Chapter 31, Fire

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

That night, Xu Fei was sleeping in his room holding Yuan Niang.

Suddenly a commotion was heard.

Xu Fei rubbed his eyes and listened carefully for a while. It turned out that there was a fire!

This instantly broke Xu Fei's drowsiness, and he quickly took Yuan Niang to find his grandmother and parents.

Soon, the family gathered in the middle courtyard.

Looking at the burning red half of the sky in the distance.

I can't help but worry, lest the fire will come over me.

"Is that the direction of the county government office?" Xu Fei came to a conclusion after roughly guessing the location of the fire.

When Zhang Lian heard what his son said, he thought for a moment and nodded.

"It's the county government."

"Why did the county government burn down?" Ms. Liu said.

"I don't know. Could it be that the night watchman accidentally walked into the water?" Zhang Lian guessed.

Xu Fei's heart couldn't help but move when he heard that his father was definitely the county government official.

Could it be because of... Ma Liu?

Although I don’t know what kind of situation this guy is in, it’s obviously not that simple that he can still get away with it after repeatedly committing major crimes.

So is this his accomplice coming to rescue him?

And the night passed quickly amid the family's worries.

Xu Fei saw that the sky was getting brighter and the fire had been extinguished long ago, so he hurried out and came to Ling Niang.

Ling Niang heard Xu Fei knocking on the door and quickly came over to open the door.

"Master~" It was obvious that he had been worried all night.

Xu Fei saw that Ling Niang was fine, and after thinking about it, he simply took Ling Niang home.

Seeing his son bringing back the woman outside, Zhang Lian couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

Anyway, he was ready to find a powerful wife for his son, and his daughter-in-law would take care of these things from now on.

Ling Niang couldn't help being surprised and happy when she saw Xu Fei taking her home.

Although life outside is more comfortable, there is no telling when Xu Fei will abandon him.

And now that I have been brought home by my master, even if I am a slave, I still have my identity recognized.

I was scared all night last night, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise?

Thinking of this, Ling Niang became even more humble.

After the fire broke out last night and his grandmother and parents gathered together, Xu Fei was a little worried about Ling Niang, but he didn't dare to go out late at night.

What's more, Xu Fei guessed that the fire was caused by Ma Liu's accomplices who wanted to rescue him, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

So although he is a bit cold-blooded, when it comes to choosing between himself and Lingniang, Xu Fei has almost no choice other than himself.

Fortunately, the fire was quickly brought under control and showed no signs of spreading.

So Xu Fei patiently waited until dawn to find Ling Niang and brought her back.

It can be considered as compensation to some extent.

After settling Ling Niang, Xu Fei came to the hospital again.

The medical clinic was also unaffected.

But soon someone from the county government came to see the doctor.

Xu Fei and his master, together with other doctors, hurriedly followed the messengers to the vicinity of the county government office with a large amount of medicinal materials for treating burns and scalds.

It was a mess upon entering.

The originally mighty county government office was burned down to nothing but ruins.

And many families around the county government were also implicated.

In short, there were injured people everywhere.

It's not easy to worry about so much at this time, just focus on treating the seriously injured.

Other doctors came one after another, which relieved some of the pressure.

Been busy for most of the day.

Finally, all the injured were dealt with.

There were hundreds of injured, more than 120 dead, and more than 30 missing.

The fire affected almost one-tenth of the county's population.

After treating the injured, Xu Fei helped his master back to the hospital.

Dr. Zhao is old after all, and he is already quite tired after all this hard work.

The other doctors in the hospital were obviously very tired.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he examined several patients waiting in the medical center and closed the medical center early.

Arriving in the backyard, Xu Fei reported to his master that he had closed the medical clinic.

Doctor Zhao smiled bitterly when he heard that his apprentice had closed the medical clinic.

"It's old and useless."

Xu Fei couldn't answer this.

After taking care of the medical clinic, Xu Fei came to the Zhou family and his daughter.

The Zhou family lives in the west of the county, further away from the county government office, and has not been affected.

However, it is said that a few thieves who took advantage of the chaos and wanted to rob were dismissed by Zhou Yue.

After visiting the Zhou family and his daughter, Xu Fei went home.

In the morning, Zhang Lian saw that some order had been restored in the county town, so he went out to take a look.

Several guys from the family's cloth shop put up a desperate fight when some rogue gangsters came to rob the house.

Zhang Lian was very pleased and rewarded him.

In addition, Zhang Lian also found out some news.

Last night, more than a dozen strong men broke into the county government office and committed murder and arson.

That's what caused this huge commotion.

This also confirmed Xu Fei's guess that the fire was most likely caused by Ma Liu's accomplices who came to rescue him.

It's really so outrageous.

How dare you burn down the county government office? To commit such a big case?

But what happened next had nothing to do with Xu Fei.

He just needs to continue to live in peace, study medicine and practice martial arts carefully.


the other side.

After hearing that there was a fire in Gao County, Fang Wei left and returned.

When he learned that Ma Liu had been rescued, he frowned and squeezed the folding fan in his hand.

The name of Wuyoumen is a bit strange, Wuyou. Isn’t this useless?

However, this is taken from the useless swordsmanship of the useless martial arts.

It is extremely sublime to use useless things to create intentions.

Even though Fang Wei is quite famous now and is called one of the Seven Heroes, he has only mastered the surface of useless swordsmanship.

In addition, although Fang Wei has been in the world for many years, he still has a chivalrous spirit in his heart.

Especially since this incident originated from him, it was even more impossible to ignore it.

After thinking about it, Fang Wei decided to hold a heroes meeting in Gaoxian County under the banner of Wuyongmen, gathering people from all walks of life to pursue Ma Liu and his associates.

For a time, the small county town of Gaoxian became turbulent.


Although Xu Fei occasionally heard about these situations, he had no intention of getting involved.

After all, Xu Fei was not optimistic about his own strength after watching the fight between Fang Wei and Ma Liu.

So I act more low-key and act like a doctor honestly.

Not planning to cause trouble at all.

With Xu Fei's efforts, his various skills were naturally upgraded faster.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/10】【25/25】


Crane Shape Breathing Method【0/10】【14/14】

Sitting Tiger Internal Strength【0/5】【19/19】

Tiger Fist【0/5】【19/19】

Skillfully play eighteen moves【0/5】【13/13】

Tiger Sword Technique【0/5】【12/12】

Proficiency value: 69

The medical skill has reached the advanced level 25, and the Crane Shape Breathing Technique has also reached the advanced level 14.

The Tiger Fist and Sitting Tiger Internal Skills that Xu Fei values ​​the most are about to be advanced to the point where they can become advanced skills soon.

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