Cultivation Of Immortality: My Branching And Spreading System

Chapter 283, Pig's Knuckle Collection

Chapter 282, Pig's Feet Collection

Although he could risk his life to protect his master loyally, the golden-eyed eagle was still a beast. Seeing Xu Fei grilling meat, his golden eyes couldn't help but reveal greed.

Xu Fei chuckled after seeing it.

Move the barbecue back and forth.

The golden-eyed eagle's eyes kept following the barbecue.

Very funny.

Yang Xun, who was on the side, saw Xu Fei teasing his old friend and seemed quite fond of it, which made him feel reluctant to give up.

But in the end Yang Xun still said: "Since Mr. likes Xiaodou, I will give it to Mr. to repay the kindness of saving my life."

Xu Fei had heard Yang Xun call this golden-eyed eagle's name before.

Adzuki beans.

It's an amiable name that doesn't fit the image of a mighty golden-eyed eagle.

The golden-eyed eagle Xiaodou probably understood that his master was sending him out, and immediately stopped craving for the barbecue in Xu Fei's hand. He immediately walked up to his master with his paws, alternating back and forth and wagging.

"Gu~gu~" they let out a low mournful cry at the same time.

As if begging Yang Xun not to give himself to others.

Yang Xun looked even more reluctant to give up.

But since Mr. Han likes Xiaodou quite a lot, he can't turn a blind eye.

And besides Xiaodou, he had nothing to reward the other party.

"No need, I just think this golden-eyed eagle is quite loyal and somewhat admirable. I don't intend to win anyone's love." Xu Fei chuckled.

Although this golden-eyed eagle Xiaodou is indeed not bad, it is just an ordinary golden-eyed eagle.

Especially since the relationship between the two is so good, what would happen if he interfered?

Hearing Xu Fei's refusal, Yang Xun was relieved.

"Thank you sir." Thank you again.

It seemed like he didn't know what to say except thank you.

In fact, this is exactly the case.

Facing the unpredictable Mr. Han in front of him, Yang Xun was under great pressure.

However, after this conversation, Xu Fei and Yang Xun were able to chat for a while.

As a casual cultivator who has been hanging out in Lan Ling Mountain all year round, Yang Xun is enough to spread the information about Lan Ling Mountain to Xu Fei.

"Lan Lingshan respects six families and eight surnames."

"The six families are the Wei family, the Xu family, the Shui family, the He family, the Ding family, and the Che family. The eight surnames are Xiong, Le, Wu, Yun, Wan, Jing, Rui, and Ning."

"They occupy more than a dozen abyss crevices where blue fluorite is the most abundant, and they dare not provoke them easily."

"And these six families and eight surnames are quite united, and they will work together if something happens."

Yang Xun talked eloquently.

Xu Fei was thoughtful.

In fact, he was not surprised that there were these so-called six families and eight surnames.

After all, if there are interests, there will be fights. When there is a struggle, there will be divisions between strong and weak. By distinguishing the strong from the weak, powerful families will naturally be born.

So looking at it this way, is it possible that the high-quality blue fluorite he is looking for this time will land on these six families?

On the one hand, Yang Xun's body is still very weak, and on the other hand, I heard him talk about Lan Lingshan's situation.

So Xu Fei stayed temporarily and protected Yang Xun for two days.

Two days later, Yang Xun's body recovered a lot.

Xu Fei did not delay any longer and entered Lanling Mountain with Yang Xun.

After walking through a section of mountain road, the front suddenly became clear.

It is the pig's trotters collection outside Lanling Mountain.

"Let's say goodbye and see you again later." Looking at the market not far away, Xu Fei cupped his fists and saluted Yang Xun.

"See you later." Yang Xun quickly said respectfully.

Xu Fei said goodbye to Yang Xun and walked into the market.

Pig's Knuckle Market, a market outside Lanling Mountain.

Monks and mortals mixed together.

Quite a bit of scale.

There may be a population of 100,000 or 200,000 people.

Lively and prosperous.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he first found a flower building.

I used gold and silver to find a few shepherds to make up for the lack of proficiency points in the past few days.

The next morning.

After finishing the day's homework, I went out feeling refreshed.

I saw a shop called "Wollongzhai" on the roadside.

Looking from the outside, there is a dazzling array of spiritual materials of all kinds inside.

Xu Fei thought for a while and then walked into the store.

Although Lanling Mountain mainly produces blue fluorite, there are also various other spiritual materials.

"What do the guests need?" A waiter came up to us and asked enthusiastically.

Obviously after selling the spiritual materials, he will most likely get a commission.

"Just take a look." Xu Fei chuckled.

The smile on the guy's face never faded.

"Then just watch. If you need anything, just say hello." The waiter said attentively.

Neither overly enthusiastic nor underserved, and the sense of proportion is in place.

Xu Fei was quite satisfied.

I looked around briefly.

"Man, do you have good blue fluorite in your store?" Xu Fei said.

"Of course there are." The waiter said quickly.

Then he took out several brocade boxes from the cabinet on the side.

There are some large and small blue fluorite in the box.

Xu Fei took a brief look.

The quality is indeed good.

If he was refining magic weapons normally, these blue fluorite would be enough.

It's a pity that Xu Fei came to find fine blue fluorite to refine his green sword again.

The quality of these is lacking.

"Is there anything better?" Xu Fei said.

The clerk was stunned when he heard this, then shook his head slightly and said, "Excuse me, sir, all the better quality blue fluorite in the shop is here."

Xu Fei was not disappointed after hearing that there was no better blue fluorite.

After all, high-quality blue fluorite is considered a treasure in Tianwu Pavilion and is quite rare.

It would be a bit funny if you could buy it at any roadside shop after arriving at Lanling Mountain.

The shopkeeper who was settling accounts on the side heard Xu Fei's words and looked up.

After looking at Xu Fei for a few times, surprise appeared in his eyes.

Although the man in front of him was dressed in coarse clothes, he had an extraordinary bearing.

And what I want to buy is valuable.

Plus, it doesn’t look like he’s doing it for fun.

So I'm afraid this person is not simple.

After thinking about it, the shopkeeper came over.

"Sir, I'm afraid that what you want is only available in six shops with eight surnames." the shopkeeper explained.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

This is what he guessed.

"Thank you, shopkeeper, for your advice." Xu Fei said, bought two kinds of spiritual materials and left Yuelongzhai.

The scope of Lanling Mountain is not large.

It is more than a hundred miles from north to south and more than fifty miles from east to west.

The tallest Sixiang Peak is only over a thousand meters high.

It's just an ordinary mountain range.

But there are quite a lot of abyss in the mountains that can't be seen at a glance.

Lanling Mountain is so lively because of the blue fluorite produced in the cracks of the abyss.

Xu Fei left for a moment.

I saw six shops with eight surnames.

Ding Ji Wanbao Hall.

In order to highlight the identity of their own store, Haohao Wanbaotang added "Ding Ji" in front of it.

It makes the name of this store seem nondescript.

But after Xu Fei watched it for a while, he found that it was still a bit lively.

So after thinking about it, I walked into Wanbaotang.

When the waiter saw Xu Fei come in, he was neither enthusiastic nor negligent.

Just a mediocre reception.

Xu Fei simply turned around.

Then also ask if there is any high-grade blue fluorite.

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