Chapter 29, Useless Door

After leaving the Zhou family, Xu Fei began to seriously think about the pros and cons of marrying Zhou Yue.

Because of the plug-in, Xu Fei is destined not to have only one or two women.

Even after it was confirmed that breeding heirs could gain a large amount of proficiency points, Xu Fei felt that it was not impossible for him to create seventy-two concubines in three palaces and six courtyards.

Therefore, marrying a weaker wife becomes a more convenient choice.

In addition, making money must be put on the agenda.

Otherwise, after marrying so many wives and giving birth to a large number of children, let everyone go drink the northwest wind?

That's obviously unrealistic.

As for how to make money...

I'm afraid I still have to rely on medical skills.

Now his medical skill level has reached advanced level 23.

Most diseases can be cured.

As long as we continue to upgrade, there will be fewer and fewer diseases that cannot be cured.

With such medical skills, it is easy to make money.

At least I figured out a few recipes for replenishing energy and nourishing the body, and made pill pills and powders, and the money was basically enough.

However, there is a prerequisite for all this, that is, Xu Fei's strength must be improved to a certain level.

Otherwise, the more money you make, the more trouble you will have.

Come to Lingniang.

Her sister-in-law came again today.

It seems that he will not give up until he achieves his goal.

Xu Fei ignored it. How could the other party persist for a day or two, a month, two months, or even more than half a year?

After seeing no return, the other party gave up.

And if you don’t give up, then we’ll talk about it when the time comes.

But if he really persists for a year and a half, it can only be said that the other party either has great intentions, or really feels that he is indebted to Ling Niang.

After leaving with 3 proficiency points, Xu Fei found his father's face gloomy when he returned home.

He turned to look at his mother.

Mrs. Liu also looked helpless.

This made Xu Fei scratch his head.

Recently, he has been helping his grandma to see a doctor, and he has gradually gained some reputation for his medical skills. No matter what, he shouldn't offend his father.

"Dad?" Xu Fei said cautiously.

"You bastard! You have ruined our Zhang family's family tradition!" Zhang Lian's face was full of anger.

Hearing what his father said, Xu Fei probably understood that Ling Niang had been discovered.

After all, this is the only problem he has.

This left Xu Fei speechless. He was usually quite careful.

In this case, Xu Fei has nothing to argue with and can only accept the scolding.

"Hurry up and cut off the relationship." Zhang Lian scolded him for a long time, and when he saw his son knowing his mistake, he made a decision angrily.

"Dad, Ling Niang was sold by her husband's family. If I don't want her, she will be homeless in the future." Xu Fei said.

Hearing this situation, Zhang Lian couldn't help but be silent for a moment.

Although he lives in an environment where people are distinguished by superiority and inferiority, he does not lack sympathy.

The servants of the Zhang family are not treated harshly, which shows the generosity of the Zhang family.

So Zhang Lian didn't know what to say for a while.

Xu Fei laughed sarcastically when he saw this.

"Dad, I'm going to say hello to grandma first." After saying this, Xu Fei ran away quickly before his father could get angry again.

Seeing his troubled son leaving, Zhang Lian sighed helplessly, and then looked at his wife.

"Looks like I need to find a woman to take care of this bastard."

After hearing this, Ms. Liu thought for a moment and nodded.

"Okay, I'll look around during this time to see if the young lady from that family is good."

Xu Fei didn't know that he was in imminent disaster, so he was still thankful that he ran fast.

After examining his grandma and talking to her for a while, Xu Fei came out of her house and couldn't help but think about not going home for the next few days.

But after thinking about it, he returned to his own courtyard.

After reading for a while, I didn't see my mother coming.

This made Xu Fei scratch his chin, inevitably a little confused.

After all, if something happened to him or he got into trouble, his mother, Mrs. Liu, would always come over and teach him.

Why didn't you see me today?

Could it be that he thinks it's not a big problem since he has a foreign residence?

Probably not?

While thinking about it randomly, I didn't see what happened.

Xu Fei could only rest suspiciously.

The next day at the dinner table, although my father and mother still looked unhappy, they did not preach any more.

This made Xu Fei couldn't help but make some guesses.

I'm afraid these two have some plans?

But what is the plan?

Xu Fei made some guesses, but he didn't have any clue, which made him feel a little flustered.

After all, I knew there would be a problem, but I didn't know what the problem was.

I came to the hospital worriedly.

After treating some patients as usual, Xu Fei left the hospital at noon and went to Ling Niang's place for lunch.

However, when they reached Yizuilou, the window facing the street on the highest floor of this three-story restaurant was suddenly knocked open from the inside.

A figure flew out of the window.

Landed hard.

After falling from a height of seven or eight meters, the person who fell fell quickly stood up.

Then another handsome man of twenty-five or twenty-six, wearing a white gown and holding a folding fan, also jumped out of the broken window.

After landing, bend your knees slightly to relieve the impact of the fall.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the surrounding vendors who were selling vegetables, wontons, and roux packed up their stalls and left quickly.

Pedestrians passing by also hid in nearby shops.

It was a moment of turmoil.

Xu Fei had no intention of standing around and hid in a straw mat with the others.

However, he was looking at the legendary fight between the rivers and lakes in front of him through the crack in the door.

"Ma Liu, you are addicted to robbery, have you ever thought about this day?" The young man in a long gown shook the folding fan away with his hand.

He is so handsome that he can be called a hero.

However, we should also ignore that it is almost late autumn now.

The man who fell to the ground first, with one eye and messy hair, heard the young man's question and wiped the blood on his mouth with his left hand.

Not only was he not timid, he even laughed ferociously.

"Hey, Mr. Liu Liu never thought that he would die well ever since he embarked on this road." One Eye is very fierce.

"Dr. Zhang, you are here too." In the straw mat shop, a middle-aged man in his thirties walked over and greeted Xu Fei in a friendly manner.

Xu Fei turned around and found that it was a patient he had treated before.

Insufficient kidney water means infertility in simple terms.

After Xu Fei's treatment, his health has improved a lot, and he will probably be able to hold his own child soon.

"Brother is here too." Xu Fei cupped his hands.

"Hey, Dr. Zhang, the man in white is named Fang Wei, and he is a master of the useless sect, and the one with the sharp knife is called Ma Liu. He has collaborated with others to commit several major murder cases before. Over there with the government I still have a reward of one hundred and fifty taels for him." Seeing that Xu Fei was very concerned about this fight, the middle-aged man quickly explained.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that this old man with a humble appearance could actually recognize the origins of the two people in front of him.

Here Xu Fei is chatting with the middle-aged man.

Over there, Fang Wei and Ma Liu were already fighting again.

Although Ma Liu held a steel knife and Fang Wei only had an ordinary folding fan, after fighting for a while, Fang Wei clearly had the upper hand.

3. Two minutes later, One Eye found an opportunity and Fang Wei kicked him hard in the chest.

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