Chapter 30, Seven Heroes

Watching the two of them fighting, Xu Fei wondered what would happen if he were replaced on the field.

If he were facing the young man in white, he probably wouldn't be able to survive three moves and five moves.

And if the opponent is one-eyed, I am afraid that when he and Fang Wei are fighting, he will be killed by the sudden burst of several sharp knives.

With such speculation, Xu Fei became more and more sure that he must continue to live in peace and never have any thoughts of becoming wild.

Little did they know that the two people on the court were already well-known masters, especially the young man in white, Fang Wei.

He is also a leader among the younger generation today.

Some good people even called him the "Seven Heroes" together with the other six outstanding ones among his peers.

The useless sect is Fangwei, the law of Damo Temple is passed, the king of heaven observes the fish, the evildoer is alone, the big sword meets the Qin sword, the Xuanwu sword sect Yan Jing, and the Qingyi Han Fei.

These seven people are the most outstanding warriors under the age of thirty in the three kingdoms of Liang, Yong, and Qi, and they are also the most promising among their peers to take that step and become innate warriors.

Therefore, they are all well-known figures in the world.

In other words, Xu Fei was ignorant and immersed himself in practicing martial arts and studying medicine all day long, so he didn't even know about them.

Ma Liu was kicked in the center by Fang Wei, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

The whole person fell onto a roadside vegetable stall that was too late to clean up.

The vegetable stall was smashed, cabbage and radishes flew everywhere, and it couldn't be built again.

But at this time, the government servants and police officers were "late in arriving".

The leader was none other than Team Leader Huang from the county government.

Seeing that Wuyoumen Fangwei had seriously injured the thief Ma Liu, he looked in admiration.

"Mr. Fang is truly worthy of being a master disciple of the Wu Yong Sect, I admire him very much!"

As for the policemen from the county government who didn't show up early or late, they had to wait until Ma Liu was seriously injured before they showed up.

Fang Wei, who has been out in the world for many years, naturally understands the sneaky tricks of these people.

But he didn't blame anything.

After all, with Ma Liu's strength, if he slaughtered these dozen policemen, not even a drop of blood would be spattered on them.

The gap between warriors and ordinary people is huge, and the gap between inner-strength warriors and warriors is even greater.

"The leader of the labor team will take him into custody." Fang Wei said calmly.

"Yes, yes." Huang Bantou naturally understood that his little thoughts were seen through by the other party, so he became more cautious.

As Ma Liu was taken away by Huang Bantou.

The street has returned to calm again, but the number of pedestrians and vendors has decreased significantly. They are obviously afraid that the people fighting just now will be affected again.

Although Jianghu people's fights like this don't happen often in Gaoxian County, they do happen occasionally.

It's just that the county captain of Gaoxian County is currently vacant, so the government servants and policemen like Huang Bantou are showing off their crotches.

Xu Fei said goodbye to his brother with kidney failure, and then came to Zhou's house.

He briefly described the experience he just had to Zhou Biaotou.

"We have the Great Sword Club in the Liang Kingdom, the Wuyong Sect and the Xuanwu Sword Sect in the Yong Kingdom, and the Heavenly King Temple in the Qi Kingdom. They are all famous in the world." Zhou Biaotou explained after taking a puff of dry cigarettes.

"Where is Damo Temple?" Xu Fei asked.

"Damo Temple is three countries away and is located in the mountains." Zhou Biaotou replied.

In the past, there were not only the Liang, Yong, and Qi Kingdoms in this land, but sometimes there were even more than ten countries, but now they have all dispersed.

Only the three kingdoms of Liang, Yong, and Qi were left.

After Zhou Biaotou's explanation, Xu Fei learned more about the word "jianghu".

The forces that occupy a county, such as the Haowu Hall, the Tiger Boxing Gym, and the Eagle and Snake Martial Arts Hall in Gao County, are so numerous in the world that they are not worth mentioning.

To be able to open up a situation in a county, you basically need to have a lot of internally powerful warriors.

Such as Dadaohui, Wuyongmen, Xuanwu Sword Sect, and Tianwangguan can be unique in several countries. In addition to more and more powerful inner strength warriors, they must have innate warriors.

After listening to these, Xu Fei was thoughtful.

If Gao County's Haowu Hall and others were rated as low-level forces.

So those who can influence a whole county can be called a third-rate force.

As for some gangs, sects, etc. that cannot have names in the three kingdoms of Liang, Yong, and Qi, but are quite powerful in their respective countries, they can be called second-rate forces.

The four sects of Dadaohui, Wuyongmen, Xuanwu Sword Sect, and Tianwangguan are the first-rate forces.

After such a division, it became much simpler and clearer. Xu Fei secretly praised his wit in his heart.

After listening to Zhou Biaotou's talk about the Jianghu, Xu Fei did not forget his purpose.

Start sparring with Zhou Yue.

If a person who practices martial arts has not practiced for many years, he will inevitably feel nervous and even fearful when he actually fights with others.

Of course this is just for ordinary people.

Some people are born different from ordinary people. Not only are they not nervous when facing a battle, but they are excited and happy.

And if these people don't die midway, they can basically make a name for themselves.

But Xu Fei is not this kind of person.

Even though the level of Tiger Fist was not low, when he and Zhou Yue were sparring for the first time, they were at a loss due to the opponent's approach.

So the one who needs sparring is Xu Fei.

Not only does he need sparring, but he also needs a lot of sparring.

Doing this will not only make Xu Fei proficient in fighting, but also increase the level of various martial arts-related skills.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Soon the afternoon sparring ended and Xu Fei left.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

Doctor Zhao took Xu Fei to the county prison.

Under the leadership of the jailer.

Xu Fei met the villain Ma Liu who was seriously injured by Fang Wei yesterday.

"When we brought him back yesterday, he was still out of breath, but we didn't pay attention to it. However, this morning his injury was obviously worse, and we asked Dr. Zhao to save him," said Team Leader Huang.

Xu Fei saw the jailer opening the cell door, and then looked at several thick and strong chains tightly binding the evil criminal Ma Liu.

Without putting the master in danger, he walked into the cell and took Ma Liu's pulse.

After a while, Xu Fei confirmed Ma Liu's condition.

His internal organs were severely damaged and several sternum bones were broken.

He is not dead yet, I can only say that the other party is worthy of being a warrior with inner strength.

Together with the master, he bandaged his bones and prescribed medicine. After a busy morning, the gangster's symptoms were finally stabilized.

He didn't ask why the Yamen rescued this villain.

Xu Fei and his master left the prison with 330 copper coins for medical treatment and medication given by the Yamen.

"Well done." Doctor Zhao nodded with satisfaction because of Xu Fei's performance.

When you come to an important place like the county prison, you don't need to ask where the injured person came from or anything else, just do your duty as a doctor.

Xu Fei didn't expect that he could be praised for his honesty.

He smiled slightly sheepishly.

"Okay, you don't have to go back to the medical clinic." Dr. Zhao said after leaving the county office for a while.

However, Xu Fei still sent his master back to the hospital, and then went to Ling Niang's place for dinner.

Listening to Ling Niang talking about trivial matters, Xu Fei chuckled lightly.

He wants to study medicine and practice martial arts more seriously.

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