Chapter 281, save people

Kill them all.

Xu Fei put away his green sword and came to the man's side.

"Chirp~" The golden-eyed eagle stood beside the man, wary of Xu Fei's arrival.

Xu Fei was very fond of this golden-eyed eagle that risked life and death and did not abandon its master to escape alone.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken action.

So even though the golden-eyed eagle was setting up its wings on him at this moment and was on alert and attacking him, Xu Fei did not attack him.

Instead, he took two steps back, took out some meat from the storage bag, tore it into strips and threw it away.

Plan to use food to get closer.

It's a pity that this golden-eyed eagle doesn't accept this trick at all.

Still looking at Xu Fei warily, he was even a little stimulated by Xu Fei's movements, as if he was about to pounce on him.

But he was worried about the master behind him and never dared to act rashly.

"Xiaodou, don't be rude!" The man who was seriously injured and his body was almost soaked in blood weakly stopped the old man.

After hearing the master's words, the golden-eyed eagle restrained himself a little and took two steps back to his master's side.

But he still looked at Xu Fei warily.

Xu Fei looked at the man and saw that he was seriously injured.

There are more than ten wounds visible to the naked eye that would be considered fatal to ordinary people.

Chest, belly, back, neck.

That is to say, as a monk, you have to have a strong physique to survive.

However, the wound was not bleeding much anymore.

This is not because the wound is healed, but because the man's blood is almost gone.

Without help, the other person will die.

Xu Fei looked at the golden-eyed eagle on the side.

The other party was willing to let his spiritual pet go at the last moment, and when following him along the way, there were several places where he could take action.

But the man never made any move.

So Xu Fei couldn't help but guess that the other party might not have an agenda as he thought?

"Why are you following me?" Xu Fei was ready to give the other party a chance.

"This place is quite secluded and few people come here, so many tribulation cultivators are here to ambush unsuspecting strangers. I followed you to see if you are in danger." The man stopped here.

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Although the man did not say whether he followed him specifically to rob or to help, based on the meaning and actions of the other party's words, he most likely followed because he wanted to help.

As for why I didn’t give a reminder, but in this way...

The man has invited Xu Fei to have dinner with him.

But Xu Fei ignored it and chose to continue on his way.

Although the credibility of these words is only half, the other party has not taken any action when tracking, and at the last moment he is willing to let go of his spiritual pet.

Let Xu Fei decide to give trust.

After all, if the other person is really warm-hearted.

It would be a pity to die here.

When Xu Fei approached the man and prepared to treat him, the golden-eyed eagle was stimulated and flew towards him suddenly to peck at him.

Xu Fei saw this but did not retreat again. Instead, he used magic power to gently imprison the Golden-Eyed Eagle.

After all, it is just an ordinary spiritual pet.

The magic power it possesses is more than fifty pots.

It's almost the same as Xu Fei's apparent magic power.

However, Xu Fei only showed so much mana, while Golden-Eyed Eagle only showed so much mana.

The man felt a little nervous when he saw Xu Fei approaching.

But soon he had no time to be nervous. Xu Fei knocked him unconscious, then began to suture his wounds and apply medicine.

The golden-eyed eagle, who was imprisoned by Xu Fei, saw Xu Fei attacking his master, and immediately struggled and screamed in panic.

Xu Fei comforted him a few words, but when he saw that the golden-eyed eagle was still in a panic, he simply ignored it and concentrated on treating the man's injuries.

It took almost twenty minutes for Xu Fei to properly treat the serious wounds on the man's body.

Looking at the blood stains on his hands, Xu Fei used his magic to condense the water mass.

After washing his hands, Xu Fei took out a porcelain bottle from the storage bag, poured out a tonic elixir, opened the man's mouth, and threw it in.

As for whether the man could eat it or not, Xu Fei didn't care.

After doing this, Xu Fei came to several tribulation cultivators who were beheaded by him.

The tribulation cultivator who took the lead had almost 800 pots of magic power.

It is considered profound among ordinary casual cultivators.

There are three storage bags on the body.

Although the quality is not very good, it can still be sold for more than a hundred spirit stones.

Some of the sundries are worth more than a hundred spiritual stones.

For Xu Fei, it was better than nothing.

Instead, Xu Fei found a good-quality blue fluorite on another robbery cultivator.

If you take it back to Linglong Fairy City, you can sell it for about 600 spirit stones.

This made Xu Fei couldn't help but guess that this piece of blue fluorite was either found by the robbery cultivator himself in Lanling Mountain, or it was secretly brought down during usual robberies.

The probability of the latter is quite high.

After packing up the debris from the robbery, the man woke up.

I found something in my mouth, so I spit it out and looked at it.

It was quickly revealed that it was actually a replenishing elixir.

This surprised the man.

Then he discovered that his injuries had been treated.

"Thank you sir for saving my life," the man said quickly.

It's just that he was seriously injured all over his body. Although he was treated by Xu Fei, he couldn't recover in an instant.

So it's still hard to get up.

Xu Fei didn't care about this.

He took out a storage bag and handed it to the man.

"Everyone who sees it has a share." Xu Fei said.

The man looked at the storage bag in front of him, then looked at Xu Fei, and took the storage bag.

"Thank you sir." The man said again: "My name is Yang Xun."

"Han Li." Xu Fei said.

Although the man who called himself Yang Xun said nicely that there were robbery cultivators here, but Xu Fei didn't completely believe it.

Naturally, I won’t use my real name.

However, it is somewhat inappropriate to use Li Feiyu again, so I simply borrowed the name Han Tianzun.

"Mr. Han." The man Yang Xun said respectfully.

It’s impossible not to show respect.

This Mr. Han's flying sword is unstoppable, killing and calamity cultivators are like mowing grass.

Xu Fei looked at the corpses of the robbery cultivators not far away.

There are so many things, and this is obviously not a place to talk. The magic power is used to 'lift' Yang Xun and make him float in the air.

Then we walked a few miles further.

As for the corpses of those Jie cultivators, Xu Fei would not help them restrain them.

Whether they will be buried in the mouths of wild beasts and birds, or eaten by snakes, insects, rats, and ants depends on their own destiny.

Soon, Xu Fei found a suitable place for a temporary rest.

Put Yang Xun down.

Xu Fei went to collect some dry firewood and lit a bonfire.

After being released by Xu Fei, the golden-eyed eagle stayed by Yang Xun's side, very loyal and brave.

In addition, this golden-eyed eagle probably also knew that Xu Fei had saved its owner, and was not as hostile as before.

Xu Fei saw that Yang Xun looked gloomy, and after thinking about it, he used the medicinal materials stored in the storage bag to prepare a decoction for Yang Xun.

While cooking the medicine, prepare dinner for yourself.

Monks can live without grains.

But some subtle things in food also have many benefits for monks.

Therefore, unless there are special circumstances, few monks will skip meals.

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