disciple of Tianqi Peak, didn't think much of him.

But the shopkeeper of Wanqingtang valued Xu Fei quite highly.

He just had to come.

Xu Fei excused Qi Zheng and returned to the study to continue studying the matter of refining the green sword.

A magic weapon is simply an instrument that is activated by magic power.

There are swords, knives, spears and halberds, axes, hammers, hooks and forks, as well as shields and robes.

There are also various puppets, formations, etc. that can be counted as magic weapons.

There are so many types that it’s impossible to know them all.

Xu Fei is currently good at refining magic swords and magic shields.

Because these two magic weapons almost meet most of a monk's needs.

Offense, defense.

Of course, such as Jingling Heart Jade, it is an auxiliary magic weapon that can suppress and channel evil thoughts to a certain extent.

It can also work wonders where applicable.

So Xu Fei is currently learning step by step.

Take care of the matter at hand.

Xu Fei came to Yu Yixin.

Because of her Taoist roots and outstanding appearance, Yu Yixin had some thoughts about marrying high, which was not acceptable to outsiders, so she never talked about marriage.

But later the ancestor of the Yu family became immortal.

The Yu family collapsed in an instant.

Yu Yixin and her two nieces barely supported the Yu family.

I have no intention of getting married anymore.

Therefore, he could follow Xu Fei with a pure body.

Xu Fei especially liked this.

"Sir." Yu Yixin replied shyly.

"Well, how are you doing at home?" Xu Fei asked.

Now that he has accepted Yu Yixin, Xu Fei is naturally concerned about the situation of their Yu family.

"It's okay." Yu Yixin looked helpless when he heard this.

After selling Chongxiao Tower, which was almost the last backbone of the Yu family, even if she committed herself to Xu Fei, she found a good backer.

But nearly half of the Yu family still chose to leave Fairy City.

After all, living in the fairy city is not easy.

The prices are so expensive that not everyone can afford them.

And Yu Yixin's commitment to Xu Fei sounds good.

But how much help can Xu Fei give to their Yu family?

In short, the Yu family has almost declined.

Go their separate ways.

As for the remaining half, maybe he thought Yu Wei could revive the Yu family, or maybe he just wanted to enjoy the benefits of eating and drinking.

A few words of comfort to Yu Yixin.

After Xu Fei chuckled, his hands and feet began to be dishonest.

He is quite passionate about things between men and women.

Probably because of this, even plug-ins are related to this aspect.

It can be said that they complement each other.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Master Yan.

First, he chatted and played chess with Master Yan, and then went to W-zifang to start refining a magic shield.

This magic shield is a water magic shield.

Because refined copper is used as the main spiritual material for refining, its protective effect against direct attacks is not ideal.

But when faced with fire spells, the effect is quite powerful.

After being activated with mana, it can resist the fire spell cast by the opponent using double mana.

The upper limit is about two thousand pots of mana.

In other words, this water magic shield in the hands of a monk with two thousand pots of mana can block the fire spell cast by the opponent with four thousand pots of mana after using all his strength.

Quite impressive.

However, if this were not the case, tens of thousands of spiritual stones would not be sold.

Heating each kind of spiritual material one by one, forging and refining.

This water magic shield gradually took shape.

Then Xu Fei opened the spirit gathering array lightly, and after gathering a large number of spiritual energy and activating it, it emitted a faint green light.

Obviously the refining was successful, and the quality of the obtained shield was also quite good.

Xu Fei smiled with satisfaction when he saw this.

He waved to hold the magic shield and inspected it carefully.

Only after confirming that there are no problems, store it in the storage bag.

After preparation, hand it over to Yu Wei for sale.

While Xu Fei was thinking about what kind of magical weapon to refine next, a servant at home came over to report that Master Lu had come to visit his parents.

This allowed Xu Fei to temporarily put down his busy work and return to Zhang's place.

Xu Fei had told Master Lu before that he had brought his parents to the spiritual realm.

Master Lu once said he would come to visit.

I'm probably finally free today.

Return home.

Xu Fei heard his mother's voice.

It was still about his childhood embarrassment.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

Although it was the predecessor who did these things, not him, it sounded a little embarrassing at the moment.

He quickly stepped into the main hall.

I saw my parents and Master sitting on both sides of the round table chatting.

Master Lu was eating melon seeds while listening to what Xu Fei had said in the past, feeling quite happy.

"Father, mother, sir." Xu Fei quickly interrupted his mother.

He will be forty soon.

Why do you still have to experience such a speechless situation?

Putting down the melon seeds, Master Lu glanced at Xu Fei, quite dissatisfied with the brat interrupting his interest.

After all, after Xu Fei entered his door, he was humble and polite, especially his weapon refining skills improved by leaps and bounds.

Even the Patriarch who previously refined the Ming Ling Shen Guang was involved.

This made Master Lu feel quite complicated.

At this moment, I was quite happy to hear about Xu Fei's past embarrassment.

Quite a bad taste.

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