Chapter 278, Building a House

"Sir, what would you like to eat tonight? I will cook it myself." Xu Fei said quickly.

He planned to stuff Master Lu's mouth with delicious food to prevent the old man from continuing to pester him.

When he heard that Xu Fei was preparing to cook, Qi Shi Lu couldn't help but restrain himself from wanting to continue listening to the excitement.

He has tasted Xu Fei's delicious meat and vegetable dishes several times.

He knew that in addition to his rapid improvement in weapon refining skills, his apprentice also had excellent cooking skills.

So if you piss off the chef, it’s a pity that you can’t get delicious food.

Therefore, Master Lu quickly stopped talking.

"Okay, just look at the arrangements." Master Lu nodded repeatedly.

It is difficult to make progress in cultivation, and the skill of refining weapons is almost at its end.

Lv Qishi is not that hardworking and perseverant.

So I am ready to spend the rest of my life enjoying life.

Food and wine are undoubtedly good choices.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly when he heard this and went to prepare the meal.

I saw my son getting along well with Master Lu.

Zhang Lian, who was a little nervous at first, breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that these people in the spiritual realm would look down on him.

I am even more worried that these things will affect my son.

Now it seems that my son's master is quite easy-going and has a good temperament.

There won't be any strife.

Soon, a table full of food was prepared by Xu Fei.

Of course, the various fine wines that Master Lu loves to drink are indispensable.

Master Lu's eyes lit up when he saw it.

"Mr. Lu, please, you're welcome." Zhang Lian said.

"Haha, then I'm really not polite." Master Lu smiled.

Xu Fei prepared extra rich food today, which was enough for him to feast on.

Eat and drink enough.

Master Lu looked satisfied.

Pairing good wine with delicious food can make people feel happy easily.

"Oh, by the way, there's one more thing." Master Lu suddenly thought of something, took out a thin piece of paper from his storage bag, and handed it to Xu Fei.

"This is what Master Wuchengzi sent over yesterday and asked me to give it to you." Master Lu said again.

Xu Fei took it and saw that it was a deed for more than three acres of land in a valley in Tianqi Peak.

This made Xu Fei frown.

Although he really wanted a place in Tianqi Peak to build a house and settle his family, Xu Fei did not want to accept the benefits from the master because he ridiculed his master's circumstances.

"Although I don't know what happened, it would be a fool not to take advantage of it." Seeing Xu Fei's expression, Master Lu naturally understood that there was something hidden in it.

In addition, Master Wuchengzi's famous bad mouth.

A simple guess can tell that the problem may be related to him.

However, Master Lu had no intention of studying it in detail.

Just get the benefits in your hands.

Whether it's sarcasm or ridicule.

It doesn't matter.

Even if someone scolds a few words and is given a piece of land on Tianqi Peak, then Master Lu is willing to be scolded every day and all the time, and he will wake up laughing even in his dreams.

"Yes, thank you sir." Xu Fei cupped his hands and thanked him.

However, this land was gifted by Wuchengzi after all, so Xu Fei would have to repay the favor in the future.

Send Master back to Valley Qi Hall.

Xu Fei returns.

The next day we started busy building houses.

The mountain range where Linglong Immortal Sect is located originally had no name.

Later, with the establishment of Linglong Immortal Sect here, the name Linglong Immortal Mountain came into being.

The city wall surrounding the fairy mountain became the Linglong Fairy City.

Not to mention outside the mountain gate, the immortal gate does not have many jurisdictions.

But the regulations inside the mountain gate are relatively strict.

Where can a house be built and what type of house needs to be built where.

It even involves specific materials, height, size, color, etc.

After all, if you build a house in the east and a building in the west.

Make everything look messy and confusing.

It would be a joke if someone from another fairy sect came to visit.

Because other people's fairy gates look like a fairyland with misty clouds, but their exquisite fairy gate is full of houses on the mountain?

That's outrageous.

Therefore, if Xu Fei wants to build a house, he must first find a living room hall.

Based on on-site survey and design.

The built houses will not affect the scenery of the mountain gate. Of course, if it can add to the scenery, it will undoubtedly be better.

The scenery in the valley where Xu Fei's deed is located is pretty good.

"A fully built house? How high should it be built?" The disciples in Jushitang couldn't help but be stunned after hearing Xu Fei's request.

After all, this was the first time he had heard of such a request.

"My family has a larger population." Xu Fei cupped his hands and smiled in apology.

There is no way, the other party controls the housing system that can be built in the future.

You're welcome.

The disciples of Jushi Hall were quite speechless when they heard this, but after thinking for a moment, they still accepted the commission.

Four days later, Xu Fei got the construction drawings.

Afterwards, when building a house, you must strictly follow the construction drawings.

If there is anything inappropriate during a subsequent home inspection, it may even be torn down and rebuilt.

Very troublesome and strict.

But it won't work if it isn't so strict.

When the peak masters and elders in the sect were flying back from the sky, they occasionally saw a house ruining the scenery. In a word, the living room hall was really unbearable.

Fortunately, Xu Fei's house is on Tianqi Peak and the area is not small.

The disciples of Jushi Hall immediately understood that this person had a good background, so they facilitated all matters.

This allowed Xu Fei to get the construction drawings in four days.

If it were anyone else, this step alone would have taken several months or even half a year to wait.

After getting the construction drawings, Xu Fei didn't bother the two owners and went directly to the construction of the living room hall.

They are usually responsible for building and repairing the pavilions and pavilions in the gate.

The construction drawings given by Jushitang can be implemented very well.

It’s just that the asking price is relatively high.

Xu Fei's land of more than three acres is about 2,000 square meters.

Build a five-story house.

It actually requires 1,900 spirit stones.

However, if you look for construction from outside, the final building may be different from the construction drawings.

In other places, this problem may not be a problem.

After all, it doesn't matter if the house is higher or lower, as long as it doesn't affect normal living.

But this is not possible in Linglong Immortal Sect.

So in the end Xu Fei had no choice but to admit defeat.

And just six days after Xu Fei confessed, the house was built.

The five-story building, covering an area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters, stands quietly in the valley.

It is divided into more than 100 houses of different sizes.

Xu Fei turned around and was satisfied. The only drawback was that the price was too expensive.

"Thank you." Xu Fei thanked the craftsmen who followed him to inspect the house.

"Sir, you're welcome. We have asked Jushu Tang to inspect the building here. If you want to live there, sir, you can move in directly," Jushu Tang said.

Although Xu Fei didn't really want to speculate like this, in a place that was 'invisible', the Linglong Immortal Sect, which usually looked peaceful and peaceful, still had collusion.

Just like the relationship between the living room in front of you and the builders, is it really as innocent as water?

Not necessarily.

Fortunately, the house built for him was very nice, so Xu Fei pretended not to see it.

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