Chapter 32, Internal Strength

The county government office was burned down and looted. Although most of the county officials did not live in the government offices, there were not many casualties.

However, the magistrate of Yongle County would not ignore such a major case. After receiving the report, he immediately sent his generals to investigate the case and make sure to arrest this group of murderers who dared to attack the county government.

Naturally, this major case fell on Gao Tong, one of the six arrestees in Yongle County.

Outside Gaoxian County.

Gao Captou, who came from the county town, and a group of Jianghu guests who came from useless families to hold a heroes meeting, gathered in Wuliting.

This was originally just a place to greet and bid farewell to relatives and friends.

About a hundred people gathered at this moment.

All of them were holding knives and swords, so that the family who was preparing to bid farewell to their relatives and friends in Wuliting stayed far away and did not dare to approach at all.

Capt. Gao looked at the people in front of him and frowned slightly.

Being surrounded by so many people caused him a lot of trouble.

After all, he very much suspected that among these people, there might be the murderer who set fire to rob and kill the county government that night.

That's why I gathered everyone today and prepared to let them leave so as not to affect my handling of the case.

On his left is Fang Wei, a disciple of the Wuyong Sect, and on his right is a man in his forties. He is Hu Yuan, who lives in You County more than forty miles east of Gao County. He is a master among the internally powerful warriors and always hates evil. At this Heroes Meeting, many people in the world followed his lead.

"Young Shaoxia Fang, Mr. Hu, you should know that such a large number of people will only hinder the handling of the case. Please ask the two of you to disperse everyone." Gao Tong said straightforwardly.

Gao Tong has a strong case-handling ability, but he is rigid and unsociable.

Therefore, until now, he is just a head catcher.

Fang Wei convened a hero meeting, not only to tell the world about this incident, but also to find Ma Liu's whereabouts.

But days passed and there was no news at all.

It would be embarrassing for Heroes to continue.

So after thinking about it, I decided to accept Capt. Gao's opinion.

Hu Yuan, who was born in You County, was particularly disgusted with those warriors who acted recklessly due to his personal circumstances. As long as he heard of warriors doing evil, he would go to great lengths to seek justice for the victims.

It is precisely because of his hatred of evil that he has accumulated a lot of fame.

After all, in many cases, besides ordinary people, there are also other warriors who are bullied by warriors.

"Since Capt. Gao said so, then Hu dares not to obey his orders." Hu Yuan said.

After receiving the support of the two people, Gao Tong nodded with satisfaction.

"Everyone, Ma Liu's whereabouts are mysterious and difficult to find. I plan to explore the surrounding area. If anyone knows about Ma Liu in the future, please report it to the government. After the information is verified, I will be rewarded." With the decision made, Fang Wei He didn't mean to be obedient, so he stood up and raised his voice to express his decision to the Jianghu people gathered in Wuliting.

"Fang Shaoxia is indeed a brave man. We will definitely work hard to search for Ma Liu's traces." Hu Yuan said from the side.

After a lot of commotion, most of the gathered Jianghu people were finally persuaded to leave.

After dealing with the Jianghu guest, Gao Tong led dozens of detectives directly into Gao County. However, he did not directly investigate the case, but first surrounded the Eagle Snake Martial Arts Hall.

"Master Gao, why is this, why is this?" Shen Peng, the owner of the Eagle Snake Martial Arts Hall, came out with a panicked expression.

"Let me ask you, what was your Eagle Snake Martial Arts School doing that night when the county government was attacked?" Gao Tong said.

"This... of course is to stick to the martial arts hall to avoid impact..." Shen Peng stumbled.

"Huh, the imperial court is merciful and allows you and other martial arts schools to exist in order to help suppress the county government when it is invaded by warriors. You have to pick yourselves clean. If that is the case, then it should not exist."

"Effective today, the Eagle Snake Martial Arts Hall will be removed from the list!" Gao Tong said coldly.

Gao Tong did not hesitate to ban the Eagle Snake Martial Arts Gym, which also made the other two martial arts gyms in Gao County: Haowu Hall and Tiger Boxing Gym feel particularly lucky that they sent their disciples to help when something went wrong.

As for the Dadao Society, which is a force that spreads throughout the Liang Kingdom, it will naturally not follow the facts. Although it did not support the county government when the incident occurred, it also maintained peace in the area where the Dadao Society is located and the two surrounding areas to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the situation. .

This is why although the county government office in Gaoxian County was burned down, there was no large-scale riot in the entire county.

Some order was even restored the next day.


However, all these external disturbances have nothing to do with Xu Fei.

Because he felt that he was about to develop his inner strength and become an inner strength warrior!

A martial artist is proficient in fists, feet, swords, routines, and Kung Fu. It is basically commonplace for him to defeat many ordinary people with one person.

After a martial artist has mastered martial arts and developed internal strength through a strong body, he can further become an internal strength warrior.

Based on some of Zhou Biaotou's popularity, and watching the fight between Wuyongmen Fangwei and Ma Liu some time ago, Xu Fei was quite looking forward to his inner strength.

After all, if nothing else goes wrong, inner strength should be similar to the 'inner strength' in various martial arts novels.

Will he be able to cross the river by flying flowers and throwing leaves and reeds?

So in the past few days, Xu Fei not only did not go to the medical center, nor did he go to Zhou's house to practice with Zhou Yue, he even stopped opening branches and leaves to obtain proficiency points.

The purpose is to put yourself in a good state and be able to develop your inner strength.

After practicing the Tiger Fist again, Xu Fei let out a breath of turbid energy.

He took the cotton towel handed over by Ling Niang and wiped the sweat.

After practicing Tiger Fist for about a month, Xu Fei actually felt that he was about to develop his inner strength.

After all, the Secret Book of Sitting Tiger Neigong details how to develop inner strength.

And even if Xu Fei was careless, he used his proficiency points to increase Sitting Tiger's internal strength to level 19.

In terms of fighting with others, Xu Fei still needs to master and use the various martial arts skills he has piled up with proficiency points, but in other aspects the effects are real.

Level 19 Sitting Tiger Internal Kung Fu is worth several years or even ten years of hard training for others to master.

not kidding.

In particular, after the Crane Shape Breathing Method was advanced, Xu Fei had a clearer grasp of his own situation, and Xu Fei was sure that his feelings were not wrong.

Thinking of the breath-taking method, Xu Fei took a short break, and instead of continuing to practice the fierce tiger fist, he switched to practicing the breath-taking method.

The soothing movements of the Crane Shape Breathing Technique relax the body that was a little tense after practicing the Tiger Fist for the past few days.

And the moment Xu Fei relaxed, his body shook.

A special feeling emerged.

Inner energy!

Speaking of Xuanqi, after Xu Fei really developed his inner energy and felt it personally, he couldn't help but feel like 'that's how it is'.

In fact, to put it bluntly, inner strength is an extra 'power' that is different from one's own strength.

When you want to mobilize with hands and feet no doubt.

It's just that because of the new internal energy, just like a child learning to walk and babbling, there will be some sluggishness and jerkiness.

But you can master it once you get familiar with it.

Finally developing his inner strength, Xu Fei showed joy on his face, and he used his inner strength to take a photo of a pomegranate tree as thick as a bowl in his courtyard.

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